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  1. Taken a few weeks ago, sorry if it's a little big, i'll use the hide tags. [hide=][/hide]
  2. Hmm... the plot thickens :P Well I hope they come out tomorrow then, i'm gonna try to start getting back into PKing. They sound like they'd be pretty fun.
  3. Some of those first old RS2 pictures that were posted were from right when I started, about a month before farming came out. Brings back old memories :twss: Ah the good 'ol days. I think RS is still in a good shape today, in some ways better than it's ever been, but it was so fun back then when you first started out...
  4. It would be cool if what that image says was true, but Jagex just doesn't do things like that. They don't give info like that to a secluded group of people, like player mods. I hope they do come out tomorrow, but I just don't think that is true, what the image says and all. Whoever photoshopped it did a good job though. :P
  5. Well that stinks if we have to wait 2 more weeks. And that kinda breaks their "no 2 weeks will pass without an update" policy thing they started. But maybe what he said isn't necessarily true. Or he just means at the end of the month we will have pvp worlds. Which could mean they could come out tomorrow and 'End of the month = pvp worlds' is still a true statement.
  6. yeah I saw it too and I finished the book this week so I could see it. yeah they left out alot of important stuff but altogether it was still pretty good.
  7. Weapons: Axe, sword and dagger sheathed to my belt, shotgun Defence: My weapons Hiding Place: No need to hide Technique: Blast with my shotgun, throw my axe at their chest, and slice and dice with my sword and dagger Theme Song: Let the bodies hit the floor - Drowning Pool :twisted:
  8. Ugh.. I can't stand listening to the kid (that's about to be dumped) talk to the parents.. I swear if I was one of those parents, those kids would have been b* slapped to next week.. You just don't appreciate good television. Lol.. Maybe that's your version of good television but mine is something that makes me laugh or something that keeps me up to date (like the news..). Um...I'm pretty sure Parental Control does both of those things and more. Parental Control is bad for your teeth :ohnoes:
  9. I think.. that they are worried because they care about you and they are trying to teach you to be responsible. :) But of course I could be completely wrong. #-o
  10. AHIMIGAWD! LIKE D00D NEITHER D0ES I!!1!!11!1one!!1eleven!!1shift!1oneshift1eleven!1one!!!11himom!!1 :?
  11. Tailoring would be a nice skill, make clothes and armor for mages (hey that new wardrobe room for POH has to be helpful for this) Hunting has been hinted at through the main website and things in game. HUNTING IS NOT SLAYER. It's different. Slayer is going to a monsters lair to kill the monster. Hunting is waiting to trap/kill and animal. They sound similar, I know, but they are different. Sailing/Chartering, whatever you want to call it, would be a cool skill I think. I mean we have docks for our ships, we have construction and woodcutting to make the ships, and we have lots of rivers/lakes/seas. Heck, we even have canoes. I would really like this to be put into the game or an addittion as Player Owned Ships or something like that. :pray:
  12. hehe, i can name the exact time in (12:42) of the episode (913: free Wilzyx) South Park RS players unite!!! so yeah, i was laughing histiracly, and the first thing i thought of when i saw that was "durial".... wonder if anyone else made that connection. Lol whoa... I actually didnt think of that........ :shock: THATS IT!!!!! A noob shall rise, given the sword of 1000 truths (or whatever its called), shall slay the one who slays all.... :
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