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Posts posted by Sir_Squab

  1. Well, I've recently started to kill tormented demons...I've gotten fairly decent at it, killing them isn't (too) much of a problem for me...


    The one thing I'm having a problem with is safespots. I can usually single one out, but sometimes I get like 5 demons wanting to attack me, and sometimes no matter what I do, I can't fight them without at least one attacking me. Any advice?

  2. The main, and really only reason combat familiars aren't useable in non-multi (combat familiars suck imo because they are usually too slow) is simple due to programming issues. The player and the familiar is viewed as a seperate entity, and the game does not allow two seperate entities to attack in single combat. If/when Jagex programs a way around this, they will be allowed.


    ...how would you know>>?


    Pretty sure that was the original reason Jagex gave us for NOT using them in single combat when summoning first came out....Ok, well, I don't actually know that the player and computer are viewed as separate entities,but I do know that the reason they can't be used in single combat is because it was too hard to program them to. That's why the chaos tunnels came out in the first place. But this is a bit off topic.


    Ontopic: I see no reason against it, even if it does annoy you. People who do not want cannons somewhere (usually) don't have one.

  3. The main, and really only reason combat familiars aren't useable in non-multi (combat familiars suck imo because they are usually too slow) is simple due to programming issues. The player and the familiar is viewed as a seperate entity, and the game does not allow two seperate entities to attack in single combat. If/when Jagex programs a way around this, they will be allowed.



    Then it would benefit P2Pers if the KBD was introduced into F2P, you'd have more worlds to hunt it.


    I'm not going to argue with you about how "F2p is a demo", when the CEO of Jagex disagrees with you. The only thing that could trump CEO would be Andrew himself declaring that F2P is a demo; he never has supported that position, and probably never will. If F2P was a demo, why would they deliberately take references of P2P out of F2P? Stop trolling, its gets old real fast.


    Lol your best argument is to say stop trolling? im not trolling im stating something and i am pretty sure that Jagex, being a business beforehand anything else, would not encourage their players to play F2P instead of P2P...


    Buisnesses also don't give a rats [wagon] if the flashy adds annoy the free players. Afterall, Jagex has stated that despite complaints about adds that are too distracting to play RS with (I've encountered some, black and white flashing background, with white and black flashing text) as well as not giving or promising F2P any new skills. Oh. Don't forget that you only have so many hours on a demo to play it before you are forced to pay.


    Not going to lie, I'm trying to be obnoxious.


    Or maybe the buisness is smart enough to realize that happy players = more players? I'd like you to actually find people who would quit membs if F2P got the KBD or something. Jagex also seems to pride themselves on the fact that F2P isn't a demo, and one of their top 3 players I believe is a non-member - I read this in an article in my newspaper that most mostly about micro payments and war of legends.


    EDIT: After reading some posts, its worth noting that all of KBD's drops would need to be re-done, along with some new drops, and lack of poison, to incorporate it into members. I think a better idea is, like some people said, rebalane the combat triangle, then give them an entirely new boss. Possibly new bones too. Probably worse, but definitely DIFFERENT from dragons.

  5. You might want to consider armour/food instead of prayer potions if your losing money. I keep my prayer exclusively for dharok. (I use it on other people if I have it though) Veracs has worked well for me in barrows, between the defensive and prayer bonuses. I tend to make profit every round (not that I keep track) even without a barrow item.


    I also to 1 run trips, to save on prayer pots, but recently I've considered changing this.

  6. I must admit that I've only played on FunOrb a couple of times, but it seemed to be a similar format to something like Pogo where the accomplishments made in one game do not transfer over to any of the other games. If this is the case, I wouldn't see how paying exclusively for 'Arcanists' would give that player any advantages in the game. Correct me if I'm wrong.


    After the paper-thin explanation Jagex gave about micro-transactions, I used their own words and actions in the past with Runescape to illustrate a comparison to RWT. It's crucial to note that this is a matter of opinion. If you insist no comparison exists, then my argument is irrelevant to you. While these games have their own separate identities, they are still fostered by one company: Jagex. I have a hard time compartmentalizing them into each game. I do feel that what they've said to us in the past has some bearing on their future games, otherwise how do we know what to expect? I know this is an extreme example, but what if Nickelodeon decided to start publishing smut films after what their consumers have come to expect from their name all of these years? If what they said was just a reason for lacking their own shop at the time, then that means they were just shoveling excuses at us to gain sympathy. I don't think it's as cynical as that. I believe, similar to what you explained, that at some point the business grew and they began to rethink their philosophy.


    In Runescape, members have access to more areas, equipment, and training methods. However, members tend to compete with other members, while F2P competes with its own community. They may unfortunately share the same hi-scores list, but they don't share the same battlefield. If a member chooses to enter a F2P server, they must play by F2P rules. That means any members items and areas are locked. In WoL, there is no separation. If I'm buying JCredits, then I'm expecting an advantage over free players. And if I'm not getting an advantage, then I'm going to be complaining. Eventually, I'll quit buying JCredits. So if Jagex does plan to make money off of JCredits, then I'm not buying any argument that says they won't give you any tactical advantage. Especially when you're in the same arena as free players. It would be more comparable to membership in Runescape....if I could use my d claws in a F2P world.


    In the end, it is a matter of opinion. I do view this payment method as comparable to buying gp from a third party, because, even as Jagex seemed to have implied, the only difference is you are buying it from Jagex instead. This was a longer response than I expected to write, but I do thank you for debating with me. Now I have to go check my resources. (Geez...whose the real hypocrite here? :grin: )


    No hard feelings :)


    Well on FunOrb, achievements from all games are added up to form the Orb Points scoretables. Arcanists (the game with the most achievements) has about 17k orb points available; I, at the bottom of the front page, have over 220k orb points. The highest f2p player has about 180k orb points. It is definitely possible to compete up to a certain point in most games, but to reach the top you do have to pay. It's sort of analogous to having more skills to train in RuneScape; at 1400 total, a member has all level 58-59 stats, while a f2p player has all level 87 stats. It's much easier to raise a skill from 58 to 59 than from 87 to 88, and likewise, it's harder to get orb points at the upper levels as a f2p player because only harder ones are left. Within each game, the advantage given by membership varies hugely: In Arcanists, f2p players have only a spellbook and a half to work with and no access to rated games, while Zombie Dawn Multiplayer is completely free.


    I do agree that Jagex's policies vary over time. In 2003 they were nothing but a one-product company with a huge MMORPG. They have since entered the mini-game, mobile device, and now RTS markets. For them to say in 2003 that they would ever be individually selling a game that's about a hundredth of the size of RuneScape would have been absurd. Since then the price for RuneScape has gone up and they've just now entered a massive period of transition. Whether we like it or not, all of their products are changing: RuneScape's updates are generally geared for higher and higher levels, FunOrb has switched to developing larger and larger games that could stand alone, and even the free Bouncedown app is getting updates. Whatever Jagex has said in the past about RuneScape can no longer be fairly held to anything except RuneScape. You could argue that MMG is breaking a lot of the precedents Andrew set up first, like not talking to players about updates and not making promises ingame, and about not wasting employee time by even logging in, but no one does because they like those changes. Keeping the same system would definitely not work in a game that got rid of its customer support.


    Something said at a time when Jagex's only product was RuneScape (and where it would be their only product for another 5 years) really shouldn't limit what they do with other products. If Jagex is known as a MMORPG maker, why are they even trying to promote these games in the first place? Truth is they are branching off into different directions and they're willing to try something they've always considered doing now that they've been given the freedom to do so.


    I can't stress enough that as far as I could tell from looking through the shop, WoL offers nothing to help in battle other than the ability to increase your soldiers' proficiency at a faster rate. It's just the same as what RuneScape used to be like - those who could afford to keep returning in rune sets usually won the war. Now with safe battles it is much the same, but now pizzas and druidic robes and the like offer increasingly expensive options for use in f2p, options that p2p players can obtain much more rapidly than f2p players.


    I guess the key difference here is whether you see giving money to Jagex and giving money to a third party as the same thing. For me and others it will never be the same because everyone has an equal opportunity, if not the equal means, to take advantage of what's being offered with no fear of being banned. I won't personally be paying for WoL, but I simply can't see paying Jagex to be able to play in the upper divisions of the game as I see paying gold farmers for flat out currency.



    Yeah, this is actually a significant issue in Dungeon Assault, it's just that nobody plays Dungeon Assault. :-s


    Luckily, dungeon assault now has enough dungeons so that you can easily make it up to about 20,000 renown (the highest you need to be for any renown-based achievements) with f2p units. Trying to go above that is brutal though - f2p have access to the best trap but not the best monster, and have access to only one really great raider. I think that it would be fair to say that f2p can compete with anyone evenly up to a certain point (you cannot use certain raiders/traps until you pass renown barriers) and then they either must make do with what they have or buy membership to compete better. In WoL a similar pattern should emerge. Hopefully there is some mechanic like the dungeon assault raiding timer so that paying players cannot pick on others very easily.




    F2P dungeon assault has great raiders. Black Knight. Spy. I usually use two of each, even being a member. The only time I don't is if I'm charging an orb, in which case I take one Chaos Champion. But still, Black Knight/Spy combo pwns. Black Knight for monsters, Spy is great for traps. Spy is also really good for (usually) finding a really short path to the lair and knowing half the time if your going to fight a monster or a trap. To be honest, I don't find members gives that much of an advantage over free players unless your in the middle of charging an orb.


    Ontopic: I think people just don't KNOW about all these ways to make money. They don't know how to use kingdom, about daily shops, etc.

  7. The first Article made a point, it seems that jagex is sending mixed messages about RWT. For people who think that RWT and micro-transactions are totally different, you are wrong. Micro-transactios are actually RWT(Real World Trading) but you buy from the company. Actually, the only difference is your money ends up in the company's pockets, not another person's pockets who is farming gold from the game to sell. Well and the other difference of spelling........................... You can buy a rolex off the streets from a guy in a trench coat, or you can buy it from a licensed dealer. Either way, you get the rolex and somebody gets the money.


    I will quit runescape the day jagex adds micro-transactions to the game.


    Again, back to my comment, and lack of source, that Jagex has stated that they are not 100% against paying for in-game advantages, or items, but just that RuneScape is not a game that will happen is. They may make a new game, 100% of their own, with micro-transactions, but that game will have micro-transactions from the start. They made the choice many many moons ago that RUNESCAPE, not Jagex, was going to have none of that.


    War of legends isn't a real time strategy game...


    It may be strategical and in real time but that does not mean it is real time strategy.


    Much like in halo you play the role of a super soldier turning a war around that does not make halo a role playing game.

    Or the inclusion of chess in runescape does not make runescape turn based.


    Excuse me for asking, but how does a real-time game with strategy not count as a real-time strategy game?

  8. The first article: it was actually stated in the past that Jagex wasn't so dead-set against RWT in other games, just mainly Runescape.


    Second article: You've forgotten one big thing: knowledge. The best way to train skills, most effecient, good ways to make money (for example, Kingdom. You need knowledge OF the kingdom, as well as how to use it. Aka what product.) Or, what is truly the best way to GET charms?


    And as someone else so thoughtfully pointed out, time is a large factor. The stereotype that the best playerer(s) of RS live in their parents basement and play RS all day....is not entirely without a grain of truth, to say the least.


    1st article

    As I understood it, Jagex was only publishing the WOL game due to their experties in Java, so really if the developer decided they wanted to include the option to buy ingame items Jagex really doesn't have a lot of choice about it.


    Totally agree with the 2nd article.


    Ahahaha yeah, funny....WOL is actually, I'm pretty sure, erm, a FLASH game. Yeah.


    Jagex has also said, long before I heard of War of Legends, that the concept of Jagex not selling in-game items or whatnot...They said that was how they (Jagex) felt towards Runescape (I really wish I could source this, I really do) but are not against making other games where you pay for items.

  9. My guess is the new skill, seeing as its f2p. From what I see here though, Mod MMG saying its a new boss, maybe the door in GW has opened up. That's purely speculation, and I haven't seen any evidence for it; I'm still keeping my money on the new skill.


    Um, I looked at the video, I see nothing that looks like an earthquake.....

  10. Someone could make a reccomended layout. Frankly, moving your house around gets too expensive at higher levels, especially once you start using things like gold leaf and marble. Not sure what this calculator would accomplish; there are too many factors (i.e. moving the room around, making the best stuff you can, what level you are) and more importantly, how you want the layout. You might hate a room with 4 doors next to a room with 1 door, others don't give a damn, no offense. I'm very happy having my chapel, workshop, summoning obelisk, portal rooms and house glory right by the entrance.


    And frankly, planning out your house is easy enough unless your very picky, the problem is most people don't have the foresight to start planning right at the beginning, when it really counts.

  11. Evidently something Jagex has done. I love how 3/5 of "recently added topics" are about this. At least, the 3 that I've looked at are o_o


    The rest of them have titles that imply something else.


    It has something to do with....something, lol. Either has to do with Zaros returning or Lucien's Godhood, I'm guessing. But I really have no idea.

  12. I always thought that your prayers being drained when changing to ancient magic was because the prayer points had to be offered to Zaros for him to give us the favor of his magics. Kind of like how the prayers slowly drains when using it to gain favor from what ever god the character prays to.


    BTW, a little off topic, maybe. I remember that when Juna got mad at the character for helping the goblins defy Bandos, her reasoning was that the character becomes the enemy of all gods. Bandos brought the goblins to RS and in doing so, he owns the goblins like the character would own a weapon. We did not have the right to defy Bandos of his possesion.


    But if you remember, Zaros did the same thing. Itcharin brought the mahjarrats to RS but Zaros took them from him. Willingly or not, Zaros influenced the mahjarrats to defy their original god.


    I like Zaros because he seems so defiant in a good way. Like our character.


    Also, in RS history, there have been many people switching allegiances. I think the thing with Zanik is that Zanik was "The Chosen One" or whatever, not just some random Goblin that should follow Bandos.


    I think this also wouldn't count so much towards the Mahjarrat considering their demi-God powers. Maybe because the Mahjarrat, or at least some of them, aren't that weak and inferior, unlike most "mortals."


    EDIT: Sorry for the double post, didn't think of my other one when I hit the "post" button, I should've edited it in >.< -fail-

  13. TS Stormrage, what is the exact phrasing or lettering or whatnot of the Guthixian edicts? Does a God merely communicating with ones followers count as action? I'd like to debate this more with you, but I'd need to see the exact edict, not just some vague "Gods cannot interfere" thing. I was under the impression that the Guthixian edict means the Gods cannot walk the ground the way you see during that meeting history quest. (Crap, Icthlarin/Devourer. Again though, maybe the Edicts only count towards Gods very active in the Godwars?)


    I wish I could talk to Juna about wgs :(

  14. I'm disappointed in you jagex. You were on a roll with the nomad update, christmas update, temple of senntisten curses, and now we have this.


    The set bonus is +3 prayer/minute. This is an absolute joke and will help no one given the prayer bonuses lost just by wearing it.


    Plus you removed all the useful attack bonuses on the helms. Fighter hat used to be +5 stab/slash/crush and now it's gone! We don't need another identical defense item to rune helm or some other generic defense helm! Other items have also been changed to just have defense and be more generic.


    The colored whips are a very, very minor update and they have limited colors. I guess they are alright.


    Penance trident is a joke. +2 mage over ancient staff yet it is two handed? You can use a regular air staff and wear some sort of mage boosting shield like unholy book and it would be better. Or wear a mage book and master wand and it's completely obsolete besides the pathetic 1/60 chance of reducing a rune cost.


    The special effect is alright I guess. The staff is overall, a questionably useful low level staff.


    The agility updates to skills were pretty good. Except they could be expanded beyond 3 fish, 3 thieving people, and 4 butterflies.


    I have to experiment whether the double exp abilities are worth it. They might be if you enjoy playing barbarian assault but it depends on how fast the potential increases and how fast it is used up. Plus you don't get any honour points I believe if you set the XP potential to increase so you can't save up points for other rewards. I'd like if someone could provide me potential info on this.


    Plus they removed the news archive. This sucks. I like to look at old updates or when they did them if I had not played in a while.


    I still see the news archive link o_o


    Gotta rank and get level 5 in all BA stats now. Well, level 5 heal/def, the ones where it counts, and level 3 coll/attacker. +3 prayer a minute would be more useful with a prayer boost. ...


    Just a change to one set of armour in the game, and you see an onslaught of ranters on RSOF. I should buy some popcorn on the day Jagex "rebalances the combat triangle". =D>



  15. I sometimes worry about the cape becoming too strong to achieve, but this is something I fear will happen years from now. Although frankly, I don't even KNOW what the skill requirements are for this quest. I just quickly scan to make sure I have them. Hmm, 75 magic and 70 prayer a wee bit on the high side, but not bad. Incidentally, I'd really like to see a vid/guide on how a level 95 can beat Nomad. Not calling you a liar, and you aren't the first person I've heard this from anyways, but I am rather skeptical.

  16. First article: a number of things I disagree with.


    First, Guthix still has some purpose for us.He may not like when we helped Zanik...but then again he probably didn't like Bandos' plan. The Menaphite Pantheon (I disagree with the concept that all the Gods belong to one Pantheon) doesn't hate us except for the devourer. Saradomin might not like Zaros much, but I don't think he'd hate us.


    Secondly the desert Gods seem to still take indirect action. Kind of. Which is why the devourer needed to possess us instead of doing things herself, and why she went through that complicated charade in Smoking Kills rather then just smite us. Plus, they weren't as involved in the Godwars. It's all rather confusing; I think maybe the Guthixian edict is a bit more complicated then "Gods can't take direct action." Come to think of it, what the Devourer did possessing people is similar to the Bandos avatar thing.


    Also. According to the quest when Zaros returns, Barrows should not drain our prayer either. But that would make barrows too easy. Also, although Zaros is in communication with Azzzandra, he has not truly returned. Also, it is suggested that the Kalphite queen is protected by some higher power. Seeing as the Keris hurts her, I think Scarabas. I've also heard rumours of her being a follower of Zaros, but I've not seen proof.


    If Saradomin hated us, how are we part of the Temple Knights? Despite helping Zaros return, we haven't done that much to him. And we're working with his followers to stop Lucien.


    What is defined as direct action of the Gods?


    Although I have to admit, prayer is a bit...confusing to say the least.


    Item lending...ok, so we have some beggars thinking they deserve items for free. No surprise there. However, a lot of people find this sytem useful. I have lent items out on numerous occasions, helping friends (dragon axe and godsword is a big one) as well as helping random people (I've lent my whip out a few times) or lending out my bgs to get rid of addy p++ arrows. However, I rarely ever borrow stuff. Just personal pride, I'd rather own an item then borrow it. I often lend out my Godsword when people want it, considering I rarely use it >.<


    The fictional looks good, I look forward to seeing where it takes us :D

  17. I thought when summoning was released they listed clues as a source of charms?

    I can't find anything backing this up, but I'm pretty sure it was there.

    If would be a nice reward.

    Maybe add a few of the special charms depending on the locations used. Mort Myre = talon charms, Karajama = obsidian charms and wildy = abyss charms.


    Personally I would rather 20 talon beast charms to 20 sharks anyday.


    Considering how hard those are to get, 20 talon beast charms needs to be considered a drop just as rare as say god trimmed rune or something. Something pretty damn rare. However, I think its a bad idea because these are 100% completely utterly USELESS to someone who does not have the level to use them. Just like me and my 30 damn spirit seeds.


    So, secondary charms to me are a bad idea because not everyone who will do the clues can use them.

  18. Untrimmed HP.




    Both are almost impossible. You might wonder how you can get 99 HP and no other 99 combat skills atleast, but the answr is PC.




    Slayer is also rare, since you would probably have to train on controlled.


    Actually, if you train all combat stats equally, with slayer, HP would be your first combat 99. The reason why HP is so rare is because you can't just set out to do it. Short of hard-core pc or soulwars, you can't get 99hp without 95+ all melee stats and possibly range. For the longest time HP was my highest combat stat. Magic is higher now, but I didn't get most of that exp from combat.


    It's just, before people end up with 99hp, they decide they want 99 str, or attack, or something else and concentrate on that instead. The other reason HP is so rare is that, even if you DO acheive it, chances are it'll be quickly followed by another 99.


    Slayer is harder because you'd have to start almost at level 3, training controlled, ranged, using a cannon once its available...or just hardcore soulwars.


    Hardest cape would be untrimmed summon. You'd probably want to run around soul wars healing people with bandaids and get charms. Also, you'd have to make lots of money without any 99s. If you were UBER rich, you could probably just summon and dismiss familiars though o_O It'd take ages.

  19. Major question: Do you have to wait 24 hours before doing this, or is there a re-set time?


    I really dislike things that you have to wait 24 hours for, because if your busy with something, you either miss it or have to do it later the next day. Sooner or later you'll have to miss it >.<


    But I think I'll go try this right now. As soon as I condense it. (I don't mind your directions but I can find things myself.)


    Looks good though =D


    Condensed version for my own personal use:


    1. Magic Guild. Buy Earths, Waters and Deaths.


    2. Lunar Isle. Earth, Waters, Death, 5 B staffs. Bring Seal of Passage.


    3. Taverly General store. Eye of Newt packs and Vial packs.


    4. Port Sarim. Rune shop. Earths, Waters, Deaths. Head to fishing shop, feathers.


    5. Pest control. Earths, Waters, Deaths.


    6. Shilo. Feathers from fishing shop and Vial packs and Vial of Water packs from General store.


    7. Lighthouse. (Via barb outpost.) Vial packs and Vial of Water packs.


    8. Ardougne. Vial Packs and Vial of Water packs.


    9. Mage Arena. Earths, Waters, Deaths. (Bring Slashing weapon.)


    10. Varrock. Rune shop, Earths, Waters, Deaths. B staffs. Sell.

  20. With ranging the pillar is easy to use, because I step out of the minefield the moment he puts it on the ground for an easy run there. Then I just start shooting as soon as he runs to the pillar. Also, although your offence bonuses might not get as high with sap spells...What is 10% of nomads defence? Lets say....300. 10% of that is 30 levels. What is 15% boost on your range? At 99, you get a 15% boost. 15 levels. I don't know exact levels, but I'm pretty sure the amount of levels you'd lower nomads stats by is higher then the levels you could boost your levels by.

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