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Everything posted by X_B345T_X

  1. it looks to me the workings of ms paint?? (text)
  2. dude i wouldnt get your hopes up. Too much filters? :?
  3. the text in th sig looks smoother and has a drop shadow added to it, also make the avatar have a 1px stroke and see what it looks like. Try that in the Avatar and i think it'll be 10x better
  4. ^ All Brushed ^ Current posted again so you can see borders
  5. hmm i tried an all brushed sig, and i duno which one of mine to use :s
  6. too sharp for my liking, all look more or less the same too ;(
  7. first sig? if not, you need practice. try some brushing
  8. i would enter but i hate rs2 :roll:
  9. i dont think it looks tooooo bad to be honest
  10. ^I think he means he copied the pic from Paint and it had that white solid background You could use the magic selection tool (looks like a magic wand) invert the selection and press delete to remove the solid white bit, leaving your santa hat / p hat
  11. there is/used to be a tutorial on this stuff... For the most basic signatures Paint will do. Ive heard of a program called Gimp (its free - search google for the site) its supposed to be quite good. Look for F12 on your keyboard, there is a button to the right of it called prt scr or print screen or something along those lines. Print Screen will take a picture of you screen so when you paste (ctrl + v) in an imaging program, your 'screenshot' will apprear You can then crop the image or do whatever you like, thats all the detail im givin' ~Good Lux0r :wink:
  12. that looks 10x better IMO, nice job :wink:
  13. Nice one demoris, just looks like the waterfall doesnt belong there :S all thats wrong with it (IMO) is that the waterfall looks.. out of place.. niiice anywayz
  14. to be completely honest i thing they could be better.. :roll: compared to other people's work, these peices lack detail, for example take the star's in your most recent peice: the rune armour isnt too bad, but i thing the text combined with that rune bluish hill thing ruin it I dont really get a true 'pixel' feel from these at all ^This is probably because your new to the pixel scene, i know i can do much better, all you need is a lil more practice (IMO) ----------------------- Just being honest, no offecnce
  15. maby your a feminine kina guy :lol: lol j/k :wink:
  16. omgomgomg :shock: :shock: :shock:
  17. [img=http://img50.exs.cx/img50/6141/AAAfrozze20sigi.png] .bmp not allowed here :wink: not bad 6/10
  18. maby.. if its at all possible, reduce the opacity of the rings and remove the shadow cast by it It looks waay too empty, i'd prefere a sorta gaseous effect in the bg, rather than a few stars here and there
  19. tbh it doesnt really look like a star as such... more like a 'ball' of lightning (which you can of course get irl)
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