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Everything posted by Itsjustagame

  1. well mine was to be a nicer person. but it's not worth the trouble, so whatever. I believe they call them twangers now
  2. well, since I meet todays standards of "fashionable and 'cool'" while acting normally, im going to have to say nothing, and just do a little dance in my popularity
  3. id like those more than the current. as I have no motivation to go for a skill cape atm
  4. Please explain why you like to use loaded language. The judgement being hypocritical, torturous or just is completely relative, depending on your beliefs. I might not believe in capital punishment but that doesn't stop me from respecting rulings which involve the death sentence. People hold different ideas of what justice is, you need to get over that the world revolves around you and let people just be. Firstly, what's loaded language? Secondly I was asking for someone to explain why it was justice to torture a man for killing people. Why should I respect the death penalty? I don't automatically respect something just because it's there. Thridly, we're having a discussion, the world does not revolve around me. This is happening alot now. Seriously... when did I say 'the world revolves around me'. I'm putting forward my view, not forcing you to believe it. It's called torture. It wasn't quick, or painless. apparently you dont know that hanging snaps your neck almost right away, so it's pretty damn fast, and almost painless.
  5. like in drake and josh :) No, not like in Drake and Josh. Shut up. Hater -talktothehand- Ping pong is incredibly fun. Pool can be pretty boring. Actually I do hussle in pool. So that's why I didn't accept your example. I like both, but Pool makes me money. and money buys pants. I like pants. pants.
  6. like in drake and josh :) No, not like in Drake and Josh. Shut up. Hater -talktothehand- Ping pong is incredibly fun. Pool can be pretty boring. its not boring if you're any good
  7. You can't make blanket statements like that. You're assuming he enjoyed watching the video because he likes watching death. That is a hasty conclusion and one that you did not support. Perhaps he just likes watching justice being served. He enjoyed watching it. Death of someone should never be enjoyable. Ever. Let me repeat myself. He wasn't watching the video for the sake of watching someone die. He was watching the video for the sake of watching justice being served. You're assuming it was the death that was enjoyable - I'm assuming that it was the justice of the act that was enjoyable; it just so happened that justice was served in a generally non-desirable way, but it doesn't change the fact that it was justice, and that is what is enjoyable about it. Why even watch the video? Isn't the news saying "Saddam is dead!" good enough for people anymore? god you're stubborn I would rather see him swinging from the gallows myself and see that it did infact happen over hearing it on the news.
  8. How the HELL do you get a 4.0 GPA?! I managed to get a 3.8 for one quarter last year.. Since then it's pretty much been around 2.5 But even then, the smartest kid in my school only got a 100% in one class. I can't imagine doing it for all classes =O. I had a 4.3 my freshman and sophmore year in highschool
  9. setting goals and not reaching them
  10. to stay good looking and fashionable
  11. Lol.. I could never remember mine so I just keep it written down in my wallet :P you'll memorize it wqhen you're in college. they make you use it for EVERYTHING that, or for me, my Uconn ID number
  12. I'm going to suppose you lied about your age when you registered.. But more relevant, you'll change your mind about one of those in a few years ;) You'll be a virgin forever? :shock: Heh, I hope you're being sarcastic.. My friend, no one dies a virgin; life screws us all. yeah, and now I have a terrible itch.
  13. actually get a pool table. you can lay down a towel to play beer pong on. ping pong is lame, we have 2 pool tables and 1 ping pong table in my dorm building, and no one ever uses the ping pong table. Pool ftw, its classy ;)
  14. you like watermelon too? Watermelon = the best =P~ im fond of cherries btw go look at my new facebook pictures, and tell me how trashed I look. It's kinda disturbing Lol nice. I wish I was in college :P somehow I made my way down to the basement, and fell asleep on the couch...woke up, mad at myself for falling asleep, and went back upstairs to rejoin the party. Apparently, I had fallen asleep for 10 hours, as it was 1 pm, and most of the people had gone home. :cry:
  15. you like watermelon too? Watermelon = the best =P~ im fond of cherries btw go look at my new facebook pictures, and tell me how trashed I look. It's kinda disturbing
  16. my guess is, you'll fail horribly. but good luck all the same.
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