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Everything posted by Rerg1

  1. Another WIP. Is the shading good? and btw could someone give me a sample of the background?. Please use IMG tags in all images, I added them in this pic. ~misterxman
  2. Kewl, How long does it take to pull those 3D models at concerts?.
  3. Nice, The path is a little wrong but the rest NICE.
  4. Terley teach him the ways! :P. You got part of the colouring pretyt nicely done please so a pixel :oops:
  5. Terley your hot right? :P Nice how old are you because I'm guessing a grown up becasue thats kinda of the level of your artwork.
  6. Thanks, But what do you meen about the whip?.
  7. :) I'm a Free to Play Noob with 73 combat and 80 woodcutting and I magicly come up with this. :D I also make custom so if you want one PM me. Prices range from 290k-500k Luv Ya all. And remmber this is a Work In Progress
  8. Rerg1


    Thanks, I'll add see if I could pull a musclar stand with colur shades. Thanks
  9. Rerg1


    Man, just you's the pencil tool. When u good then use the penicl way.
  10. Rerg1


    Rate or Hate.[/img]
  11. Delted the background.. It doesnt really match the house. Byt 7/10 pretty good 8)
  12. LOL! U got owned if he ment that!! Lol!
  13. Can someone give me the defeniton of dithering? Pl0x :oops:
  14. Well....Why do you play Runescape? There pixels and basiclly this whole board is based on pixels (media section) and why do you except contsructive critiscm if you just put 5mins into that?. Noob
  15. Update Im gonna make the left a bit bigger anyways C/C please! http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/267/pixel2xf0tc.png
  16. You are one of the few pixel artists that use random colours and make it all look like one. You base your self on technique not size. Congratulations. You are a unique person with a unique artist ability.
  17. I completly re-did it. And my shading is a little bit better. -Rerg1
  18. Ed, Edd'n, Eddy had 3 toes on their feet. lol
  19. =) Thanks gonna work on it after my breakfast. Anyone like my K-Swiss sneakers I put on the guy? :P
  20. Good Start from what I can see, Lol to many WIP's but when I concentrate it look great can't wait to see colouring.
  21. Well i'm kind of a newbie at pixeling. I can make the character good with the shapes but then with like T-Shirt Colouring and Backgrounds....I....well....I'm not good in it.
  22. OWCH. He's right, too. I like the colour scheme. Lol! I had laugh. Despite that GREAT SIG, I wub it. Nice job
  23. Wow! 8.5/10 -0.5 because it isn't done :S -1 because the party hat doesn't match him. So Great job! Can't wait to see it finished
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