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Everything posted by Artemis_42

  1. While being an interesting read, I've found it to be a bit one sided. It is true that Runescape does have the possibility of taking over your life in such I way, I have found this to be quite rare. I have quite a few friends at school who play Runescape, and all of which still get good grades and maintain a decent social life. I myself only got one "B" this semester, the rest of which being "A"s :) All in all I found the story to be well thought out and well writen, especialy for a new member.
  2. Meh, I almost killed you once, however I had 60hp, 5 bandages and 10 prayer when the fight began lol. However, the game before that I think i killed you towards the end. I'm not sure though, the match might've ender first.
  3. Well, i'll be there if I can, however I might not be able to make it. Who knows, I have never been to an event, it could be fun :D
  4. I don't see why everyone complains about the snails, think to yourself for a moment, does that look like melee to you? No, mage is a bit more understandable, until you notice that those are balls of slime. Or you could have read the guide in the quide on the runescape site itself. It tells you about all the monsters you encounter. :) The real thing I hate about route three, is that no matter how good you are, you can still lose if your npc is a moron. Take for example this incident, I was fighting the sea monster, my guy gets attacked (not too surprising, as there are 5 things that attack you there.) So as always, I quickly kill the tentacel attacking him, and he then wanders into the path of two other. By this time, there is no way of saving him That is just the most irritating, once he walking right up to 4 of the shades in one of the encounters, and got himself killed in less than a seconed. And, you can use food on these guys to heal them. :)
  5. Lol, last time I checked you didn't have to kill a lvl 781 for that quest :) You don't, you mine gold, it complains and gets weaker to around level 78 I think. One thing I always found interesting about that monster is that everyone thinks it is the Arzinian Being itself, however if you look a bit more closely, It calls it the Arzinian AVATAR of Magic. The two names are quite different, this also noticalbe if you compare the name from the chat box it has when doing the quest. So when it says that the actual monster itself is that strong, I find it not to diffecult to beleive.
  6. The only thing I didn't like about thsi miniquest was making the stews, the puzzle itself I enjoyed a bit. 3 red 3 orange 3 yellow 2 brown
  7. I've always pronounced it as "Ar-dug-nay" don't ask me why, I just sounds good in my opinion, even though there is no accent over the final "e".
  8. There is about 4 books on the history of the elfs in one of the bookselfs in Lletya.
  9. YES! finnaly somebody who agrees with me. At any rate, I myself am 14 and I have found that I am a lot more mature than the better part or the runescape population. However, I don't feel I should have to help out any low lvl that asks for it at any giving time of day. I personaly never had to ask for help, money or free stuff from other players, and I have gotten along quite well, why should they? However, from time to time I will help those people who are POLITE, I will gladly help anybody who is polite to me, is this not logical? And lastly, why does everybody always think that every low level is a n00b. For those who don't know, a 'n00b' is sombody who intentionaly annoys people and is an idiot, not a low level player who is new to the game.
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