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Everything posted by Dark_Tigra

  1. I don't know many animal's who has it in their instincts to hump a blanket (my chihuahua...lmao..) so yea...
  2. Hmmm.. - How will the "problems" with me and my girlfriend work out? - 6 months. - Chris. I sense a drawing of the Death Card. :P
  3. First, you claim to be a girl on forums/game, then you say "Okay, okay, I'm a guy.", now you're a GAY guy? For god's sake, make up your mind, lol.
  4. I believe that's kind of like telling a DJ to get his/her own music to make his/her beats, lol. Try making up your own beat, it's not really easy, because a lot of times it will "sound just like" some other song..Everytime I make a beat up, it usually sounds like something else.
  5. My family is currently doing this E-commerce business and it seems to be going nicely. So far they've been making an extra $800 a month from it. E-commerce is the future, right now only 6% of people in the US use it, so it's a good time to be getting into it, because once it's up to 100% (things like car companies, drug companies, etc are in 100%) you'll never be able to get in without investing million of dollars...My parents invested $150, already made 10+ times that back. :P I don't know what I'm doing yet, this thing my parents are doing seems like a good thing to do. The guy they're "under" in the company makes $200k a year from this alone, he's retired, he's like 30 something, he just does this now. At this rate we're only making 10k give or take a year from this, but it's growing fast as they're getting more people to sign up. I'm not 100% sure on how it all works, but the more people you have working "under you", the more you make. The guy who started all this is a billionare. You make something like 5 cents for every $2.17 the people under you spend, and the people under them, and under them, and under them, etc. So essentially, if there is 1,000 people total "under you", you make a ton of money. Right now my parents only have I believe nine people under them and they're already making $800, so.. I talked to an Economy expert the other night, he makes predictions and whatnot and has never been wrong, he says the economy is going to crash within the next 10 years or something, social security will be wiped out, 401k's, everything. People won't be able to live off SS or 401k's anymore.
  6. Correction, my farthest is now 1,200. :P I launched it at full power, cat landed on TNT (notice the TNT says "OMFG TNT TNT LOL!" :P) then landed on a missle balloon, then another, it was like 150 feet in the air at one point. :P
  7. My longest was 1,047 or something... My girlfriend doubled that on her SECOND try, lol.
  8. The ones on Ebaum's with the old dude that is a Racist and hates basically everything, that dude gets straight up IRATE at them. :lol:
  9. I'm almost certain I saw that #1 winner story on an actually news website...Something credable, but I don't remember...CNN, ABC, hellifiknow. :P
  10. "Heritage, not Hate" is the KKK's big excuse for being racist freaks, lol. "Ah, yes...We don't HATE black people...We just want them to leave our white HERATIGE alone! How do we do that, you ask? Well, we start by sending them to Africa..*cough* then nuking it *cough*...Ahem, excuse me." - Leader of the KKK.
  11. If you really stick with it, you start seeing results in like a week. At least I did. I used to be very muscular by genetics, but I got lazy and it kind of depleted, so I have to get it back now. :P Currently I eat 6 meals a day, lots of protein, uhhh...I add 5 pounds to the bar every other day when I bench press, it's really hard because it tears your muscles up because it's not really ready for that 5 extra pounds *already*, but that's what ya' gotta' do, so..:P It's so boring, though. :(
  12. I honestly think they should make mining rocks like tree's (oak and over) for woodcutting.. You get a random number of ores from the rock, it then empties. Then you have to wait for respawn, do it all over. This would be good for a few reasons.. - Jagex stopped power mining because they wanted people to raise smithing, NOT just mining, because smithing was being neglected as a skill. What better way to increase people's smithing than to let them actually get ores WITHOUT a fight? - Some may argue this increases ore numbers, thus lowering prices...I have one thing to say.."SO?" You'll get MORE ores faster, thus even if the price halves, you'll have twice as many ore which equals the same amount of cash, PLUS you'll have double the mining exp you would have got. - I hate battling for ores, you'll swing at a coal rock for 30 seconds, then someone else runs along, with a LOWER mining level usually, and they get the ore in 1 hit....YAY? Lol..
  13. If they removed them, RS2 then becomes RSC. Enough said, I think.
  14. Irrelevant comparision. The Nazi symbols represent a hatefull ideal, *not* a state. The Swastika is directly representative for the murder of millions, the Confederate flag is not. England claimed ownership over the colonies that now make out the US and thus you could also say they claimed ownership over its citizens, which is basically the same as slavery. Should it be outlawed? Depends how you look at it. Millions of people from the Union died at the hands of that flag, but it doesn't stand for hatred of the Union, or of African American's, infact, they probably loved African Amercian's...They did all their work for them! However, the Swastika stands for killing in the name of hatred...Or stupidity, rather. :P But I don't think people who use the Rebel falg should really be considered "Racist". Noone in the South EVER said "Man, I hate blacks." during that Era I'm sure. Like I said, they did all their work for them...How COULD you hate them? :P
  15. Let me first start out by saying this - I'm from the South. Born in South Carolina, moved to Minnesota where I reside (unfortunately) now. I find two things amazing about this subject.. 1. People who were never even ALIVE during the Confederacy actually want the flag to be flown all over "with pride"....Why? You lost, baggage up what little pride you stilll have, or seperate from the USA and go elsewhere. 2. People who usually have those flags, almost ALWAYS in their car (truck, rather..) have NO idea what the hell that flag even stands for! My sister had a confederate flag in the back window of her car one day...I saw it and asked her, "Hey...You know I'm pretty sure covering your back window is illegal."...That was besides the point, but she said "I don't care, I'm a rebel." I laughed. That was the dumbest thing I'd heard all day. You're a REBEL? So because you drink and smoke, you now get to fly a flag that stands for a seperated USA, the wanting of slavery, etc? Riiiiight...Call the cops, we've got a badass on our hands. People in the South who want the flag raised "out of pride" are idiots. WHAT PRIDE? YOU LOST THE DAMN WAR! Get over it! You weren't even there! Basically, the flag is now something companies can make a quick buck off from idiots who think it's "cool", that's all. Believe me, in my highschool, there were a few guys that had trucks with Confederate flags all over them like it was a giant Hick-Mobile.
  16. You guys need to get out more. :P There are hot women at every corner....But don't use those ones, they're dirty. :lol: Umm, I never watched JAG much, Malcolm in the Middle was better to me. :P
  17. English pride...Hmm.. I've got it! I now officially dub April 10th "Drive On The Wrong Side Of The Road Day" in America. :D I predict chaos. ...Man, I'm bored.
  18. Roofer's get sun burned more than "tough". :lol: I work with a lot of roofer's when I'm working for my dad, the heaviest thing they pick up is a 40 pound thing of shingles...Wow. :P
  19. Oh, I see now, it's not officially a "day" yet. :P No wonder.
  20. Please don't spam for post count. You've got to be kidding me, right? He said his input, then said "Woot, 300 posts :P" and that's spamming for post count? You're rediculous, your post was more "Spam" than his was. Nice to know our mod's know what they're doing!...Yea. Anyways, never heard of St. George day, so I'll look into that. :P
  21. Construction, if you can get hired. Nothing like picking up 2 tons of lumber over the course of a day when I work for my dad to get ya' in shape. :P
  22. That...Is possibley the saddest thing I have seen today. :lol: :P
  23. He was funny, one of the few comedians I'd actually watch and then would watch them again. My personal favourite - "I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut...I don't need a receipt for a doughnut, how about I just give you the money, you give me the doughnut. End of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I can just not imagine a scenario where I'd have to prove that I bought a doughnut. Some scepticle friend? 'Don't even think I DIDN'T buy that doughnut! I got the documentation RIGHT HERE!...Oh wait, it's back home in the files...Under D...For doughnut." It's funny because it's true - I hate getting receipts for things I'll use immediately, like a peice of gum, a hotdog, something. lol Sucks he died. RIP Oh by the way...http://www.comedycentral.com/standup/ce ... edberg.xml That's his comedy central page, you can watch some clips.
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