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Everything posted by Dyronamics

  1. Excellent tutorial :) I think a set of pictures showing stages in the drawing of something would be good. Hard to put down in writing without explanatory hand gestures and pointing where the light's coming from :wink: I'll have a go: Girl: soft light with a broad spectrum with a source above her and to our left in the picture, possibly the sun around the middle of the day with some cloud cover. Partial portrait: intense bright light from above, to the left of and at right angles to the subject's face. Warm glow so I'm assuming its also the sun (lines of shadow could indicate blinds on a window). If its not the sun then its a 100+ watt filament bulb in a lamp at an angle. Eyebrows suggest subject is female :wink: Oranges: bright broad spectrum light again, probably the sun again or a bright bulb to our left of the oranges and with about a 30* elevation - angle between the top of the orange its shadow and where gravity ought to be. Building: multiple semi-concealed filament lights in alcoves in the building(?) or something else which is causing the dark vertical lines between them. High rise cluster: our top right and possibly behind, cant be more exact because the light is very soft, shadows on the left are darker though. Mouth: in front and to the left of the subject, soft, probably the sun again, hard to tell with greyscale. :) Am I right?
  2. Er... Try to have some point in animations..... And make sure you cover the whole of the previous layer before adding another.... Another tip for an animated figure is not to have them appearing/disappearing after the animation....
  3. Ah... finally fixed my sig.... Not scrapping my Arenascape bit so I've hidden it in my sig picture :wink: Anyway I think it would have to be a whole new board for non-sig artwork....
  4. Hey I get the whole random stuff section to myself :) I'll add the link to my sig a bit later, I'm currently at my max for sig length :wink:
  5. Mmm... the thing about putting your work on the internet is that its easier for unscrupulous people to get at.... :?
  6. Anyone's welcome to fiddle about with anything I've posted as long as you post a copy of whatever it ends up as/in back here I might do some sig making myself actually..... :)
  7. :D Bottom one + eyes from the top, the purple eyeliner really makes the eye look striking. Top one has some dodgy dark areas around the nose and mouth and too much of a light glare on her cheek.
  8. Added a couple of stages on a sketch in which I'm testing some pencil-line effects. and a banana :wink:
  9. I sucks monkey wagon :D Yes. Yes you do. Anyway, Ryan, eventhough I hardly made anything in mine, I'd want some comments on it. Cheers. // Azvi. oh **** typing error. :oops: WAHHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol:
  10. Burning is darkening an area in a picture using a burn tool in a graphics program
  11. A bit of an experiment in using un-blurred pencil lines to enhance things.... It isn't anything before you ask, just a handy shape which happens to look as if it ought to be something Oh and a banana. Sketched it, shaded it, ate it :wink:
  12. Can we stick random sketches in here among the daily works? I've got one which looks er..... interesting :wink:
  13. Fox looks slightly compressed lengthways, I'm sure they have a longer body than that. Maybe its a fox cub :wink: The direction the eyes are looking in draws the viewers eyes to the top left.... and theres nothing there.... It doesn't feel right.... I think the eyes should be looking downwards to help the feeling of cold and isolation around the fox.... A very picturesque piece, makes me think of winter postcards :)
  14. One word: Don't This forum won't let you display any picture in a .png format. If it isn't for it then yes though :P
  15. There no such thing as a no-loss jpeg. Even at 100% quality it still loses data. Thats how the filesize gets reduced. It doesnt compress the image, it deletes data from it. I meant least loss and I'm pretty sure you knew as well....
  16. Gif isn't the best thing to save as.... And a jpg at no-loss settings is fine
  17. Imageshack I would have said Simpload but certain people have blocked it..... :evil:
  18. You what? I suspect you're objecting to my objections so I'll explain them by saying that I've seen lots of "what program do you use to make sig" posts and they keep coming up..... Seaching wouldn't hurt
  19. People should be banned from asking the same question thats been asked dozens of times before :roll:
  20. I think its a one person sauna.... ....and thats if they lie down. Otherwise you're gonna get uncomfortably stuck against the rail around the stove.... Looking good though :wink:
  21. Added a fluffy (sketchy) fox :) Straight lines were from the lined paper it was on.... I think I'll give up on anyone else ever posting their scribbles here..... :( ah well.... I can make an oversized post of a collection of sketchy drawings all on my own :wink:
  22. Is it germany or somewhere where red blood isn't allowed in computer games so you have to have green blood?
  23. Skiing turtle Snapping turtle - biting someone Computer turtle - at computer Roboturtle Night of the living turtle - turtle zombie Sir Turtle - sword belt and boots etc.... dont need armour Drunk turtle Gangster Turtle (gangster as in mafia not as in gangsta) Swimming turtle Turtle candle :wink:
  24. Aaaaaaw! Loookat the cute widdle wabbit :D ahh... Anyhoo :wink: The trap's half thats facing us sideways looks a little strange towards the bottom tip I think and the flys wings seem to be unusually pointed and joined to its body along its whole abdomen. Its left middle and hind leg also have the appearance of sharing a knee... I like the picture though, a nice amount of detailing up to the veining on the flys wings and the shadows on the stem. Venus fly traps are great fun to play with.... if you poke them too much they stop working though :(
  25. Hmm.... starting basic sigmaking eh? I suggest getting hold of ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã1500 and buying Lightwave (and then sending it to me) Gimp+MSpaint is all you need though..... Photoshop is if you have money :P
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