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  1. My ranger account has 93 ranged and is f2p, when i tried ranging it was the most boring thing ive done in my life, f2p is just hopeless for higher leveld rangers, it would take me atleast 1 week if not more for 1 single level of working a couple of hours a day.
  2. Darn your fast. Time for some hunting.
  3. Try getting 8, 120+ iron dragon tasks in a row, everytime having to chuck them in for skeletons or something else like that. :roll: Slayer masters just love their metal dragons.
  4. For every good normal player in the RS community, there are 50 pathetic loser 10 year olds. A very sad fact about the game, i quit a little while ago aswell, its just pathetic thesedays.
  5. Swimming... get to swim to karamja instead of paying that hefty fee that they ask for. 8-)
  6. I usually just house teleport and run to the docks from there.
  7. Not sure if these are rare or anything, but i don't know of anything that drops them, though obviously something has to.. Black darts(not throwing knives, i know about cyclops dropping a bunch of them), i have a couple. Its probably nothing, meh.
  8. Its pathetic how low some people will go for money. :roll: BUT you shouldnt have given the pass or enough info to somehow get onto the account.. I don't even let my own brother know my password, yes thats right, i want my account as safe as i can possibly make it. Even if i dont play anymore. :wink:
  9. Wow.. I heard about it at school today and though it was a joke, then i checked news.com.au and i was shocked. Even though he wasnt the best entertainer, he was known world wide, and done some good work and documentries. No one is invincible, its very unfortunate for the family, two very young children, i feel sorry for them.
  10. I would feel extremely sorry for someone who did it... sorry for their life they have wasted and missed..
  11. I don't care what jagex thinks... I have always and shall always pronounce it as: Arr-Dog-Nee No matter how technically incorrect it may be. :mrgreen:
  12. Hmm over 10 times.. as a matter of a fact i have quit now.. lets see how long i last this time eh.
  13. Gunnit7


    Haha thats a good response, well heck of alot better then an autmoated generic response, that one is interesting. :D
  14. I always have my chat on, and i am not selective upon combat levels of who i talk to, i have met some really nice nubehs. :D I have my private off though cause i have people who want to contact me fr the sole purpose of begging or flamming me. :roll:
  15. I don't play anymore either, the game is just so boring now. When i log in i just sit there for hours wondering what on earth i should do, and usually end up mucking around and dancing or doing stupid things in public to try and entertain myself.
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