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Everything posted by Itsjustagame

  1. karils top with ahrims robe bottom and hood is neat.
  2. I dont see the point of wasting money on something I cant use.
  3. it helps you get drops as opposed to nothing, not better drops.
  4. Lies, I'd never dream of saying such a thing. no m8 u lies!
  5. nothing, back when I was new in 2001, there wasnt much scamming or lying.
  6. caz says you dont remember me. noob :boohoo:
  7. people pay 4.7 mil for a fury...is it worth it? not really.
  8. You're about 2-2.5 years late in saying that. ya rly
  9. no point of them really. would make much more sense to just lvl up their mains stats... oh boy, you have a lvl 3 skiller with a few 99s....that's cool, but you can't kill anything. You can never have all 99s. just doesnt make sense to me
  10. they dont look too confused...they just look like they're owning you
  11. spoken like a true noob who's never entered the wilderness. go back to skilling 18 hours a day.
  12. i find that maxing out your attributes first (healer, attacker, etc) and then playing works the best, makes getting points faster. Going for lvl 5 healer and attacker atm
  13. seems like its not worth gambling...I'll just buy the new armor :P
  14. Itsjustagame

    Halo 3

    Too many pc FPS shooters to list for this case if you want to talk about internet play. If so, halo was certainly not the first online FPS and deffinitly not the first online console FPS. I really don't see why you bothered adding that, because I'm arguing that the game is simply not revolutionary in the sense that it didn't add anything new or make anything better. im saying not many games have a wide variety of vehicles, online play, large multiplayer games that can be played in the same room (lan parties), large levels, and decent weaponry all in the same game. I agree halo isnt the best game, but its not bad by any means.
  15. Itsjustagame

    Halo 3

    Are you sure about that? There's only been, like, a hundred freakin' posts about this game. Re...re....redefine gaming? Did we play the same game? oh, and, THIS IS ALL IN MY OPINION :? I swear I searched Halo 3 and nothing came up. And personally I think it did. Should try harder searching ;p. Mind telling me, because I really am currious, how did halo exactly revolutionize gaming? Was it the multiplayer? Nope, Goldeneye nearly perfected that for Console FPS's way back when. Was it the kewl vehicles? Nope, games had been using vehicles way before halo. Was it the grand level design? Nope, it was mostly the same beat this level >> go to next level >> go to next level deal that I thought we got away from in the genre. And don't even get me started on the alien ships. *yawn* Was it the 'ground breaking' graphics? Not really, considering you really can't revolutionize anything with a purdy look. did any of those games have it all in the same package with possible 8 vs 8 games and live? no.
  16. uh smithing makes the "good armours" m8. herb or construction cause I dont feel like paying for them to get higher
  17. that's because autoing is for noobs. which makes you a noob by association. noob.
  18. Now THAT'S personality! : :lol: My boyfriend is a pretty big guy... around 6 foot 3 inches. Built like a tree. ^_^ He wears this red shirt that says in really pretty letters on the front "Party Girl". I LOVE IT! you sure he know's you're not a guy?
  19. pking a player mod, only to have him report me for "verbal abuse" because he was mad. got a 3 day mute
  20. k. She isn't being hypocritical. She doesn't listen to the people who make fun of her, but she doesn't say anything to those that she finds distasteful. shes saying that people who have their [wagon] hanging out look stupid, but then she goes on to say that she can do what she wants because its her body. Its hypocritical. if people want to have their [wagon] hanging out, let them, it's their body
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