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Everything posted by kryptospike12

  1. Congradulations!! What an achievement!! This has been one of my long term goals as well but i gots no monies to speed it up :(
  2. Hi all!! My rs name is Sublexation and I've been playing rs since late 2002. This is my 5th account hence why I don't have fabulous skills (workin' on it though :thumbsup: ). 3 of my last 4 accounts were hacked by a "friend" (not friends anymore) and I lost interest in the 4th. "Sublexation also has about 5 months of classic under his belt. I love this game and won't play anything else!! My favorite skills are fletching, crafting, herblore, and firemaking. My hobbies include playing runescape, and running... lots and lots of running!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :D :D (oh and i love all these smilies!)
  3. gratz!! That would be so cool if this was the hot topic of the week :D
  4. congratulations!!! =D> =D> =D> I know you've heard that alot but you deserve it!
  5. Nice article! I don't know too much about business but it all made sense and I've never thought of it that way before. This has given me a new way of thinking about this stuff lol. Yea if Paul and Andrew just got up and left i wouldn't be suprised either. If they did, I would just wait for them to release there new game \
  6. hey, I haven't been getting much fm exp but don't kick me out! I'm in the process of an overlythought out, 14 step plan for 99 cooking and fm :thumbsup: So don't count me out yet! :pray:
  7. Cool layout! Its very nice, easy to use and figure out. Nice job! 6k more nats untill i have enough for 99 fm \
  8. Hey! Good luck!!! You'll definately get there! I would like to join up in the race. Should I post the status bar thing here? Im not exactly sure lol. My rs name is: Sublexation
  9. woo!! good luck and go for it!!! I think i was the 250th vote! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: If i wasn't then... go for it! :thumbsup: i like these thumbs up smilies :)
  10. wow!! Nice win!! But that pailes in comparison to the whistling thing :thumbsup:
  11. My favorite is smithing! Its not all that high now and i haven't figured out why i like it yet :D
  12. i think i was around 800 or so when i first signed up for members. Which was... about a month after rs2 came out... Yea thats it because when rs2 came out, my skills shot up like crazy. Around lvl 60 in most of them except for combat skills, is when i got tired of free and needed more. :
  13. After playing since classic (not on this account), this could be by far the best idea anyone has ever had for runescape! Its right up there with bank notes! I think everybody hates suffling throught the, what do we have now like 50 lines of bank space? just to find your pickaxe. The idea is wonderful! and superbly presented if i do say so myself. *fevirshly pushes "send to jagex" button on keyboard*
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