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Everything posted by OmidSan

  1. next time i'm on rs. I'll use this. =] Also it'll be a good way to lev up my ranging. 10/10
  2. I'm confused. You're like level 30 or somethin and you have more money than me. I only have 2mill and you have like 3 mill and i'm level 83. Guess it's cause i'm f2p :|
  3. Great guide and i have found a way to get a more prayer exp then you said in your guide and it is FREE. There's only one risk though. Revernants or whatever they're called. if you go right by the greater demons in like 46 or somethin wild. To the east there's like a lot of big bones to bury. Or you could go to boneyard where there are so many big bone and bone spawns that You'll be burying all the time and won't have to wait for respawns. other than that. Nice guide. I'll start pkin at stronghold of security rather than like lessers. =]
  4. Ok but i'm sayin why does it have to be MULTI-COMBAT. And they should make it so you can't choose to be a rogue or a bounty hunter. I mean seriously, makin it multi just opened the door for clans to just gang up on 1 person. At least in the wild i could go in a non-multi place and not die in like 5 seconds and get binded. I just don't see the point of it being multi-combat
  5. Ok, first of all, it was 3 on 2. then right when I killed him a clan came and this mager chased me. Now 3 v 1 is much more fairer than like 10 v 1. He had time to leave but he kept tryin to fight us.
  6. Alright so I tried Bounty Hunter for the first time on my 83. 1st Trip, i go in with robes & fire blasts & binds and a clan of 15 ppl come and I leave 2nd Trip- i go with full dhide, rune helmet, r scimmy, and r2h and like 2 other ppl on my team. I kill this guy and get an R2h then a mager and ranger keep chasin me so i'm runnin around till they stop then i'm waitin like 100 seconds more till i can leave. Then a clan of roughly about 20 and another clan of like 10 collides and sees me with a silver skull and i had 20 seconds left i put prayer on and i kept eating and i was gettin hit by like 9 ppl and then I died. Bounty Hunter is horrible. It's just a way for clans to come together and kill people off 1 by 1. Runescape has to change this so like people can't choose if they're a bounty or a rogue hunter. It should be like a random selection when they get in. Also, 3 minutes to wait until you get out is a long time. They should put it down to at least 2 with all these clans. So now i just lost like 150k by doing this stupid Bounty Hunter. I hope that Jagex comes up with better wildy games besides Clan Wars and Bounty Hunter. They better come out with a PvP or something. So anyways I won't be doing anything in the wild until they get something new. That's pretty much it. And I'm really mad right now lol. Gotta buy all that stuff back. -.-'
  7. Jagex is comin out with new updates for the next year in pking like 1on1 pvp and stuff. That'll make pking more funner than it is now with the bounty hunter and getting killed by clans.
  8. well this means I won't be able to give food to my pure then. So what's the point of having a pure if i can't even trade some of the stuff back to my acc. O well, I'll just sell all the stuff on my 7 pures Lol. I had some high hopes for them but I don' feel like leveling their fishing or other skills. But I like some of Jagex's new updates for F2pers. Finally some bank space. But also, I usually give a lot to new people that join rs when i go to lumby and to friends but now I guess I won't be able to give more than 3k? -.-' Oh well
  9. Nice design. But i'm confused about the Question Marks. You want that to be on there?
  10. I agree, I'm sick of gettin holiday items and destroyin them. And every time i wanna mage in wild i have to buy it from people who sell it for so high and it makes me so mad. I can't even store some mage robes. -.- I've been playing since the middle of 2001 with runescape. And i'm sick of the small bank space. 12 more slots would do greatly for me. I've had to throw out so many random events. All my frog prince things. I can't even store trimmed items so i don't buy it. :D Put me on that petition. And maybe one day we will get more slots
  11. Congratz Congratz man. Nice job on the 4 years. I'm planning on applying to your clan. Is it ok if i apply with a 79 combat? :D Pm me if i can.
  12. I like that idea. I hope it becomes a runescape update. You just need a lot more changes for it to be perfect. But it's a good start. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  13. My parents blocked rs. Do you know a way i can go through it and play? I've tried proxies but they can't use java on it and it messes up. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me. :D
  14. 1. How do you take a screenie? 2. I tried gettin members by phone. I called it. And it said number was invalid. I contacted jagex. They didnt answer my message.
  15. Nice Stats And Bank Good luck \ \ \ \ Oh yeah and. Are those 1k Nats for sale? Cause i need 1k Nats. :D PM me if you'll sell them.
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