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Everything posted by Dyronamics

  1. Finally one with some animation :) Bit dull with only text and plain lines, try using other animation techniques than just fade. 4/10 :wink:
  2. The picture looks as if its a good picture but being seen though a fuzzy haze.... The trees add a good bordering effect but look out of place since they are the only vegetation in the whole picture.... 6/10
  3. 1) Why draw in the muscles if you were going to cover it with a sheet of scales? 2) The shield is being held at an angle so it looks small from this viewpoint
  4. Why not just edit the number over a picture of ONE of each of them?
  5. ....superior? :lol: Its just the way I talk.... I did add a humourous smilie in my post so I'm trying :) Anyway theres nothing whatsoever wrong with posting sigs with a really low post count. Its just that people who do post up interesting sigs with a low post count tend not to have done it themselves and so if I post back I tend to be instantly suspicious. All is clear now though.
  6. There are other ways of drawing from scratch than pixeling. Its just that they're harder to do.
  7. About 6.5 for the whole visual effect I have doubts on how much of it you did though, 2 posts and a sig design already? Oh and its about 100k over the limit..... and about 100 pixels too wide to use here.... and your existing sig is over the limit too :wink: sig limits are 300x150 pixels with a max filesize of 30kbs
  8. Car seats.....? I swear that pictures out of a manufacturer's website.... looks disgustingly real :wink:
  9. Two frames :P But I agree that theres not really much to rate on just that..... Try doing manual animation - shuffling about 30 frames around to make something bounce about or something, it wont be within the size limits for a sig but its a more rateable animation than switching 2 frames....
  10. Nice to see the chessboard makes sense :) The nightmare of a checkmate come back to haunt you :wink:
  11. Dam me but your designs are good.... I like the pitted surface on the mace and chain, gives it a 'crude' or rough feel, something you'd expect from a weapon which is intended for brutal crushing blows.... I also like the added touch of a leather handgrip, it makes it look more like a real functional weapon... However I do want to niggle at the way the bow looks rather clunky.... they're meant to be bent out of wood, not carved otherwise they dont have any spring in them and it does have a rather carved/ornamental look about it.... The arrow looks nice apart from the wood-like feather whatsits, wooden flights on a longbow would slice your hand open in real life as you fire the arrow, feathers look more functional and 'real'. The metalic reflections on the knife look great but theres little black bits at the points of the knife which look out of place and the leather bindings look too 'flat' to be bound round it, the edges of it where it touches the metal are very straight.... Hope to see more :)
  12. Well isn't that the idea with brushing? No other effects were wanted so brushing is what happens....
  13. Wha? :shock: Someones got access to a disgustingly fast connection methinks.... I'm on a mediumband 300kb connection and its still telling me half an hour :( Won't download faster than 10kb/s for me :?
  14. 20MB!?! :shock: I gave up after waiting about half an hour.... :( May try later if I get a bit longer to download it.....
  15. hehe u dont need 6 layers one layer distort sheer rotate color... I challenge you to make a design like that with ONE layer then :P
  16. [url=http://img55.exs.cx/img55/254/sig16xk.jpg][img=http://img55.exs.cx/img55/254/sig16xk.jpg][/url] What appears is my sig as a clickable widget Like so: I've set it to show a sig design of mine but just replace the http://img55.exs.cx/img55/254/sig16xk.jpg bit with your website and my picture with yours :)
  17. At least his sig adheres to the rules ;) By the way why was the old design of the oversize sig warning thing changed?
  18. Thank you :) I don't really know why everyone is calling it a simple sig.... That funny twist in the background is made of about 6 layers and lots of fiddling :wink: ....mind you you can't see the detail because I've gone over it with other things..... I agree with the border.... I might fade it a little to match the main design... I've almost got the animated one ready to upload but somthing keeps corrupting the file when I'm transferring it from my computer to this one with internet access.... :? I suspect my flash drive....
  19. Dammit.... I've a horrible feeling I'll have to desert Simpload and go somewhere else for image uploading.... :? Fixing... should be up in a sec *Edit: Up again using imageshack
  20. Rate and comment and whatnot :) Did have an animated one where a white line goes down the sig behind the text with a haze around it but that was about 150k :? I'll post it later maybe *edit: Got it, it was my dam flash drive that was corrupting the files.... went back to a good old 3.5" floppy.... Without the border and on a white page it looks really nice.... unfortunately these forums prefer to do shades of grey.... :( Filesize is 150kb so wait a bit for it to appear if you've got a slower connection.....
  21. Hmm.... I'm not to keen on the shapes in the starfield.... One looks like a fish and the other like an apostrophe/inverted comma.... I think star clusters look nicer if they have a more random/less obvious shape, perhaps with colour tinges to them.
  22. I can't think of anything family-friendly to say..... ....but there are reasons why a straight bladed sword tends to look rather like every other straight bladed sword.... ....and thats because the design is functional and looks good.... Make a new one based on what a stereotypical sword looks like :)
  23. The Knight of Lodis was a nice game :) Finished it with almost every ending too.... then some utter cabbage wiped my saved games..... :x I might try and have a go.... Ps. what exactly do you want on it? Is it meant to be one about tactics ogre or with your name on it or what?
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