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Everything posted by Buzzkill2000

  1. Where can I get charcoal? I've never acutally remembered getting it... the cook said something about trees in the wilderness but I don't understand him. :P
  2. Falador's Dark Army. Proud and strong. Broken by the leader's perm ban. I was the leader. We were small, but we did our deeds, my old char was banned, but I plan to make a comeback.
  3. I really want Jagex to straighten this problem out, because I want my family members to be able to all play together without being banned. :(
  4. Like the article says... they're biased. They do what's best for them... and ads make money. They don't care if it's filtered or not... it's money to them.
  5. Why can't you just look at your mini-map then at the map of member's world and know where you are? It's not that freaking hard... unless you're a kid like your name says.
  6. Jagex is going to have to make some changes if they want their loyal players to stay. BTW to author of article, that was excellently written and says a lot to the plays of RS.
  7. I have Weird Al but I got weary of it... do you know any like, specific artists that are like heavy metal? EDIT: thanks bestsob
  8. I searched some topics for information on good training music but couldn't find any... does anyone know some good training music for while playing RS? Preferrably music that has a good beat, and not 24/7 swearing. :P Thanks if you guys know any. :D
  9. That's disgusting. Your story can be a warning for all though, so thank you for sharing it. And I feel sad for your daughter. :(
  10. 10 hours on weekends. More sometimes... Weekdays are about 3 hours.
  11. I've been following this game for a long time, and I really want to buy it when it's released and see how it is.
  12. To Zezima: "So, you a guy or a girl there?" No, actually, I would ask: "How much do you think this affects your social life? O_O"
  13. I consider my RS character a life. "An alternate life."
  14. It's stupid to be banned for your name. If they think your name is offensive, they should give you a chance to change it.
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