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Everything posted by gorufriders

  1. just noticer this your shadign on the sky is wrong lol it should darker away from the sun.
  2. yes i've seen that 1 but im think about 1 the 1 with jack on the hill like that? i think it might have been for a comp when we had market place?
  3. i remember when u did that night before christmas 1, i think it was you unless it was terley. but neway great work so far
  4. ye since i was tryign 2 make it look more realistic i didn't want 2 explode it with colours but i might play around thanks.
  5. he has no neck....unless he really fat headed?
  6. secound last 2 leaflets? should be lower, don't no if its approitite for boards thow?
  7. he looks frisky :ohnoes: i thought he had a hunch but it was just his hair :shock:
  8. Oh man, The_Jeppoz was awesome too, can't believe I forgot him. o_o And thanks, Gold. :D *flattered* Tj was the best and still is the best no denieing it, for all those who remeber him he was so good<3: but many others liek terly, mxm, blazer, random, teenagelooser, godslayer and lp those are some greats tjs-work took forever to find http://tee-jay.deviantart.com/art/Pixel-Works-11199056
  9. the last slide says hit in stick man, it okay would look a bit smother if you spead it up a little bit.
  10. ye thanks guy, alot of that anatomy is about a year old when i first tried a style like that i gave up on it but i think it help me a little in the long run but ill try some more with it to get better. The castle lineworks has a few minor flaws but i could fix it up and make it look ok but unno im kidna tryign on making my characters (main usally) bigger like more in the sig other then just littles guys in the background almost all my old sigs are just little guys and i have fun making them but when it coems to the background its some much i jsut get tired and bored of it and move onto another sig/pic
  11. new sig im working on plz gimme some cc on it and soem advice on shading it would be real help!
  12. Huh? I have no idea what you were trying to say, but.. Hmm.. The [bleep]es on his shoulders are too small, and you need to change both the value AND the tint when shading. Your brights aren't saturated enough. uh it suppose to karils top the [bleep]es are that size i think :-k um what u meen about value and tint?lol?
  13. started a football sig for no reason rate/hate/cc i gues :roll: [hide][/hide] [hide]I jsut started drawign again one day because i was bored, and i was thinkign of ideas when i rember one time of when i was playing rs of me always pking till i died and lsot a lot of good stuff and being to lazy to recover my stuff i just gave up pking in all. [hide][/hide] update: the right side where the tree is, is goign to be a forest on the other side of wildy ditch is gonna besome pkers and lurers deeper in the hills some dragons and more pkers. Tell me what you think and how i can improve please.[/hide] I was gettign tired of that sig ^^^ so i decided to take a lil brake and work on something else: [hide][/hide] still have to shade them, i seroiusly have no idea really how to do it cause im never shaded anything that isn't really fanticy but ill experiment. :ohnoes: :ohnoes: Decided just to shade the red and i like it how it turned out. oh here is some of my old pieces im missing a few but oh well lots of these go bakc atleast 2 years. last piece before i gave up on pixaling for almost a year made for some guy never finished you see that ALOT with my pieces lol [developmentally delayed] little egg thing another little avator a 10min little job just working on anatomy witch ended up sucking on this 1 i like the hellhound but everything else is out of proportion anatomy work and some more some linework and some more some dumb idea i had for soem guy i think i actually finish it but he left and i never saved finshed copy there's more just can't find them.
  14. I could never in a million years cross my legs that much, but ill also not very flexible.
  15. Her head is a bit big, and looks a tad on the rounder side try and make it a bit long if you know what i mean. her shoulder expecialy our left one is quite squish bulk them up a bit.
  16. dither and blend the clouds a bit other then that they ok. it kidna boring for me put some people in it maybe have a lobby walking up the stairs?
  17. it's been a while since i've posted 2 lazy 2 i gues :boohoo: haha ye i got bored 1 day cause my mebers ran out and i came here looked around and drew this guy: i no that he has a big body small head legs but i wanted hi m2 be like that
  18. did u no that disks of returning were sold at varrok clothes shop in rsc and u could rob them and they would send u 2 a jail with all the banned and temprly banned peps :ohnoes:
  19. i swear i've seen a harry potter 1 liek with the same concept before :wall:
  20. k me and my friend have been bickering for the last haft an horu about this he says that the higher mage lvl u have the higher u can hit so say u were using earth blast and he says ur max hit at lvl 54 is 15 and when u get like lvl 70 u can 23 as max hit and that works for every spell so the higher u magic the harder u hit and more often u hit i said that u can't and the higher u magic the only that happens is that u hit more often. plox someone 1 stop this and reply soon ty
  21. is there a way 2 recharge them?
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