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The Observer

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Everything posted by The Observer

  1. The Observer


    Looks like Lincoln is seriously questioning his decision to help preserve the Union.
  2. The Observer


    Thought I was the only one experiencing slow responses. My province is still going through the post-interview stages. Meanwhile, I've worked in municipal government for over 3 years now. Cannot comprehend how a furlough can happen because in Canada if we don't pass a budget, we have an election. In my limited knowledge of parliamentary systems that is. Municipally we have to pass a budget, by law, according to my province's Municipal Act. If we don't, then the province will do it for us.
  3. The Observer


    It's not unheard of. Pretty much coughing enough to the point where you wake yourself up. I've had patients wake up with a lot of congestion due to bad pneumonia, etc because they have something called nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea (pretty much being unable to breathe). But that's something far different.
  4. The Observer


    Maybe I should try that. Started developing a cough from a cold.
  5. The Observer


    That's what Tequila does to you...
  6. The Observer


    My car seems to be doing okay... so far. Have to get it in to fix my bumper since someone hit it.
  7. The Observer


    Sucks more so after the third one. Hopefully this one works for longer.
  8. The Observer


    The original one my laptop came with and two subsequent replacement ones have all broken. The original one had issues with the cord fraying internally while the replacement ones just kept on having broken heads (the piece that plugs into the laptop). Drives me mad.
  9. The Observer


    Anyone else find that laptop chargers break easily? Hoping my next one has a USB-C plugin so I don't have to find the specific one that I want everytime.
  10. The Observer


    Mine went better than expected. More so seeing family I haven't seen in a while. That's what does it for me. We had a dinner at my aunt's house. She rents a house where the basement is rented out to students. Since everyone left in the basement except for one, we invited him up to have Christmas dinner with us. It was his first Christmas in Canada. I can understand why not receiving anything would make you feel like you're unappreciated. That's for sure. I've usually spent my Christmases giving, but that's because I grew up not really getting anything. I usually volunteered with my local soup kitchen or as volunteer EMT.
  11. The Observer


    They increased the penalties. e.g. first offence is a mandatory $1,000 fine.
  12. The Observer


    They just upped the drinking and driving laws here. Not too much though.
  13. The Observer


    Agreed. I'm doing this very shortly myself. Potential opportunity with the OPS even though it's a bit rocky considering the new government, but great experience nonetheless.
  14. The Observer


    My last exam of the semester is tomorrow evening. [bleep]. Then one more day of work and I can drive home in two days. A good ~100km drive, so not too bad. Hopefully doesn't snow too hard... even though I have my winters on.
  15. The Observer


    And here I am getting dates but that’s about it. This one girl I’m talking to asked to go out for drinks but this week because of work and exams I don’t have the physical time. Ugh.
  16. Guess in that sense it prevents you from skulling.
  17. Congrats on your promotion to a [P] Member

  18. The Observer


    Sounds like the equivalent of diversion here. If you have no criminal record or any history of offence that can bite you in the ass, then that sounds good. I assume hiring a lawyer helped make that happen?
  19. The Observer


    Difference is people buying things domestic vs internationally. My issue is that there's so many things you can get overseas that don't even compare to what we have here in North America.
  20. The Observer


    Should be able to order from overseas without having the price jacked up by 3-4x. Some tax, I get, but that's just ridiculous. I bet they'd make more money off of it if they lowered it because people would actually be willing to pay it. [bleep]ing Ontario.
  21. The Observer


    Yeah, but I mean it's a wide window. https://travel.gc.ca/returning/customs/what-you-can-bring-home-to-canada#alcohol Last time I went I didn't have checked baggage; just a carry on as I was backpacking.
  22. The Observer


    More so some I tried in Europe I want here. Next time I go I'll take my max limit I guess.
  23. The Observer


    Anyone have booze you liked overseas you can't get locally? Or maybe it's a me problem considering my province's [bleep]ing liquor monopoly.
  24. e: thought this was the Today thread. Ffs.
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