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Everything posted by n_odie

  1. Congrats Stev. As far as all the other convo in this thread. The decision was made... if you dont like it then leave. He sets an example on the site in many ways and has proven it through his actions. Thats all that matters. Part of what is great about Tip.It is that we have always maintained a staff that is diverse in life and opinions. Yes, people do follow leadership and they will follow all his great qualities on staff. As mentioned, this isnt the RSOF and I hope it never becomes like that... I mean if it was, comments would have been removed long ago. :ph34r:
  2. Why not tell them about the... "secret" admin roles...
  3. So late, but congrats. It's an awesome privilege and a lot of work. Never lose your love for the users and staff and you will do well.
  4. One thing that really stands out to me about RuneScape over the years is that kind players always stand out. :) It seems like Tiffers seem to make up a larger portion of them. Not sure if threads like this are allowed as it could open players up to personal attacks but he'll see this either way. Haha.
  5. Amazing how fast time goes by. I was just made an admin when we left phpbb3. :P Crazy how much the forum software has improved from then on!
  6. Hope anyone who is interested takes the time to apply. It is a lot of work and commitment but you make friends that transcend your time on staff. You learn skills that you can use outside of Tip.It. Overall, it’s a great experience! Put your app in if you feel you can handle the commitment. :)
  7. To sexy for Tif.

    1. jimmy_jim


      That was a short second coming. Welcome back to the much better side :D

  8. For the better. ;) Things have changed indeed. We weighed the choices and feel this was an outstanding win for us and our new partners. :)
  9. Very exciting news! This is going to be a wonderful partnership. The increased traffic, support, and availability of our content will definitely solidify our being the #1 RS fansite.
  10. wow. Didn't even know you could buy mems from Amazon Surprised me! Interesting that you have to connect your amazon to your runescape to get it.
  11. How come you don't paint me like one of your French girls anymore?

  12. Time for a new release of the: >>>Tip.It Times!<<< WRITE FOR THE TIMES - SUBMIT A GUEST ARTICLE: Remember, YOU can write an article for the Tip.It Times! You can apply to write full time, or just submit a "one-off" guest article any time you want! Our editors will work with you to ensure that your article is ready for publication. All guest articles can be submitted to @tripsis or any other Editorial Panel member. For more information, including details on how to apply full time, read this forum thread: http://forum.tip.it/topic/209138-how-to-write-for-the-tipit-times/ I'd like to remind people of the rules pertaining to Times threads: [hide=Read these rules before posting in this thread] [/hide] When replying please make sure to clarify the article you are replying to! Thanks! If you spot any typos or mistakes in an article then please PM them to @tripsis. :) Enjoy the articles! PS... It has been a while for me... so I may have missed a few small things. Feel free to pm me if you see anything. :ohnoes:
  13. You are a lovely human being.

  14. Looking forward to seeing the interest from the community. :)
  15. I thought tripsis said more than this: I don't think I will get hazed for saying this but we will be adding that to the forum on the next update (or a few days after it).
  16. I mean to say that saying a mod released ip information is highly unlikely. The last page of the topic was about that though. Less than 10 people have Ip access via staff. This is an awesome topic. Account safety is something that we should all be very serious about. As Peter mentioned, we are going to be making some addition security changes from this discussion. I didn't mean to say, discuss EXACTLY, simply, accusing mods of releasing information is almost harassment of staff. We take the promotion of these staff members very seriously, and only give them this ability to better ban ad bots and those who are avoiding bans.
  17. Too add onto this: The discussion/accusations/possibility of a corrupt mod/s is leading no where and, as the previous posts will show you, will only make things worse. If you ever feel that a mod/admin is doing otherwise, please pm an admin or admins of your choice. So, can we please move on and try to get back to:
  18. Every questionnaire is going to have many sides and many viewpoints. When someone disagrees with yours it is not a personal attack, simply their opinion. Please refrain from viewing an opinion as a personal attack. If you honestly feel it isn't an opinion, then report it, not reply to it. Thanks!
  19. Week 59 - April 20, 2012 [hide] [/hide] Visit the Teaser Discussion Topic!
  20. The moderation staff has has noticed that with "Patch notes" being introduced with releases, there is very rarely a "hidden update." To better your forum experience we have decided to unsticky/unpin this topic. Feel free to post here if you do find a hidden update however! Thanks!
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