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Everything posted by Itsjustagame

  1. Yea, well that tends to happen. Haven't talked to you for ages - where'd you bugger off to all this time? Im in college now, so I was doing that whole thing. Joined a fraternity, been pretty busy. Im back now though, for quite a while too caz what's purcell's rs name again? I forget the 3 numbers. gotta remake my whole friends list again hackers :boohoo:
  2. People think I'm a girl but I'm actually a guy I got the bad end of that deal, huh? Then maybe change your famous avatar? :lol: This is why some think Insane is a girl too. :lol: insane's a guy?
  3. well how about that. what's up rick? Off-Topic: When you said "What's up Rick?" it triggered a memory. I'm just curious, does anybody remember when somebody thought DarkRICK's was Daan? :uhh: Don't ask how that triggered it, probably when you said Rick.[/img] is this a scapeboard thing? or from these boards?
  4. wow, thats a name i aint heard in a while yeah, but then again, you probably havent heard from me since rsc anyway ;) if you remember me, that is I remember you >.> My little brothers anoying friend from RS is all I remember. yes i'm sam's friend. and im older than you, so watch it sonny ;) How old are you? 19
  5. hooking up doesn't mean dating...lol As mad said, it can mean quite a few different things, dating included. Actually... I just pmed Viktor and apparently it does. So, guys, half of you might like to edit those replies. :wink: when you get past middle school, it no longer does. especially in college, as you have weekly "hookups" with drunk girls at parties. and you certainly arent dating them ;)
  6. cigarettes...no. other things...maybe.
  7. hooking up doesn't mean dating...lol no one, mainly because half of the "girls" probably arent girls, and I'll stick to the ones from school
  8. wow, thats a name i aint heard in a while yeah, but then again, you probably havent heard from me since rsc anyway ;) if you remember me, that is I remember you >.> My little brothers anoying friend from RS is all I remember. yes i'm sam's friend. and im older than you, so watch it sonny ;)
  9. That's not what you said at all. You should probably learn to say stuff better. a sense for words would let you realise I was referring to everyone in my group, or the "emo" kids when I said everyone looks alike. -.-
  10. Black (probably dyed) hair that comes down to your eyes (if not currently dyed then brown), perhaps a bit over them, combed forward and slightly to the side. Perhaps wearing a black LaCoste polo shirt, maybe a thin black necklace/choker. Lots of black. Maybe you like to take pictures of yourself from a high angle. How close? stay off my myspace! no one would have guessed the lacoste shirt :( I used to work at abercrombie and Ralph Lauren
  11. You looka like a man. Let's all stop the fuss and leave it at that :wink: oooo you have a way with words 8-)
  12. You're missing my entire point. All I'm saying is that when you spout off about how everyone looks the same except for you, it's childish and annoying. And most of the time, you're wrong. never once in any of my posts did I say that everyone else looks the same except for me. god you're an arrogant little [puncture]. I said that there are groups of people who dress alike, but only one group, the so called "emo" kids, are the ones who are pointed out.
  13. you dont even know what I look like kid. go ahead and guess. 100% sure you'll be wrong.
  14. You really took that in the wrong way. When you said "everyone looks the same", I was asking if you included yourself in that everyone. Because I didn't know if you were the type of person that thinks everyone looks the same, except you and your group of friends that wear girls pants and thick-rimmed glasses. I don't know if you are that type of person. And I never said that I dress different...? What are you talking about? Your post makes hardly any sense at all. Hmmm ok -.- You referred to me as being a scene person who looks the same as everyother scene person, no matter how hard I try. Its quoted right in front of you. You never said you dress different? Are you slow? You just reffered to "my group of friends who wear girl jeans and thick glasses" as a "group" of people. Therrefore, you excluded yourself from that group, meaning you're not what all you steriotyping punks call " a scene kid" Go steriotype elsewhere. And I never mentioned thick glasses anywhere in my posts, so you're steriotyping again.
  15. if you read, I said that people call me scene. And I never said everyone is different. I said there is more than one group of people who dress similar.
  16. Are you saying everyone, including you? Because I'm sure you look like every other scene person. You all really aren't different, no matter how much you try. way to steriotype pal. The new "scene" includes what? long black hair? Long sides with a middle length front and a [bleep]ed up back? Tight shirts and girl jeans? There is no scene buddy. People dress how they want to. Im sure I can find people who dress the same as you, but I dont run around steriotyping you and calling you a scenester and a follower. Watch your tongue.
  17. well people call me "scene" but I don't care not my fault everyone looks alike
  18. wow, thats a name i aint heard in a while yeah, but then again, you probably havent heard from me since rsc anyway ;) if you remember me, that is
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