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Everything posted by superson

  1. "Te amo Brent." Actually te quiero is a lot more common than te amo, just pointing that out. Te amo is a lot more serious, and if you don't speak the same language as 'Brent' then it must not be too serious..
  2. I don't follow basketball, but it doesn't seem to make sense that 16 out of 30 teams make the playoffs... Playoffs are supposed to be for the elite, not the mediocre.
  3. Now... what idiot would make a bot for the only skill that consumes money instead of producing it? He means more people would train it, so more bots would chop wood for people to be able to train it.
  4. And he's saying they should be moved...
  5. The use of Amar there sounded a bit awkward, but I'm not sure, as Spanish isn't my first language.
  6. Well it's nice to see that you've learned from your mistakes... :roll: That was all from 1 scam, and it was because someone took something he let him wear.
  7. Not all of us have ESPN, or a TV for that matter.
  8. When I first read the title I thought it was about killing animals for mercy, and that someone killed an animal that wasn't actually in pain. :uhh:
  9. Don't be sad, your dog had a nice long life and is now in a better place. Be happy for her and think of the good times you spent with her.
  10. Yo amo a mi pequẻ̮̱̉o amado. The problem is, that in spanish, that would sound obvios, like "I love my little loved". The best would be "Amo a mi pequẻ̮̱̉o carỉ̮̱̉o", or "amo a mi pequẻ̮̱̉o dulce". By the way, never google search the word Google, or you will encounter with hentai pages :oops: Instead of saying 'Amo a mi' I recommend saying 'me quiero mucho a mi', or 'le quiro mucho a mi'. 'Amo a mi' makes sense if you just like read it... but the verb amar isn't used like that.
  11. Uggh no, I don't see any glory or honour by working all my life by traslating books :P However, perhaps I can become embassador or something like that. That isn't what I meant. My Mom is a free-lance interpreter, and she recently tried translating. She gets 2-4 page things to translate, which take usually part of 1 day, and gets a few hundred dollars per assignment. No books. :P
  12. I think that's horrible that someone who is having heart attacks has to be on a waiting list. Our health care should be better than that. I wish you the best for your mom, hopefully she makes a speedy recovery.
  13. If you feel confident you can do this, take a class in translating, it earns very good money if you freelance with an agency. No, I don't need you to translate that. :o
  14. agreed, ancient magic with the switch might be to over powered in the wilderness some might claim. but still id like to see it. Teleblock + Ice Barrage = NO!
  15. Why does my friends not post on my blog =(. 14.5k done, 18k-20.5k until 70, with TOG, but I'm going to keep runecrafting until I have 37k done anyways, since that's how many alchs I have.
  16. Steroids do help you with all of those, so stop being a smart [wagon]. They increase speed because they give you more endurance to practice, although I'll admit most of his steals were before he juiced. Fielding can be helped because of the same reason, more endurance means for practice. And hitting, how can steroids NOT help hitting? It gives you more strength, which means you can hit the ball harder and farther, and more often because you can swing the bat faster. And read the book Game Of Shadows, there's your proof.
  17. Do you know what the word 'steroid' means? There's UNDEINABLE evidence against him! See this great article. http://messageboards.aol.com/aol/en_us/ ... KillFile=1
  18. It's not cool, it's stupid. I don't think it's worth it seeing an old guy (not) hit home runs... There's way too much hype. he should have about 600 home runs now, if you decrease his home run totals to 32 each year during his juicing years (his average before then)
  19. Awmagawd. I know what to do! Make noob acounts with like 10 people, run there and peekay em! :anxious: Rune rocks are in like level 45 wildderness... Just have a level 40 go up there and spec them.
  20. X_Bow, his skiller is members already. And saru, use the stuff I gave you to get some higher levels. =). The Air talismans I got you will get you from 15-22 runecrafting 8-)
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