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Everything posted by sparky1_2007

  1. check out what i got back ;) this time ive got my trusty AGS :)
  2. yep :) i sold my 3a range top + legs insta mid on GE, and bought melee legs for max instantly for some strange reason
  3. BTW, d scims can't shool up in price, they are already at thier max G.E. vaule of 100,200 coins. Just thought I should put that out there. And I don't remember who said it, but PVP will become more skillful now. nawe, max price is shop price if i remember correctly, and shop price is 120k or so.
  4. haha, well i can now say that GWD anonymous is "IN" and PVP anonymous is "OUT" ;) cya at arma/sara guys.
  5. i bought 3a range top + legs for the heck of it, ive got the spare cash and need a cool ranging outfit ;)
  6. Just a note for all of you who think you have to enter the pin in every single time you log in, your wrong, you dont have to do it all, on those enterprise security USB keys, all you have to do is have the USB key in your computer in order for you to successfully log in using your username and password, it shouldn't be any different than before, aside from the fact that you have to have the "jagex key" plugged in in-order to use your account. MMG was just trying to put it in laymans terms so that the 10 year olds that play this game and the very un-informed know how the thing works. but if they end up doing it exactly to the letter of how MMG said it will work, then i'll be hugely dissapointed, because that's just stupid and a waste of time, when there already is security keys like the "jagex key" that all you need to do is have it plugged in in-order to login to your computer, instead of looking for the code and entering it in all the time. dark, tell me, how many games do you know out there give you a free security key/usb key to secure your account? ZERO, 0, nada, zilch, be thankful they're giving people out there this option.
  7. seriously, i would trade it for 91rcing any day though ;)
  8. tbh, i was 26king and made a ton of money off of it, but right now, im finding it more enjoyable to pk for my loot, since MHing isnt as fun as it used to be :| i mean, my whole clan that is based off of god wars dungeon doesnt even GWD anymore, because it's more profitible to 26k/pvp than it is to go to sara for 4 hour trips in hopes of a 10m split or even 1.5m split.
  9. promise, what kind of gear were you pking with? i have been PKing with rune and an AGS lately, but i've just been getting owned by dharokers left and right that i break even or lose money most of the time from honour PKing, but i did get a zaros my first round of pking.
  10. Woo very nice Vey, nice amount of foods too. (hungry?) You never told us what those robes you bought were for before.. :shame: Inb4sparky gtfo my forum -.-
  11. *wants too see how this could be made bannable* Plus if it is , i would so die with 26 k repeatedly to d claw pjers XD. haha, i'd lol
  12. whoops, i guess i was asleep wind bolting with ross when that happened XD btw, if they want to stop wind bolting, make it so you can only cast 500 spells in an hour. that should be more than enough for any normal PKer, because i doubt they go through even that many in an hour. btw, i thought of this in my sleep while i was windbolting with ross ;)
  13. wow, [bleep] pking normally, i hate dharokers always getting lucky hits whenever i decide oh, ill be nice and only eat at around 50hp -.- ugh.
  14. i dont think spearing as it's called is in any class near bolting, with spearing, you are always vulnerable to attacks, where when you bolt, you are not. spearing you need to pay attention. but lately, ive been gaining EP while wind bolting and then dming people on BH worlds with my saved up EP :)
  15. Why the heck would they ban people and make it against the rules when they blatantly posted up on the knowledge base EXACTLY HOW TO 26K???
  16. im pretty sure that the DFS crashed on world 2, but dont quote me on that :s
  17. nice setup, i cant say mine is as nice/clean, but ill see if i can find some pics of it ;) heres a decent shot from a while ago
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