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Everything posted by Dyronamics

  1. It is a complicated order though.... And there aren't that many people who are confident enough to do a battle scene with that many characters in pixelart....
  2. Dont EVER use that spraycan in paint, if you want grass, get a dark green bit and stick some clumps of lighter green grass on it. He looks like hes got constipation (massive eyes = guy looking scared) I have a vague suspicion that that party hat was from a screenshot then enlarged which is why its the only thing with detailed shading, try to get the whole of the picture done in the same style. But overall I think it actually looks rather interesting, just get some real grass and make his eyes a bit smaller..... Ps. Can I borrow your image over the weekend so I can try adding a interesting bit of animation to it? By that I mean I'll take a copy of it, edit it a bit, turn it into an animated .gif and post it back again on Monday....
  3. Cool sword :) However its a bit hard to see where the sword blade stops and the water begins because they're rather similar colours, perhaps create a bit of contrast between them? Fix that and it'll be perfect. Gives me the idea of a sword dropped during some kind of celebration with the reflection of the little lights on the water, but the grey one on the sword doesn't look right and I think it would be better without it..... 8.5/10 for now though :)
  4. Er.... The design in the middle looks like it would do better if there was more of it to see.... The whitish border around it doesn't look right - might be a good idea to get rid of it, have a smaller border or have a simpler border design..... I also agree that the text looks squashed and slightly unreadable, its better to go for a simpler font which you can read than one which is more complex but harder to read....
  5. The white outline of the knight gives a rather dodgy appearance, if you cant get the knight to look right without an outline use black...... Text on the signs to the right is a bit unreadable, try and make it bigger and clearer - just use a set text and the text tool in paint, the hand drawn stuff looks ok on the tree but for the sign use a real text. Try doing more subtle shading, the differences between the different colours in the sky seems too visible to me. Btw remove the SAMPLE thing stamped on it.... no one on these boards is going to steal your sig.... its got your name engraved on it already..... Not bad though 5/10 :)
  6. Uh.... this is basic stuff.... :? But if you really don't know yet..... In justabout every graphics program I've seen theres a little button somewhere with a small rectangle or square on it outlined by a black and white dashed line, click on it. Then select the area of the image you want to remove (Left-click and drag) and hit delete.
  7. Abstract images start to all look the same after a while.... Looks ok if you did it yourself
  8. Font in bottom right is impossible to read and its hard to see the main text in it too.... perhaps choose a simpler font/make it less opaque so its actually possible to read it.... The flashing text at the bottom of the sig doesn't really match nor does the grey design its on..... Background isnt bad though
  9. You have one hell of a pocketknife..... It looks a bit like a short japanese sword :) Outlines are a little bit heavy on the knife I'd say and the SAMPLE stamped across it seems to give the impression that the blade is off-centre of the hilt..... However the background looks nice and the streaked shading gives an interesting feeling of rain, might look better if the knife was slightly shaded by the rain too though :)
  10. Give the ranger a bit more contrast.... the picture looks a bit iffy where hes holding the dagger because of the brightness of his gloves and the lack shading on them.... ....and detailed faces..... faces are good unless its a evil thingy with his face shaded...... Cliff background and greenery looks good but again not a lot of contrast between the tree in the foreground and the cliff..... I agree that the rune guy needs a bit of animation..... legs and arms could be tweaked to make it look like he's walking? Otherwise the idea is pretty good and it looks like it took a while to make :)
  11. Not too bad (for a pixel sig) but MS Paint has a nasty thing about messing up jpegs.....
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