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Everything posted by Agshlee

  1. He's got a point there. I was also wondering about that. And above all, the author hasen't replied to all the acusastion at all. Made me think it might not be 100% legit :-k ~ Agshlee
  2. Is that directed towards me? Probably directed towards the guy with the kind-of-lame-joke. Anyway, on topic: Very nice, and good luck with the 99! ~ Agshlee
  3. 20 levels in about 2 hours huh? Not bad at all : Keep up the good work. ~ Agshlee
  4. Grats! Very impressive. Off-Topic: nice last episode of Death Note, ey :P * points at your avatar * ~ Agshlee
  5. Untrue, you strike the fear in someone youll get a new level of respect. I disagree with you there. You won't get respect, you will just get feared. They will only be nice (for example) to you, to not be (whatever you frightend them with).. Thats not real respect, its fake. Besides that, even if it gives you respect, its a pitifull way to get it. I wouldn't give you any respect for it at all, in fact. ~ Agshlee
  6. Go to his house, take a shovel to his face. Problem solved. But honestly, go to his house and ask him why you took it. If he slams the door or something then make nats :wink: Violence rarely (I would say never but anyway) solves anything. I'm very sorry for your loss, and especially since you know him IRL it must really hurt your trust in people. I really pitty the guy for doing that, shows what a lousy person he is.. On the other hand, in the words of a close friend: "lets pray for him, so he doesn't have to do it again.". Oh and btw, I am really impressed by your atitude and your principles, concerning violence and all. Keep it up ~ Agshlee
  7. Very nice! You still have to edit your signature though :P
  8. Scammers are sad sad people.. But anyhow, I'm very sorry for your loss. Good luck in the future :wink: ~ Agshlee
  9. Very nice! One step closer to your maxed tank goal, if you include hp ofcourse :P Keep up the good work! Oh and while I'm posting anyway, allow me to say its a shame you stopped your blog :o I really enjoyed it, you're sort of my role model of how I want to be stat-wise :P ~ Agshlee
  10. Very nice! But what's really the point if you plan on going back to F2P anyway? Not much point in the money then, not much fun you can do with it -.- ~ Agshlee
  11. I'm very sorry for your loss.. Unfortunatly, I can't do much other then pray, but well.. I wish you a lot of strength anyway, and well good luck.. ~ Agshlee
  12. So, here's your post! :P Nice blog, and good luck with the goals! :) Nice mod thing btw 8-) ~ Agshlee
  13. Introduction Hi all, welcome to my little blog-thing! First, let me tell something about myself. I'm an 18 year old male, named Matthijs (Dutch names ftw :P ), and I live - as you might have guessed - in the Netherlands! Currently in college, studying Computer Science, and playing RuneScape in my free time.. Maybe 3 hours a day, max. Oh and for those wondering, my stats are in the 94 mage picture :XD: The Goal Enough about me, onto the goal! As the title suggests, my goal is to get 99 mage. I have been a "fan" of the skill for a long time now, and like the cape as well so.. why not give it a shot, ey : If I pc it all - meaning I need about 2 - 2.5k points, it will take me about a month, getting 100 points a day. Give or take a few points, obviously. Seems doable to me! :mrgreen: PC Note: Only pced mage 90 - 94. The rest of my stats are non-pc :) Currently: At the Mage Training Arena, getting my Master Wand 8-) Progress Level 90 [X] Level 91 [X] Level 92 [X] Level 93 [X] Level 94 [X] Level 95 [ ] Level 96 [ ] Level 97 [ ] Level 98 [ ] Level 99 [ ] Progress Bar: Level-up Pictures - Level 91. - Level 92. Blood Barrage : - Level 93. - Level 94. Ice Barrage! :) Stakes Well my staking wins go here! - First stake, just after I got 94 mage! ^_^ Credits - Myself, for making this blog and doing the boring pc stuff =D> :P - Yofang and Maestro P1 for being great friends. - Cloud Mlt for keeping me motivated - A lot of other people from Affliction / Rs Community.de. Thanks guys! Thats all, thanks for reading, and feel free to post! O:)
  14. yes, ranged & prayer first.. then i will see what lies ahead :P going now, exams... Allright, good luck with your exams!
  15. Looking forward to your bank pictures already! :P But I thought you were gonna go for 99 ranged, why not do that? Vroeg ik me gewoon af ;) lol ~ Agshlee
  16. Stats are quite good, bank's allright. Had expected to see a better one from you, actually :P ~ Agshlee
  17. Grats! Very impressive! Don't understand where you get the patience to get it from though :-k I can't stand training it for more than an hour max :-#
  18. Nice. I heard it also lowers the prices of the shops on Karamja, TzHaar included? That must be worth the trouble =P~
  19. Oh that sucks.. Well you seem optymistic, so I'm guessing you will get it sooner or later anyway : Good luck on your next try! ~ Agshlee
  20. Allright bank, good luck with your runecrafting! 7/10. ~ Agshlee
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