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  1. <(O_o)> o|-<]: (skater) o|-<] (snowboarder)
  2. Wow, why wouldnt they just eliminate fractions of xp and only deal in whole numbers, wouldnt that make the max they could do 2 bill xp? Or is it just built into java itself that theres always a .0 on the end of every integer? In that case i see how it could be unavoidable. it would make the max exp close to 2 bil but jagex wont remove the decimal. In fact what would happen if you achieve more than 2,705,175,645 total exp!?!? You would have to go to a doctor or something because you're waaayy too addicted to the game :-w And I would give you a cookie for throwing away your life for some game \
  3. i always thought you needed a certain type of agility lvl to finish the quest. :-k the Tip.it guide says that good agillity is recommended.. but doing Underground pass with 1agil is kinda stupid... The time you waste because you fail in everything would be better spent if you just trained your agil a bit :lol:
  4. Actually it doesn't affect how I play rs :-s I just read the posts on TIF so the boring stuff on rs pass quicker \
  5. Well I went monday to DK with 2 friends and we had 3 d axes \ and the days after we had some nice stuff too so... just bad luck I guess? :-s
  6. If you put up protect item while you're dieing, it isn't activated :wink: But are fight caves now easier or not since the 'prayer-update' ?
  7. Could somebody tell me how much the shops pay for the high ores? (mith/addy/runite) and if that is profitable if you go for an onyx gem?
  8. I don't think people will now use their foot to KO people in wild :-s Or train with it Nice hit btw :o :lol:
  9. I think you better put away that prize of 1mil because it isn't allowed to give rs money for things outside rs :uhh: (Or something like that ) Anyway, a good god name... Take one of those Greek/Roman gods? like Nemesis 8-) (like me :lol: )
  10. What code do I need to have to go to that area with fairy rings? :-s
  11. I just went there yesterday : I put all my junk seeds (more then 20k) in the chest because I needed the bank space \ Now I've got 4more bank rows :thumbsup:
  12. whoa regimel :D Nice blog :P Remember me? :thumbsup: Sry I wasn't at your 99cooking party but i forgot :oops: :wall: :( keep on going like you are now
  13. Same here dude :o :lol: Only I have 1709 total :ohnoes: Anyway, just make sure Real life>Rs life ->that's the golden rule \ I still have a social life, I go out every week( want to go out more but not enough money for it :-# )and I have not too bad grades (but that's not because I play to much rs :-w ) I actually only play rs when I'm in front of the television, because otherwise it's to boring to play :-X
  14. You can't go out because it's night? There are alot of things you can do at night... :anxious: \ You can 'set' the record but you can't really prove it afterwards...
  15. He nolifes for five days, you nolife for 5 years? Nice life. I'm sorry i flamed, but it just drive me nuts how serously some people take a game. I recently vistited a friend, and he lives in an appt. style dorm...2 of his roomates were cool and one of them sat in his room and played world of warcraft all day, and my friend said thats all he does. Serously, what kind of college life is that? You're right I guess, but on the other side... I'd rather have a friend who plays constantly on WoW, than a friend who's constantly out to get wasted/stoned/whatever... I know someone who does like that, he doesn't study, he goes to the pub from when it's open to when it's closed :? On topic: Just be nice to everybody and the friends will come \
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