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Everything posted by mikercool

  1. Well I am going on Vacation! One more try at FireCape on Hotel HighSpeed!
  2. Please don't copy peoples SIGs. It just makes you look like a noob...
  3. Saying yours is great (Clapping) and mine is sh*t (shoting myself). Same, I am doing on vacation on friday for like 3-4 days...
  4. You can't put a Link "In" the picture, but you can make the "Whole Picture" a Link... You need to give more detail.
  5. Most monkeys could crop better then you, you know... :notalk: Most ants could crop better then me, I know... \
  6. ^^ Half-Life-2: Lost Coast... I spent a week and a half downloading that on 28.8kbps Dial-Up! It was worth it!
  7. Feel free to post unfinshed stuff so I can finesse it (AKA Punch into submission) :roll:
  8. Characters: Character's appearance: *Picture-A* Make it look like I am not trying (Powerful) Background: Lava-Maze likeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ Event: Me killing Old Stile Black Demon, Special details: Other: I know I have under 200 Posts but can you please make me a Pixel SIG. I am playing less and starting to use this forum more. You can make it as big as I can get for 30kb. Just make it look cool, I trust you. Font: W/E looks best Text My name ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅMikercoolÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  9. Good thing I have 28.8kbps Dial-Up (Fastest you can get here)
  10. Characters: Character's appearance: *Picture-A* Make it look like I am not trying (Powerful) Background: Lava-Maze likeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ Event: Me killing Old Stile Black Demon, Special details: Other: I know I have under 200 Posts but can you please make me a Pixel SIG. I am playing less and starting to use this forum more. You can make it as big as I can get for 30kb. Just make it look cool, I trust you. Font: W/E looks best Text My name ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅMikercoolÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  11. Any one want to finish this Avvy I will love you... I want like top of Chain, Fury and Cape showing and maybe a bank with people in the back. I tryed but the sholders on the chain and face shading made me give up.:roll: I will be happy with anything :D dark_shadow is working on this SIG now... I wish I was this good!
  12. What program did you make it with? I have Photoshop and Paint... I have been useing Paint. Want to help me make one? :pray: (Just give me tips) I really want one like yours, mine is Sh*t! Look how blury it got because I forgot to start making it in .jpg!
  13. How did you lose it? Who made your SIG?
  14. I would say 2k Arrows to be safe... Nothing like having Jad at Red-Bar and needing to kick her to death...
  15. 1. No, just most of the time. 2. Just guess... :( 3. Waste of Inventory Spot. 4. What Monsters are you going to start Ranging on? 180? 360? Jad?
  16. Great Idea! Would the name of the "Tab",what ever you want it to be called, be censered?
  17. Sara Brews any time you need to Heal, drink 2 doses of Sara then one of Super Restore to bring levels back up. One Crystal and one X Bow will work great!
  18. On the 2nd time ever in cave I got all the way to Jad, but she spawned off screen and I got po0ned... I will go for it 100 more times when I get rid of this F**king 28.8kbps Dial-Up... Here are the Pictures of my Inventory... I Guthan-ed to 180s then I Hally-ed to Jad, then Ranged Jad, well I would've.
  19. 1633 Total / 115 Combat = 14.2 ~You need make it... Total / Combat * Worth-in-Mill
  20. Dynamic Lighting in a game like RuneScape would be impossible. RuneScape works on the principle that all affects are ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅPre-DoneÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  21. Nathaninch, Can you add me ingame? I am a level 115 and have one more method of killing the Giant Mole. I have over 300 kills and I think you will like my method. I would be more then happy to type-up my method if you want to, or I can just show you how I do it sometime. I use Melee, don't pray and I only use like 6 Sharks a run, yet I can kill till my inventory is full. (You will like this). Look here to see my work. (T) & P's Slayer Futility *Edit* I am geting a life and playing RS less :cry: so don't worry if you don't see me right away... *Edit2* Drop List... Ruby: 1 No drop: 8 Half key: 2 Mith bar: 6 Emerald: 2 Sapphire: 4 Shark * 4: 6 Addy long: 20 Coins * 3k: 1 Mith plate: 22 Rune med: 7 Mith B-Axe: 3 Mith WC Ace: 1 Iron Ore * 100: 2 Yew logs * 100: 30 Air runes * 105: 40 Law runes * 15: 13 Law runes * 45: 1 Fire rune * 105: 26 Blood rune * 15: 45 Strenght Ammy: 20 Deaths runes * 7: 8 Iron arrows * 690: 29 Nature runes * 67: 1 Deaths runes * 45: 1
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