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  1. Sorry, I was being stupid and didn't realize you were talking about specifically getting -Silverlight- back, not Darklight. Personally I'm in love with the Z amulet as my name also begins with a Z. :thumbsup: Quest-item chest should get into the 101 Suggestions That Don't Suck topic...
  2. I read this and immediately thought "I know an old bloke who thinks like this." Then I read the name and chuckled a bit. I definitely agree here. I'm pretty disappointed in some of the stuff I can't retrieve. Didn't know I couldn't get the Demonic Sigil back before I threw that out. Can't you kill some guys that I don't remember the names of? ohey Sir Prysin.
  3. I've only read the first page so quite frankly, I don't know if these have been mentioned or addressed yet. The Summoning "belt" shouldn't be something that requires a high level or some hard quest, because I think people are less motivated to train Summoning at lower levels when there are virtually no universally good familiars. Allowing even new Summoners to keep charms without wasting any inventory space is a good motivator by itself. As for Chompies and Jumblies becoming part of Hunter, it's a good suggestion but I personally don't see it happening. It would kind of be like adding a Farming requirement to Legend's because you have a plant a tree (obviously two completely different situations, but still the same grandfather-type scenario). Love the topic, great suggestions, great graphic examples.
  4. My first breaths in Lumbridge, I was killed by a level 2 Woman because I didn't know I could run away during combat. :)
  5. Materials to build boats being expensive makes sense. Annnnd he beat me to it.
  6. <3 my name with no numbers or purposefully-RS-related things in it. ~Zephyr Fal~
  7. It could have been a combination of all options (excluding Other), but in the end I chose "Current interest in the game." It's been boring for me lately, so I've been playing for periods of maybe 10 minutes at a time. It's hard to get stuff done in 10 minutes.
  8. No, but it is a lot harder to play to higher levels in. Kyle has better levels than a lot of members I know. Back on topic... Seems like there is evidence for and against whether f2p will get the new quest and minigame. With the volume of updates (mainly minigames) they've been getting recently, it seems likely they'll be getting this one too. Or, Jagex could try to please the more selfish members by making the quest and minigame p2p only. I suppose we'll find out next week. ^_^
  9. In my first ever game, I chose to be Yellow Team. Lo and behold, we got swept by Green Team (except for two ties--you get nothing for a tie? Ridiculous). After every round Green would be all "gf" and all I could think was "no, it was not a good fight." I got so annoyed at a game that I never got a chance to win at even once that I never played again. But I didn't know that you get 100 tokens per altar, that's more than I would have thought. Maybe I'll try it out some more. =ZF
  10. So basically we're getting a quest that's going to be a combination of sequels to: Dragon Slayer, Mournings End II, Tears of Guthix, Swan Song, etc. Awesome. =ZF
  11. The answer is possibly as simple as lack of knowledge. Before the necklace, obsidian weapons weren't generally viable training options. When the necklace came around, most people never gave it a second glance... I know I didn't.
  12. Yeah redeye6, that's what we've been discussing. =p
  13. Well, this quote directly from BTS does. Seriously, the quest sounds lame compared to the messages.
  14. The description in BTS of the Wilderness quest really doesn't seem to match these voices. Jagex says "A charming adventure awaits" and stuff like that. If the voices are concluded with a quest where I help make a turkey for a long-dead girl's family's holiday, I'm going to be -PO'd-. Messages like "Devour... Soul..." call for something more epic than a lame quest like that. Rawr. =ZF
  15. YEAH WOOT LAMPS THAT GIVE 250 XP EACH! You're not excited about that? :? So. Yeah. Bank Organization. Awesome. Item Lending sounds meh. Lumbridge Achievement Diary is alright. Wildy quest sounds meh. New Tutorial sounds cool. =ZF
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