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Everything posted by MC_Kejml

  1. How do you or others who are bullied react when they are bullied? Throughout my middle school and high school I would, at first glance, have seemed like someone to be bullied. You know the quiet, late bloomer, smart (not to toot my own horn) guy. Yet, I was never bullied. They tried, but never got the response they were looking for. When they would make a joke in my expense, I would play along and, depending on the situation, also make a joke at my own expense. This shows that I'm willing to laugh with them and make fun of myself, which is a horrible combination for a bully. I realize though that this might not work since you now have a reputation, but it's never too late to try. Yep... My reputation for my responses could really be the problem. Well, the ones that get bullied still don't react, but also still get the bullys' abusement. That's a thing I never understood, why, when the best thing is to not respond, they insist on attacking them.
  2. If he makes fun of you and you just shrug, avoid eye contact, and don't respond at all, he may jump on the opprotunity to see how much it takes to make you respond. You want to acknowledge his actions, but be indifferent to their purpose (making you upset). I don't know the kid, so I can't say for sure, but you can try laughing with him when he makes fun of you. It doesn't always work (like in the instance of the fart joke), but it can help sometimes. It's hard to tell you exactly what to do without properly knowing the situation and people involved, but I hope some of this general advice helped. Sure thing. However, I find out that in this age (or just in our class) the bullies doesn't even care for the person involved. From my ( and this may sound weird and funny at the same time ) observation, they appear to be boosting their ego and pecking order level by doing this. They don't give a crap for what the bullied guy does, but they are always "in for a good laugh, no matter the reason". And this may prove like a very tough situation to get through, moreso if you can't influent their actions in any way. But the bullied person feels bad no matter their motivation or purpose. More advice appreciated, as always.
  3. Thanks for advice, I just don't understand the "but don't do it to purposefully or he'll see through it in no time." part. What does that mean?
  4. Hey sup, figured this might belong here and I am not feeling like creating new threads about it, so... There is this kid in high school that goes into the same class as I do. It has been for three years, and his demented jokes always trigger some wave of hate against me within my fellow students. He bugs me all the time whenever he sees me and god help me if I look his way. I mean, this has been going for three long years, our class teacher told him about it that he shouldn't do it like three times, but he always resumed after a month or so. Now, a new ( 3rd ) grade has begun for our class in september, and I have been educating myself with materials that could turn me from a complete p_ssy to a confident man and I have to say I really improved in life. Now don't take me as a fool, I live without my dad for like 7 years and the time spent in womens' raising have made me soft as a ... Uhm, I don't know what could be the right comparison to soft =D However, the kid was still abusing me for few months, I could have dealt with him by beating the living brown substance out of him, but I would be expelled from the school for that. Also, I am not a very violent type. Today was one of the breaking points when we came into our class and he was like "lol it stinks here because MC_Kejml farted here" and his lackeys - OF COURSE - believed him, so a long scene with open windows and expeditions from the class went on, the teacher at that class was like O_o wtf. Of course, I didn't do such thing. However, I went to our class teacher, the person who should settle these matters, but she refused to help me, since he hates me now when I am confident, not the king [bleep]less of [kitty] more I was for the years past. I do not act too overconfident though, I am just your average Joe and if I started behaving that way when I came into that school, I'd be considered the cool kid that you can talk with anytime. So my question is, how can I be helped? When there is no help at school, who can I turn to? My parents wouldn't give a [cabbage], too. I could try the school confidant or the principal, but going to the confidant and explaining my troubles just sounds... Odd. I don't know. Thanks in advance for all the ideas. Try not to tell how should I fix my behaviour, since I DO NOT DISTURB NOR TALK NOR PROVOKE THE DISTRUPTIVE KID ANYHOW. PS: Isn't it disturbing kids do these things when they are 18 years old? Yeah...
  5. Hell it shouldnt be. No, ... Just no. EDIT: I know all the new hassle about sexuality not being a taboo, but this is a lot over the top. Call me a christian fool or someone who is too convinced by the media, but the grossness of the entire subject is one big negative for me.
  6. fyi? Please explain:p And I know the drawing is not perfect, as I said, it's not the final cast Got a suggestion for other colours?:) Well, my suggestion would be brown. But hey, do it the way you like it.
  7. Hm I don't exactly want to be different. I want to be me! So... Yeah.
  8. That's pretty cool. I was thinking of making a similar thread. I'd recommend using hena first so you can see if you'll like it. If you do, then let's do it. However, the color of the lion's eyes, I dont know :/
  9. Anyway I want my life to have a point and to leave something for other people, so I write my book. And recently, critics started to tell me positive reviews. So yay. However, you can't probably decide what will happen when you're young. So try to enjoy life at this age, you can solve srs bsns when you're adult (or not? :? ).
  10. Been through that, and actually I've found how to get past it. However, I don't want to preach on this forum, so a PM would probably do. It helped me and I pretty much know what's that.
  11. Yeah, I sorta get that impression. But I'm trying to enjoy life when I'm 17, when my life dies in 30 in an office I can loathe in it forevermore. So hey, let's enjoy life when there still is something to enjoy.
  12. Lol, srry... I used our national browsers but forgot google :roll: Thanks !
  13. Sup, guys. Recently, I was thinking about buying some brand clothes, especially the brand "ELEMENT". Those are skaters' brands, such as ADIO, DC, BILLABONG ( that's chavs', i know ). However, the brand element, as if it would disappear completely, is nearly unavailable in our country and I am looking for certain clothes, however I can't find a list of all ELEMENT products anywhere. So my question is: Can I find a list of all ELEMENT brand clothes somewhere?
  14. Well, the songs aren't hard to get, but the MIX sure is. It's not like I couldnt mix it together, but then it sounds nothing like it. In the original mix, there are other sounds included that make the song all epic and good ... :) And I already googled it like 1465464 times and there's no trace of it. :((
  15. Thank you for replies, but the songs aren't on the soundtrack... And are not downloadable anywhere :( Yeah, I am talking about the dance off mix from American Pie 3 :? .
  16. Dang. Now I found out it has only 1 audio channel. :(
  17. Thx, and Nope! It's because I want to get one cool music piece.
  18. The title says is all. Guys, this is pretty urgent. If you have any tips, please tell me. You would have my sincere appreciation and my help in your problems. How can I remove people's voices from a movie? I know I once did it so only the music and sounds were present, but I forgot... Please, help :(
  19. Guys, all of you are telling him not to buy things he doesn't need. However, when you put it that way, what do you need except bread, water, and air? I'm also suggesting the topic maker is young, so hey, he wants to enjoy his life when he can, he's in the "best ages", how we call them... When his life will be killed behind a desk in a job beginning in 8 AM and ending 4 PM, it will not be a life he can enjoy as much as when he is young. /OT My suggestion is loans, selling cigarettes ( you can even try the one beginning with w, ending with d and has two e's in it. However, I do not encourage dealing with those, since it's very dangerous.) A part-time job, selling clutter at home you don't need anymore, maybe even ask to borrow some cash from your parents ( and offer it will be deducted from your monthly pocket money, if you are getting that) Well, that's from top of my head. And don't take my OT too seriously, I do not want a flame war here. So you can have the last word and pwn me into oblivion. Hope it helped :)
  20. If you have an incomplete family, you must learn what the missing parent would have normally taught you. I realised that last schoolyear. Whenever someone tells you as a tip, hint, or anything else, you MUST adapt it in your OWN way. Sure, you can do it the same way the other person tells you to, but it's like eating chinese food without sticks. And, well - always try to not to be upset about anything. A calm attitude can help you with problems more than complete shattering of mind. And never go to a rave the same day you work on -_- (I never have been so dead after 20 hours of action :( ) EDIT: And always fight for what is right, even if you stand alone. You live only once, so caring about what others think is secondary.
  21. Interesting topics in Offtopic, also the ability to talk with people my age about common problems without fear of flame war or "HUR HUR YOU ARE/DO/HAVE ... xyz!!!2!". Mostly.
  22. Ok, I've bought the ZEN and it definitely is good. Thank you all for your advice!
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