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Everything posted by warpedthunder

  1. Ok well tonight TF decided to head out for our official pk and we were in quite a good mood. It started badly though as EVERYONE but zdexxa started to lagg badly, we eventually sorted this out after a number of hops but then ran into DF. Our opts were scattered so we regrouped and decided to go for some fun Hill giant pking. By the time we had got there there was only 7 of us left. We met a clan, sorry i do not know the name, they spammed with "or & oc" OR / OC Starting opts: 36 estimation Ending: 0 TF starting opts: 21 Ending: 12 My only picture of the fight im afriad:
  2. Firstly mate if you want http://www.name.com it WILL cost Secondly try reading the pinned topics or the archives they might help as im sure ive seen other topics like this Finally http://www.invisionfree.com and i would suggets getting some stats on the highscores before starting a clan. Hope i seemed very rude :-w Ciaoo
  3. 3 in a week isnt actually that much :P more han one mini a day in a week would be considered alot however anyways 5vs5 with 2 people left, grats
  4. it wont make a huge difference although it will stop the amount of kos due to lag i think simply because of the extra food that can be used within a shorter period of time
  5. Clan name: The Forgotten Clan website: http://www.z4.invisionfree.com/forgotten_clan Clan leaders: Jay Lodge, Zdexxa F2p clan cape color: Blue P2p clan cape color: We dont p2p Number of Members: 20+ Average Combat level: 100+ Recent Events Record: Official Friday pk
  6. I know not many clans arent active on here yet but seen as how what i am proposing does not concern the large clans i felt this was a nice place to atleast try We The Forgotten now have after 1 week enough members to start asking for F2P fun fights so we can practise before gaining more members and embarking on larger full scale wars. Our memberlist is: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=forgotten Our Website is: http://www.freewebs.com/forgotten_clan/index.htm Our forums are: http://z4.invisionfree.com/Forgotten_Clan/index.php We are looking for Iron / Steel wars with or without rune wepons. Any date from the 8th of July is fine although if we could make them equal opts wars during the week as we may only pull 10-20 if it is during a school night. yes us brits are stil at school... Also please be reasonable we are a good clan and will not fight petty clans that want attention however we are not so good that we compete with well established ones (well not yet)
  7. Try and make the clan discussion boards more appealing and active? ie setting up a list of top 10 clans or something so clans have a reason to post/discuss things there
  8. New clans come and go and i have to say out off all of the ones that are made only about 2/10 make it. This is often becuase lack of members, or indeed dedicated loyal members that are willing to put in work to make something of it. Now all clans need members i am well aware of this so it is a struggle for a new clan to get them when larger more eestablished clans are there to prize them away from you. now this is not a help me topic as i have no quarms over getting members and such, but my question is this. When being in a new clan or when joining your current one, What insentives were given to you or did you offer. What are the best ways of recruiting people. Why are these succesful and does it reflect peoples wants and needs now compared to a while ago.
  9. congrats on turning one, i know the feeling nice innit :P
  10. grats, do you have a pic f your starting 20, ending 20? also whats KB ive never heard of you but knowing blasphemy id say well done if your a new clan
  11. If any top 10 clan pulled their pk opts to castle wars, you sir would lose massively, case closed
  12. Not sure if im aloud to say where its from so i wont However that is the current list of F2P warring clans in RS. The CURRENT and therefore shouldnt be on this topic. take for example the current list and how much it can change in a few weeks. If one clan beats another in an official war then the winner moves one rank above the other. TOP 30 / 50 Top 10: 1. Divine Forces (DF) 2. Corruption (Corr) 3. Damage Inc. (DI) 4. The Runescape Warhungers Federation (TRWF) 5. THE (THE) 6. The Mighty Red Dragons (TMRD) 7. BlacKnights (BK) 8. Eternal Honour (EH) 9. Chivalry Legions (CL) 10. Lithuanian Forces (LF) Top 11-20: 11. Anarchy (@) 12. Gladiatorz (GLADZ) 13. Red Devil Clan (RDC) 14. The British Elites (TBE) + 15. Masters of Dragons (MoD) 16. Echo of Silence (EoS) 17. Wilderness Guardians (WG) 18. Shadow Elves (SE) 19. Luna (Luna) 20. The Death Monkeighs (TDM) + Top 21-30: 21. Adelais (A) 22. Sorrow of Knights (SOK) 23. The Neggas Clan (TNC) 24. Followers of Malkav (FoM) 25. Deathrow (DR) 26. Heroes Of The Future (HOF) 27. Crimson Raiders (CR) 28. End of Tradition (EOT) 29. 3v0luti0n (3v0) 30. Wolf Team Xperts (WTX)
  13. grats, if ur intrested in another 5vs5 sometime please ask me :P #tf
  14. lol HoF are currently 26 normally but meh time to be number 1 :P 90+ members 111 combat average Heroes of the Future
  15. most clans are F2P. Unless they are a P2P pking clan...
  16. I war around 1-3 times a week and then have a pkri aswell so um... Best war ive been in was HoF vs CR http://files.filefront.com/hof_vs_crwmv ... einfo.html Best fight ive been to was DF vs Corr
  17. The Other clan is 1 year old and [bleep] mas 15 opts ROFL :XD: grats on your win although by sounds it it wasnt hard
  18. HoF were in a bad slump, we were only managing to pull 60+ opts to pks. Organisation was still there but the numbers however werent. We withdrew of the RAW list and settled down for a bit. We have come back with a 110 cmb average, 150+ opts to pks and wars. And 29 on the RAW list, if thats not a comeback type o thing then i dunno what is. Dead to Rolling :P
  19. Only RoT, NI and a few no namer clans crash. All the other larger clans save a few mistakes or maybe mixups leave wars well alone
  20. Me :P http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/4659/jay2007by6.png
  21. once you get to around 100+ new avenues open up to you, many are rih and don't know what to do, many jut get bored with the game. clans are a way to solve that especially the rich part you'll become poor in n time :P
  22. Ghjjf Goku nazz Yeah nice joke
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