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Everything posted by statgod2

  1. uhh you didnt say what world its in :oops: might wanna fix that.
  2. awesome, cant wait to see the finished product.
  3. thats an okay list but i dont see why the willow one is on there. yews at least.... also one of the things on the list should be *have over 100k of an item that isnt money*
  4. I'd say fishing is alot harder as a f2p'er, and I actually enjoy woodcutting.
  5. I have a few good runescape friends, though i lost alot of my friends when i quit for 6 months, cause some of them quit too or just took me off their list cause i was gone for so long. Now all my friends are way better than me and stuff and its kinda funny, but i need some new friends to make up for the ones i lost :( pm statgod2 if you need a friend lol
  6. Yeah actually metalcore is a genre. I'll name 3 metalcore bands right now. as i lay dying bleeding through haste the day zao oh wait. thats 4.
  7. For everyone saying emo sucks and hardcore owns.... Emo is a subgenre of hardcore (punk) music. Emo is actually short for emocore, which means emotionally charged hardcore punk. Nowadays though, bands that arent true emo are just reffered to as emo because they have lyrics about commiting suicide. Bands like "The used" , "My chemical romance", "Fall out boy". These bands are actually pop punk, or MTVmo, but stupid people like everyone else in this thread categorize them as emo, which gives real emo a bad name. Try listening to "circle takes the square" ...thats real screamo/emocore/emo violence.
  8. played it once and found it quite boring, havnt played since.
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