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Everything posted by firestrike

  1. I have been scammed and lost 4mil cash!! someone was selling 2k drag bones so i thought great deal ( a respectable lvl) and then i accepted it was all right but in the end i found i hadn't read the stupid screens and they had turned into big bones so lucky me is left there with 2k big bones and 4 mil less cash!!!!!
  2. You are right about the triangle being unbalanced, however magic gets the best deal when it comes to p2p so i really don't see the need for a special. You can't give a group that are already so advantaged an even bigger one. There are thousands of spells and when you are trainging you don't even get hit so require no food and you can easily hit 16's when only lvl 60 mage etc and it isn;t that expensive in fact
  3. I have done alot of stupid things in rs and they all end up with me losing money!!! the worst was when i was p2p doing regicide lvl 93 i had nearly full drag (bar plate) and ammy etc and the stupid trap just didn't work and i ended up dead!!
  4. Thanks for this it must have been a little bit of hard work, it has been helpful
  5. I personally don't like any of them they seem to be completely unrelated to runescape and pink, i mean what are you thinking
  6. There is currently no problem with the runescape economy, however there are large amounts of money now circulating and numurous people are making huge amounts quickly. However the runscape economy problem ties in with the numbers playing the game and the number of new players. An example of this can be the fast falling rune prices becauses there isn't as much demamd as there is supply. However the crash will occur if a large number of players leave runescape and especially hte high level players, and the lower levels aren't coming through to replace them. This could casue numerous items to be being sold with a zero demand. Meaning beloved items such as Santas and Party hats world more that half in price and not only this all dragon armour would be reduced to rune prices it is a supply and demand thing. And having alot of money in the game is actually a good thing because it means raw materials such as coal, lobs etc. will go up in value because the top levels with all the money can afford to pay more. Allowing a more evem spread of the money instead of the numeous powerhouses we currently have. Just remeber the econmy is all to do with the number of "NEW" players without them it will stop because the demand will go for products and high alching will be the only way to get money which has sort of all ready happen with yew longs and magic bows
  7. skill total - 1308 combat lvl - 89 best lvl - woodcutting 75 favourite lvl - farming 43
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