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Shady Character

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Everything posted by Shady Character

  1. astral rune: 152gp fire rune: 9gp total cost to cast humidify (with water staff): 161gp cost of vial: 71gp cost of waterfilled vial: 80gp so buying empty vials and the cost of runes is 232gp. i would sell the waterfilled vials for 80gp... that sounds like it costs alot of money to lvl....
  2. sry newb question coming up... #-o ive heard this method of training magic can make money or breaks even about. my question is how....? i just dont see how it does, so if someone could explain the method i would be eternaly gratefull :pray:
  3. oh i didnt know bout the mangled bones :roll: .... thanks guys u just saved me a lot of time, effort, and money lol. ok well i guess ill make quick work of killing one mith drag and get some mangled bones and ill be done with my diary. thanks everyone :thumbsup:
  4. ok if i am to meele them, woulndt it be better to wear karils and pray meele instead of pros and pray meele? this way i have better mage protection. i dont realy care bout the pray pots cuz i only need to kill one. however i may end up killing more depending on how long it will take to get the chewed bones. so in all, karils or pros?
  5. im about to finish the fremmy diarys and all i need to do is kill a mithril dragon and do the pyre ship. my questions are: what is considered the best method for killing a mith drag? are my levels high enough for it? and what is the drop ratio of chewed bones? please post if u can answer any of these. also links to guides are helpfull. (please dont link to tipit guide as ive read that one already.)
  6. wow great read! i was already interested in dragonkin and now i know a whole lot more about em thnks! sry im not gonna read through 10 pages of posts so im sry if someone's already said this: personally i dont think we gonna see dragonkin for a while. behind the mithril door, i think we wont find the dragonkin but i think we will find adamant dragons. as you said earlier dragons keep getting stronger so i think jagex will continue this trend. and in the adamant dragon room there will probably be a adamant door that will lead to rune drags. and now finally after rune drags i think we will get to finally see the dragonkin ^^ also i dont think we are gonna see teh dragonkin before we get all dragon items if they are the true creators. what i think is that the addy dragons i mentioned earlier will drop the dragon kite shield, and the rune dragons will drop the awaited dragon platebody. what supports this theroy is that the mithril dragon dropped the dragon full helm. we already have the medium helm, square shield, and chainbody. the last metal dragons will complete our dragon sets. ok well thats all i got for now, would be great to hear some feedback on this.
  7. ok great thanks i guess im off to the chaos tunnels. since there are like 3 different rooms for them, which one is the best?
  8. ok well after excessive trips to waterfall dungeon and brimhaven to kill fire giants, i was wondering if there are any better alternatives to kill fire giants. could anyone say if its good to kill them in the chaos tunnels are anywhere else? answers greatly aprieciated. (btw no bunyip atm but guthans)
  9. its 3 dreadfowl scrolls for 1 shard. hope u can work from that...
  10. im also 99 fishing and ive tried heavy rod.... i also dont get how its supposed to get 50 60k an hour. i believe its all a vicious lie that tries to make me feel bad so i just stick with monks and sharks \
  11. for fletching.... even though stinging is faster, i suggest cutting and stringing just so u dont lose ur mind... but hey if u can just string go for it. hunter... im not sure on exp anymore but i hear like 160k an hour at 70-80. competition still crazy i believe. fishing.. 30k an hour an monks. i think its 4 hours for 1k monks. hope i could help
  12. what i am about to say u should defintaly think about since i actually have 99 fishing.... GO WITH MONK FISH!!!!!!!! seriously anything else shuold be out of the question. fly fishing in shilo is a tid bit faster but will give u close to no profit. besides when the fishing spots go on the other side of the river and u have to run all the way over there just for it to move again is very very anoying.... heavy rod fishing is better than shilo but also no profit. heavy rod compared to monks is only bout 10k faster per hour... if that. i dont know how ppl got 50k an hour ther or anything. i tried it only to get about 35-40k an hour... wouldnt u rather want to spare about 5k an hour and gain about 30m profit instead??? regardless of what way u actually do choose, think very carefully about it because 98-99 alone is around 40 hours of fishing... ima go ahead and hide how many total hours of ur life ur gonna waste on 99 fishing (since some ppl are scared of looking at big numbers [hide=average of how many hours ur looking at from ur lvl...]u have bout 8.7m exp left. so an average of 30k an hour is looking like 290 total hours of fishing... :geek: :ugeek: *disclaimer* sry if calc is wrong and im just scaring u :P[/hide]
  13. i hate it when jagex releases sumthing new and then once people find out how to use it to ist full advantage it gets completly nerfed... cant they give us a break and make sumthing easy for once? :P
  14. i like alching in a castel wars world on the wall. there are usualy tons of ppl there alching and u can always watch the game witch is always fun. world 24 is best for this i believe
  15. is it possible to use a spirit terror bird ?? or does that just add to ur wieght making the balloon method impossible?
  16. ok well thank you for ur advice ill go for some ballooning right now and see how bored i get ;) oh and maybe some other ppl will put sum input into this thread lol
  17. i dont know wtf you are saying stay in the home with oak logs noted,hammer,saw,money try to use the oak logs on the butler if he can convert them into planks that would be the fastest method lol sry. ill try to make it clearer: 1. start in edge with logs 2. tele home using tabs 3. have butler make into planks. 4. make whatever wiht the planks. 5. glory to edge 6. bank get new logs and repeat. ok so dont know if that would be faster than ballooning.... any guesses?
  18. do u know if banking in edge home tele (with tab) then have butler make logs to planks. then build, then glory edge repeat, would be faster than ballooning? right now its a toss up between those two for me and i dont know what exactly could be faster...
  19. is ballooning the absolute fastest method (besides buying straight from ge...)?? or is there some other method involving a butler...?
  20. title says it all, but for ppl who dont read: whats the fastest way to make planks?? plank make is not available to me and i need to get though 9k oaks fast.... ty for quick answers :thumbsup:
  21. Yeah I did that for my last level. Banking at cwars is a lot easier because it's 1 click. Just keep a glory around your neck for emergency teles/when you need to repair pouches. Tip: Instead of using all 8 charges, bank the ring when you're down to 1 and when you're done RCing alch the rings. I believe you get around 700ish gp per ring alched, so you save about 500 gp per ring. Rings cost 900ish on the GE so that's quite a savings. To OP: Yes that's actually very good. At TOP speed it's about 3000 with ghraaks. Tabs are probably almost double that since they're 30 seconds per trip instead of 60, but they take way too long to get with the minigame to be worth it. Use ghraaks. Unless you feel that the time used in the minigame isn't a waste since it's fun. ok thanks because ive been using nat tabs and i just got like 4k in less than an hour... thanks everyone else for the replies and thank u very much for tip on alching dueling rings peronix :thumbsup:
  22. what are popular methods for very fast nats?? ive been getting round 2800 an hour and im wondering if thats good or not...
  23. u guys and ur fancy maths are confusing me. id asume that the charms would start out at the price that u say they are (asumeing jagex doesnt set them lower). but sooner or later supply and demand would simply take over. when a chrimson charm is at 14kea. waterfiends and rocklobsters would be completly overrun, since charm collecting and selling would now be a great money maker. and with this monsterous supply of charms coming into the market the price would plummet down to about the prices on the 2nd post i believe. so i think most of u did all that math for nothing since supply and demand is completly independant of it.
  24. ok so after the quest rocking out u can continue to use the storage locker to bank things. this makes it a suitable place to train wcing. now my question is, after unlocking it in p2p i would like to use it in f2p. i know its possible but im wondering if this would be bug abuse?
  25. can anyone confirm if u can place all the logs first and then run around and light them all?
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