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Everything posted by Tainted_Hero

  1. Can we see the full render? I would really like to see it. :)
  2. you know not everyones american.. if something is protected by an american copywright you could still use it in mexico.. without being prosecuted and btw.. its ok to use pictures you didnt make for abstract art or whatever kind of art hes making but if it was pixel art it would be a big no no.. painting big no no Its not the law part that bothers me... I don't think its right to use something you didn't make and claim it as your own work.
  3. You seem to use alot of pictures you didn't make yourself... I hope you know thats against the law... Using them occasionally is fine, but in every sig is pushing it. :roll: Edit- Those are also way too big for these boards.
  4. Viewing it on a different computer now and it looks much better. Still the white spot looks bad, and text could be better. I change my rating to 7.5/10 now :)
  5. This wont turn into a trend because I don't think they will sell very well. The animation is well done and the rest of the sig looks clean. GJ :)
  6. I see most people base their opinions on how well known a person is rather then how good they truely are. I see many posts of crappy work where everyone says incredible job just simply because the person is well known, then a person of just the same skills posts and gets flamed for some small mistakes. Everyone has their opinions so topics like these are pointless. 8)
  7. Sorry I just don't really like it. The white spot looks pretty bad, the first part of text looks a bit fuzzy to me, and The rest of the sig looks messy. I also don't like that mix of colors very well. I guess overall its alright. I would have to rate it 6.5/10
  8. Brush work is good. Altho I don't like how it all comes together like that in the top left corner. The text seems a little bland to me also. I think you could do alot more with it.
  9. Thats too big. You can have more then one thing as your sig but total it cant be more then 300 x 150
  10. Yeah it would look much better as a whole person. Making a larger area can hide some of the smaller flaws.
  11. I don`t like the mix of colors on the right side. Pretty good render though. Try adding some line work. 8)
  12. Hmm pretty good very original. I like the text at the bottom. :wink:
  13. Why don`t you just retake the pic and then add the border and text again?
  14. I would definetly choose different font colors.
  15. I agree with keiphus. It has a lot of good parts in it, but combined all together just doesn`t look right.
  16. I hardly believe you made that..... If you can prove me wrong I will be amazed. :wink:
  17. Tainted_Hero


    Which of us is gonna do the render?
  18. Kewl, I will have this site design some time tonight or early tommorow. BTW.. How do you do your coding? Do you use image ready to slice it all then code. Or I know some people manually slice it all and do it that way?
  19. Tainted_Hero


    Is it abstracts only? Or are we allowed to do other stuff?
  20. Yeah well heres the deal.... I really like designing sites, but I really hate coding them. I will pay the person who does this half of the price the site sells for. Currently I have one job paying 1 mill. So the person would receive 500k for doing this. If your interested in doing this for this website or for more of the sites I make....Please reply here, send me a pm, or talk to me on aim. ~THANKS~
  21. The color of the font doesn`t fit very well. Try spending a little more time on it. You need to add more to it. Its way to plain. Great picture though. :lol: Try using some brushes. When I started out making wallpapers I used a lot of premade brushes, they are fine to use when you first start just to fill things in. Altho do not start relying on them. I still use brushes now, for the most part ones I make myself. They are just a really great thing to have around just incase you need to fill up a little more space.
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