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  1. My Mom does not care (pays for members 8-) ) My Dad thinks its Evil, I'm not allowed to play. Do I care? No :roll: I play, He does not know, We all are Happy. Hehe, have a 1709 total and technically can not play :)
  2. Can't Come, tied up with FM :roll: But good luck, hope for Guthans Spear! :XD:
  3. I agree, But it's not for the 50k drop, Like you said.. It's Fun! I've done it :twisted:
  4. EDIT: Ok, almost 1k views? I just put this out here, Didn't know anyone would actually look\post about it :) Ok, anyone who has any knowledge of Runecrafting, or hangs around Edgeville, Knows that RC-ers hate PK-ers, and that the latter makes fun of the former. Eg. Lvl 108 Player (Alching): YES! almost 85 Mage! Then I can Tb Rcers without pot :) Lvl 105 Player: Man! I can't believe you do that! You seriously know thats nooby right?!? Lvl 108: Why? Lvl 105 (Others joining in) OMFG NOOB. -------------------------------------------------- This is not exagerated at all, its actually an understatement, It gets much worse than this. Much. But I say WHY is this considered noobish? The absolute HATE that someone of the Rcing class has for the Pker class? I used to be like this, I used to hate pkers, but think about it. Pkers are good for the Rcing economy. That's right, Good. Ok, say there are 100 Rcers scattered across 30 worlds, The average rc level is not that high. They make about 1k nats in 1 hour. So, in 1 hour 100k nats are produced. Introduce 30 Pkers, Average 1 per world. Lets say, that out of 30 Pkers preying on 100 Rcers, the Pkers chalk up 15-20 kills, in 1 hour. So, the freshly killed Rcers are depressed, they have lost their pouchs, they have lost their glory. So they might stop Rcing for at least that hour, resulting in less Nature runes on the market. Ok, you are a Rcer, you make nats, you are glad that there are not as many nats on the market, you are glad that not as many people are buying pure ess (driving the price down). So, you are GLAD that there are Pkers, thats right, its good for you. To conclude, I am a Rc-er.. Bigtime, I'm 93 Rc and I've done the Abyss since 91 rc, that many many hundreds of thousands of Rc xp. I'm lvl 107, How many times have I been Pked? 3 times. How many times have I lost my pouches? 1 time, so lets see, if Pkers were removed than I would now have 3 more glories than I have and about 45 minutes of my time back. But the prices of Nats would be what? 50 gp lower? 100 gp lower? I will keep the Pkers thank you! This may sound weird, but thanks you Pk-ing guys! :lol:
  5. talk to the representative from the templar knights. it's in 3 parts. Exactly where is he?
  6. Runecrafting was obviously hindered by the Pure Essence update....although it probably hurt f2p'ers the most. However, if a 91+ runecrafter makes nats and buys pure essence, he will actually make more money now than before the update. Go figure. :? Awesome, my 93 Rc helps me then.. Never really thought about it.. Ok, before... Ess = 30 each, Nats = 300 each. One ess for Two nats, so 570 gp profit from one ess. NOW [Pure] Ess = 100 each, Nats 350 each. One ess for Two nats so 600 gp profit :thumbsup: I agree, not fair to Sub-91'ers, definatly not fair to F2P (the source of income for them is GONE) Those are just my thoughts on this :)
  7. I did Fast Free Laws Til 91, I started at 76, Guess how long it took me playing OVER 6 hours a day?... 36 days :wall: Yep.. Just the Weekly Tears of Guthix trip for my (then) pitiful farming level...And I stopped once when canoes were released..This was all way before pure ess :thumbsup:
  8. How do I do it? Tried it before didnt work :wall: Someone give a step-by-step? :thumbsup:
  9. I saved up 20 points and bought 2 packs 5 harr 5 irit 5 toadflax 5 kwuarm 5 ranarr
  10. MAY as in the month. LAY as in "lay down" Maylay = melee Thats what it is
  11. Reliably 1m an hour (check out the rc lvl hehe)
  12. Is it true that for the range and mage attacks the sounds are different? and if they are please...erm describe them P.S. Got to the level 702 and died.. didnt know which prayer to use
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