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Everything posted by bedman

  1. erm, for members also, as soon as you log out everything you done gets deleted. again: for both members and f2p
  2. damit!!! thats what i tried to explain, but then in a 10 times longer post :cry: :evil: :oops: hehe
  3. its a good idea but it need some tweaks: 1)one problem is the overrun of member worlds so they would better just make the f2p worlds open for all the areas for that one day. 2)other problem is how often: one day a month is too often 3) exp gained should erase but that makes a problem since the f2p wolrds would become as big as members world , and people who dont want to go on the p2p area, still got their stats erased for that day. (since jagex would prolly erase all stats gained that day on every world which is open for members) this problem could be fixed by making a majority of the f2p servers open to the members area for that day, and so all f2p'ers who want to test out members go on that. and then a few servers could stay like they are now: totally f2p, so exp gained doenst dissapear 4) trades... xp is easy to erase, trades arent, since its someting between 2 persons (cant really explain this, but you get my point, no?) => cant find a solution 5) what about people who buy member items in shops => cant find a solution 6) what about members items that npc drops , will they just dissapear WAIT, I JUST FOUND IT, it solves everything listen this: every 3 months(or even more months in between), a certain amount of f2p wolrd turns into beta-member worlds: everything you do that day will be totally forgotten/erased when the day is gone. even for members who go on those worlds, EVERYTHING GETS ERASED. so one guy cant sell somethign cheap to another (member) guy, knowing that everything gets erased anyway (so he gets his stuff back). so if you (prollly a f2per) decide to explore it a bit, do some quests, and test out the mighty dragon lnog (if your fast enough to finish lost city), and then decide to leave the beta world, and log in again into a normal f2p world, your char is just the same (even at same place) as when u logged out to visit the beta world. this way members world doesnt get overran, scams arent a problem (everything gets erased), etc... => all problems fixed i think with this tweak , the idea might work EDIT: i just saw that somebody else posted about the same thing (somethign about a limited trial, and also suggesting that nothign gets saved), however, i think mine is better :wink: oh and for those who say jagex is a COMPANY and want MONEY. this would be a GREAT advertisement for members since they know can experience how much better it is by themselves, but not get satisfaction since everytying gets erased
  4. stop complainind dudes! mining is easy if you know the right spots. first of all, in the beginning you should mine (and bank) a big load of copper and tin (1000 of each). this should be a nice beginning for smithing and will bring you to 41 mining (almost). then you can mine iron. the trick is then to powermine and forget about banking. hobgoblin mine is great for this. once your high enough ( for instance 70 mining) then just stop mining and buy ur smithing lvls. OR go for 85 mining (with powermining) and mine rune ores and get insanely rich and buy lots of steel bars.
  5. updated!!! i implemented a few ideas i liked, and left out a few things i actually didnt like. i hope it makes sense now. 8)
  6. i know, and ill maybe do that , when i have time(not now prolly)
  7. ty for ur significant comment :D i hope that people who read this toppic will also read the comments and form a general idea with it. because how its described at the first page, isnt totally what i have in mind now(i like the other ideas suggested). also i like the herblore tie you suggested, and the agility thing u "suggested"( actually repeated) and for the people who say: stop bumping old topics: read it and you know why i do this.
  8. Im guessing your p2p and dont know what its like, oh ya i ignore them, like I said half way through the day ill turn off public chat, but they still follow me for over an hour i'm f2p also, and i dont have any problems dude... the occasional noobs who follow me, i just ignore ow yeah, i'm 83 combat and i got a phat
  9. third topic about this... you would have better posted this in one of the two other threads
  10. bump and hes a bit crazy i think...
  11. all good ideas :) the only question i have then is : why a new skill(i think other guys said it b4 in this post), if its a mixture of evertything... it could be a big minigame but then i think: cmon man, new skill are always cool :lol:
  12. bump :) i know, its an old one, but ive put work in it
  13. do they all have 99 att 99 def and 99 str and 99hp? because you dont mention them anywhere... and if they have those stats above, why do you mention the ranged and magic then? i mean, if you have 99att 99def and 99str, ur 99 magic and prayer wont affect you, do they?
  14. the statement about the money aint right... i'm f2p and i dont become members because: - my parents prolly dont allow me - its too much effort to pay, if i am allowed - i'm fine here in f2p - i'm scared that i will be playing too much if i become members, because i already play alot now. and in p2p, there is soo much to do...
  15. lol, thats from "austin powers", the fat scottisch guy... remember? anyways, what u think of "bedman" => my name 8)
  16. lol, thats from "austin powers", the fat scottisch guy... remember? anyways, what u think of "bedman" => my name 8)
  17. i know something that works better u just craft like 25k minds and 25k airs then u buy urself an earth staff for 1500 gp and cast away!!! u'll get like 300k+ xp from it the reason why i dont say fire strik is: fire strike uses 2 air runes per spell , and that way u would have to craft 25k more air runes, for just a lil bit more xp
  18. very very nice!!!! 8) but i think ur pixel sigs with background(like you got) even own more
  19. u think skills that are totaly dependant on other skills are stupid? smithing- u cant make armour without mining ores... fletching- whats a use of this skill? u make arrows for ranged!!! firemaking- u cant make a fire out of air! u need to cut woods, and thats woodcutting! are these skills stupid? totally right, why do you think firemaking is so stupid... => because it is only related to woodcutting and has no use 8) if hunting would be a complete independant skill, it would be boring/stupid/useless. and the guy who said it would only give rangers an advantage : maybe spears would be better and be P2P only and arrows would be worse and for F2P so rangers in F2P (who dont have much advantages) at least have some good reason to train it by the way: i'm very happy for the latest posts since they are so positive, if some of you is P2P and likes the idea => plz post on official suggestion forum (p2p only)
  20. okay, okay, maybe it isnt such a good idea... :roll: i now saw ur oppinions and thats what i wanted to see. since they are not so possitive i will not make any more corrections etc... on the guide ty all for the comments
  21. just a quest where you have to kill some animals, i dont agree... i was thinking of a whole new way to make money and food. but i think a quest have to be related to it somehow. maybe to enter the parc you have to finish a quest to prove you are worht it or something like that :)
  22. i dont know what the chompy bird thingy is but maybe it actually better would be part of ranged. then you dont have a new skill, but just a new way to make money/food and maximus would be happy.... this way , lvling ur ranged in f2p would at least make sence :) and also a combat skill will be related then to something non-combat(the hunting) and money making. (okay, if u high lvl u can make lots of money while fighting)
  23. it's just an IDEA... i dont say i really really want this or something, i'm also happy with the skills now. i just wanted to see ur oppinions and i see that u dont like it but that doesnt mean you have to place a few "suck" and "noob" in ur post just say: i dont like it ill got the message then
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