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Everything posted by runekille156

  1. My clan has been wanting to try out trouble Brewing and we need more people and if there is a homeworld for it it would be great help. Could someone tell me if there is a nice homeworld? :-k
  2. stailingard mp44 its the best gun in game flat iout fast and clean hits
  3. snowballs that get a dude all snowy and its a infinite weapon to play with from holidays
  4. call of duty series its ftw for xbox farcry silent scope sniper game that game is soooo fun and a good classic is house of the dead that game is a nice horror fast paced shooter
  5. aaaaaah the site isnt working tooo amny people trying to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall: :wall: :anxious: -.-
  6. shimmering isles comes out today i think \
  7. saying that the whip is high str and ownage speed with pretty low price is a all around good weapon. People say the whip is over price now my first was 5m and some peoples whips were 7-8m and even at the begining like 15m so dont complain about price and its a very very good atk and def weapon to train with.
  8. i read in a article that someone made a pyramid scheme in it and was able to take 700bill money outa that game
  9. you have to be 13+ to play runescape... Thats a fairly recent rule, I started at 11 years old =-\ it wasnt ALWAYS that way i started this game in 5th grade and i was like 12 they added that rule like half year ago :-$
  10. i lost count i see almost every update cus im on in the morning before school \
  11. First whip drop woot im soo excited i was taking abreak from fishing and messing there wewt!!
  12. lmao you can get a free 130k from these these anchors i let my bud kill me gave me 230k ran to see if i can still get anchor for 50k and i could cus it says you can 1 more time anchor from quest +50k and the other anchor back = 230-100=130k profit ftw :thumbsup: and you can also get killed for the 2nd for 230k but that one cost 700k so i wouldnt die a 2nd time
  13. i quite like the farming one when that one was out all spiffy with all the vines and shrubary
  14. Im definatily a Convetional I like to stick to the work i want and i dont stop till i get the goal i want im going for 99 fish atm and yes i am kinda boring :XD:
  15. i would never thast what people know me as in rs and it is part of me now :thumbsup:
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