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kat t

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Everything posted by kat t

  1. As someone that spent five years in f2p up until last week, I'm confident to say that f2p gets enough. It can be hard ( I was never able to take bank everything, though:P), but it's manageable. I'm glad there are so many servers for free players, and that jagex took the time to deal with my abuse reports when I sent them even if i didn't get recognition for a long time. I know having that extra space is nice, but you need to prioritize your account.
  2. I think this may encourage more scam emails leading to fake rs websites. I know I received one when rs2 came out about beta testing. :roll: They would have to carefully select players to do the testing, but i think more players would also be tempted not to take the confidentiality agreement seriously enough. It's unfortunate this wasn't caught sooner, but I agree there were some things I noticed that I was surprised they had missed. I wonder how things at jagex, if at all, will change as a result of this.
  3. Wow, I thought someone was joking me when I heard about this. I feel really bad for all the people that lost their items. I know in the last couple days Ive gotten tons of lvls and new armor, but I'd trade it away to know they got their stuff back. Maybe I'm just weird. It may just be pixels, but thoes people obviously worked hard for the things they had. They are paying customers and shouldnt have to deal with consequences of someone elses lack of self control and in game bugs. ( and yeah, they shouldnt have to deal with losing two days work, but *shrug* ) As far as most of rs doing it or not doing it, we all have our own reasons why we would or would not. Some people have more to lose than others, and some have less morals than they should. The p mods did all the could in a tough situation. I hope some at least escaped with their advice. I'll agree, he sounds like a typical teenager. Doesn't make any of it justifiable. The punishment is not as severe as I would have wanted were I to have lost my favorite things in such a manner. Not like they could do more, though.
  4. Some of the glitches are funny. I got trapped in my table when i switched from normal mode to build standing in my table space then built it over me. or the tea and rocking chair one where you can float. Teehee. Also, they need to fix the combat areas to restore hp to both players immediately once they leave the area. Leaving with 7 hp wearing things i like isn't fun. These areas are unmonitored and could potentially cause some problems.
  5. I don't know if this has been mentioned. Although I'm thrilled that after all these years they added this into the game, I wonder how scammers are going to use this to there advantage.
  6. Exactly 5 years. I started march 01. :shock:
  7. Just another clueless player. Similar to the ones that try to buy something random even though you are the only person around and not talking.
  8. I stoped to think about it an realized I've been playing too long. I started March 01. Eeeek! 5 years of rs. lol
  9. Swordies because they are purple. Mmm...purple.
  10. Imo, racist, sexist and derogatory names have no place in runescape. Sure, there are alot of silly, fun and unique names out there that do push the boundaries. A lot of them are still acceptable, however. A few of you have this attitude that " everyone that reports for this is nothing but a conservative rat that can't have fun," but no one should have to put up with being belittled by other players in any form. You'd be surprised at some of the things people name their accounts - especially low level accounts because they dont care about losing them in the first place. Despite the fact we play this, we have to keep in mind there are impressionable younger children playing. I do think there should be an option to change the name if its found you have an inapropriate one. Outright banning, especially without some sort of warning first, is a little extreme because what's considered inapropriate is debatable. Some risque names are amusing and were never intended to offend anyone :?
  11. runescape idol I like 1canadian1 s' joke. :P The BAM at the end ads to it.
  12. White phat. After that, its a tie between my sara armor, princess dress, [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation], air staff, or rubber chicken.
  13. kat t

    Favorite foods?...

    in no particular order: Pomegranate pancakes raspberries watermelon nachos with cheese. lots of cheese - the real stuff, not processed. like tons. with black olives, jalapenos, salsa and sour cream. dark chocolate cadbury creme eggs sushi and green tea icecream cheese cake and red wine
  14. :werd: Show it to them and be upfront, but also get across that you're just as dissapointed with the mark as they were. Mention that you will try and study to get it up.
  15. On other games like conquer or Monster and me, not logging out is just fine. I dont mind being able to stand around and not have to worry about comming back and logging back in. On runescape because of the amount of space on every server and macroers I think its a good idea we log out automatically. Although I do wish jagex would lengthen the time spent in game idol by a few seconds, though. I'm usually watching the screen but not moving the mouse while I wc and end up getting logged out.
  16. I bought sara, zammy and guthix, but I got sara first because of the colours.
  17. If no autoers were involved whatsoever, they wouldn't be monitoring so closely in the first place. While I do agree some people have been banned for silly reasons, I also believe its possible not everyone claiming that is telling the whole story. :shock: Although I did hear someone mention they got banned for saying google. Thats just lame.
  18. Not alot. I think the most I've had at one point in time was 2.5m. I waste all my money on armor i dont need. =]
  19. I get annoyed with beggars a lot. I'll try to inform them in an assertive way that they could be bettering themselves much more if they were to take the time and skill train so they could make some cash. I'm even willing to give advice on where to train if they need it. But no. Then, just when it seems I've gotten through to them, they ask to be friends. Skeptical but willing to give them the benifit of the doubt, I'll agree on the terms that they don't ask for stuff. Less than two minutes later they will be like, " So.... Can I have some money?" :twisted:
  20. I love it when noobs talk to me and try to pretend they are a moderator. :lol:
  21. No, if they did that there would be no incentive to get members.
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