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Everything posted by MD666

  1. Looks awesome, though maybe the teeth are a little too white, I tried it with a very light brown and it looked much smoother. Good to see you posting here again by the way, always loved your work.
  2. rofl you dont have to be rude about it you could of just said, acctually im making him one because its not very often do they get made for others Ok sure, but I meant it, stop spamming the thread.
  3. I have a question I've been thinking about for a while: If the majority of Earth is made of of molten (therefore I pressume, stupidly hot) nickle and iron and whatnot, where does the energy to keep it hot come from?
  4. Perfect, thank you very much! Edit: Look what I happended to come accross by chance:
  5. Hey Navy 8-) How about making me a new sig? : Direct link to photo- http://www.5hred.deviantart.com/gallery/ Any of those there, I really dont mind, the choice is yours. Main Text- Shred. Subtext- N/A Brightness, ie dark or light- Up to you, I trust your judgement. Other notes- Could you possible make it a "flat" sort of size, say 75 high and 350 wide?
  6. The angle of the wall and the angle of the objects that are on the wall isn't the same, which makes it look a tad strange. Experiment with coloured outlines too, for instance on the sword use grey lines rather than black, slightly darker than its base colour, should give it a more realistic look. The glow effect you used doesn't look too great nor is it accurate, you would be much better off hand pixeling it, remember the light sources would be the window and the fire. Pretty decent for a first try though.
  7. Thank you for the cc, I'll bear it all in mind when I next have the urge to go out snapping. I didn't even notice the photography sticky either, just browsing it now! :)
  8. Thanks Navy. I've noticed that with the sky too, but other than like you said, editing it, I really have no idea how "compose the shot differently", if you could explain what you mean by that I'd appreciate it. Believe it or not number ten was where I actually realised the macro button existed, and I just happened to turn around and find that plant to experiment on, not expecting much to come of it, but thanks :P
  9. Yea thanks :) Obviously I took a lot more than this and these were just my favourites, I did notice I had quite a few pics in almost exactly the same sort of style :x I'll bear that in mind, thanks.
  10. Not sure if anyone here would remember me but I looked around a bit and found a couple of familiar faces.... it's been a long time since I posted here. Recently I went on holiday and fell in love with the camera, I'm just using Sony DSC-T100. Completely new to photography of any kind and would apprieciate any constructive critisism or comments anyone has to offer, or if someone could point me in a direction of where to go next etc. http://5hred.deviantart.com/ http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/b/3/Succulent__by_5hred.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/a/d/Typical_westcountry_by_5hred.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/1/2/Into_the_valley_by_5hred.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/c/6/An_Old_Oak_by_5hred.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/b/c/The_door_in_the_hillside_by_5hred.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/f/b/Dew_by_5hred.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/f/3/Temporary_Washing_Line_by_5hred.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/1/d/Zip_by_5hred.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/6/4/Man_wot_is_on_sum_rocks_by_5hred.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/2/e/Plant_in_Croyde_by_5hred.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs20/i/2007/231/a/7/Wheel_by_5hred.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs20/f/2007/231/f/8/Footprint_by_5hred.jpg
  11. Running on 1280 x 1024 on Opera: http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/4750/asdfgj7.png
  12. Great! I was wondering how to do this, came accross a few tuts that just said "now add a light souce" and I didn't know how, thanks!
  13. Its really good, I wish I could do something like that... One crit though, the shadows don't seem right. Like Mxm pointed out, they are a different colour to the shadows on the mountains, which makes them seem odd. Also I don't think they are placed right. It looks to me like the light source is just above the top of the mountain, this is the lightest part of the sky. So if I am right the shadows should be much more elongated, right now it seems like your light source is someplace way above the canvas?
  14. Woah, nice GS. You sticking around here now? I'm not sure about the four holes, their perspective seems rather too perfect compared to the rest of the armour. Can't wait to see the finished thing.
  15. Rofl. No ones judging you here mate, there really is no need to light your own candle. ;)
  16. I thought they were, so that the marine could move faster in their heavy armour? That goes against everything I believed in... #-o :lol: I can't help getting the thought in my head of the one that you drew, trying to use his jump pack and his head flying off... :XD:
  17. I don't see any deliberately exaggerated features, nor do I see any comic or grotesque effects. In fact I'm afraid the only way you could perhaps argue that those are caricatures is that they are in fact "representations". :lol:
  18. Thats fine, you just can't call it a pixel sig anymore.
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