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Everything posted by incubus45

  1. Just been playing bioshock on my 360....... erm wow and a lot of counter-strike 1.6 our clan is getting prepped for lan.
  2. Yeah, me, but I just cancelled my sub. D: Ahh well.
  3. Hey guys i used to play rs and Moved to wow... i thoguht id come back and see how thigns were coming along.... So anybody here play on Dath'Remar?
  4. Ok Counterstrike source is a revamped version of the original cs better graphics bigger hitboxes and stuff id reccomnd gettign this over the original because it is a little easier. more people play source. yes steam will let you download the game and will let you pay for the game via credit card. counterstrike started out as a mod to half life and a lot of people played it and then it took off from there thats why youll see game bundles (im not sure if they do it anymore) of half life 2 and cs source. well since your new id suggest source.
  5. if you want good games and good online get an xbox 360 if you want something different and like 3 good games which all arent even out yet get a wii
  6. I've never heard of the first guy, so no? Incubus is like the Green Day of kids who think they are stoners. Hmmm you really need to stop talking about things you know nothing about just leave youve made a complete [wagon] of yourself
  7. i wasnt bragging i was proving a point that all 15 years are crappy guitar weilding emos. And if you think good gear doesnt matter you have got a lot to learn
  8. Thanks for the reccomendations. :D yea no problems man its gunna be awsome plus we get free rides at luna park
  9. Captain arse face? please what are you 8? $100 squire guitar? i assure you all the gear and equipment that i own was a lot more than $100 i worked hard for the money to buy these things oh and incubus sucks? what bands do you listen to then mr catbert? Your worse than those little kids out there screaming "OMFG JEOY JORDIOSOON AND TWAVIS BARWKER ARE LIEK TEH BEST CUSE DEY GO FAST!" just drop it dude your a failure drummer that talks [cabbage].
  10. ok guys dont listen to catbert i can asure you as a REAL musician with a fair bit of experience he has not a single bit of an idea in what he is talking about.
  11. to warrior cog areawsome dude there not really like lamb of god but still awsome some song i reccomend downloading are the spine my enemy and resonate oh also getting my tickets soon the bads that are playing are shihad, cog, grinspoon and karnivool plus a bunch of other bands
  12. ok but the wii on a table and get a sledgehammer and swing at it like mad.
  13. ive got my receit for my preorder looking at the date ive had it for a LONG time now i have a beta key thoguh looking at the dates only 10 more days (wooooooohooooooooooooo
  14. Hopefully seeing aussie prog metal band cog sometime this year and next years bdo in melbourne or sydney
  15. mosh hard man one of the greatest bands to come out of metal in a long time
  16. meh. nothing will overtake the almighty juggernaut that is wow
  17. server : dath remar pve) level 21 undead mage and lvl 6 orc warrioe XD
  18. lol DO NOT play on a pvp server it is not fun play on a normal/ pve server to get started
  19. bioodwork654 add me i play gow and halo 2
  20. hmmm not excited but would be nice if they made a good album.
  21. bezerker cryptopsy cannibal corpse hate eternal deicide (gods of death metal) death job for a cowboy (more grindish though) thats all i can think of at the moment
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