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Everything posted by Red_Dog_47

  1. Hate to say the generic response but - drop traded. Anyway, good luck on that character, im sure you won't find many people with the same stats. 8-) I Don't Drop trade. Never Have Never Will. But Thanks for support. :) Yeah Prob Would but I Despise ranging in the end it will make you be 15+hp lvls ahead of everyone else and 6 str lvls lower.
  2. Well As the title says I have a new Maul Pure Named Oops Ko. Hopefully this will turn into a v nice Gallery!Well I am Just going to post my 1st Obby Maul Pk Here and start Pking and killing some people to keep you entertained. Well. Heres some stuff about me. I started this pure like a month or so ago. I Started to Pk on my main and 1 day I saw Dream Rat3 and I spiili I And I thought. Wow. I would love to get as many pk's as them. So Thus! I created Oops ko! Well I hope to get this gallery pretty big! Well Guys this is just the preview i know the graphics are horrible, but it will be better in the 1st vid. Btw. I put in a song and i do not know how to cut the music so it will be like 2 mins of extra vid. I only had time for 2 kills (vidded) its on youtube<3 dont worry well, dont go to harsh on me<3 Oops ko - Against all odds Sort of pking vid 1 In which I fight a friend with 99 ranged 80 str and 75 att a few times.:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRDW1gkJNMo Stats: My Rules to Pking. Donts: I Dont Pj unless you Pj me 1st :-$ If you Flame me I flame you. I Dont Lure. I Dont Safe.(People think I safe but I eat at 25hp) I Do's: I Do Protect Items. :wink: I Do Deathmatch I Do 1 Item, Everyone else does so i do to, But when i see a fair fight i get out my trusty dscim and dds and prepare to fight. Pk Set Up: Bank Pic: #Of Pks:138 (20k+) (No 1 itemers/Looters) People Who Inspire me: I Spiili I For Ownage Dds Specs! :thumbsup: Dream Rat3 One of the best maul Pures ever. Fear Figment The Best Maul Pure in the world period. V Redneck V He is one of my best friends and one of the most honorable trustful rs players ever! X Screech X For Just ownign Every1 Coandca5 For Being a Great Friend And Of Course the person who got me pking on Red Dog! B 50 2 The Dis-Honorable List: ^He Pjed Me Constantly and kept FLamign me for no reason. I Later Pjed him and koed him to bad wasnt my kill :) He pjed me liek 3 times and when i attacked him back he prayed so i prayed then he would say screenied noob. so one time when he wasnt expectign it i spec him then he puts up prayer and says your so sad you noob! Im like..... erm ok. at least i dont pj and when someone hits a 0 i pray..... Well enough about talking here is my gallery! :) Pk's The KIll! And The Message With Da R a z o r impressed by my ko! :) Death Matches Insane Pk's This lvl 52 looter comes into the wildy and is skulled and then i see him go over a pile then i see whip appear then dissapear so i went up the the lvl 52 and hit 22-22-15 with my maul 1 iteming lmao! :lol: I looked down and i coudlnt believe my eyes i pick up the loot and run for my life. I Then Stood and posed with my friends! Wow what a crazy pk! :) This dude In rune g was in the wilderness just hangign around he was lvl 68. i ask him to fight so we go up to lvl 10 wildy and fight.after i maul spec a 15-18-4 he runs and hes about at lvl 8 wildy. And this dude with dds comes and specs him and he was like 8 hp then poison hit him and his rol tellied him to lumby then i got his kill message so I try home telly and it didint work cus i was poisoned i sprinted for the bank and made it and got laws and tellied as soon as i picked up the loot all his other pots and shrimps <-(lol) dissapear I ran up and then he starts begging for his stuff back so i sold it back to him for 532k! :) here is the pic! And What is this? I decided I was going to try my works with a dds so of course I try it on a looter. And When I looked at the Pile I was amazed at what i saw! Well, I have just got the funniest kill in my whole rs career, He was standing around in lvl 2, I asked him to fight me and he said omg nub you pure! I said no i'm not, im 52 prayer he said show me! I put it up and he said ok fight me noob I got geared up and we walked up to lvl 7, he was lvl 74 i am lvl 67 when we walked up he chickened out for a second then walked back in, I hit 26-22 with dscim all my dds specs were 0 this whole flipping fight, He had granite bod rune legs gnome ammy or whatever its called and then he ran out, he walked back in to lvl 7 and said i got food now cus my friend gave me some i said ok lets fight again now buddy he stepped in and we fought for what seemed like 10 minutes after my 1k 0's i hit 25-23 0 he ran out and back in yet again 18-18 koed. Heres the result! Then I guess he was suicidal and runescape was his life so he messaged me and said Just fought a lvl 77, im lvl 68, i went to drags with my friend skimmystrown and dead str00. Skimmy got bored and started speccing 1 itemers, then this dude comes and pj's, i was nervous but pking over pixels i say. and i went up there and attacked him. he mage short bow specced and used k bow, nearly koing me in 3 hits lol. then i used dsicm 23, 15 then i pulled dds he was 18 hp he ate a shark, 25-13 ko. one of my luckiest and best kills ever. also the kill i had least chance in koing.;o 20 D Arrows Wtf? Somehow I think he lagged, because i hit 27 with dscim and he was 12 hp, he didnt eat then i hit and he died, weird but still a nice kill. He had d bow but he said i couldn't smite, btw 3 hit!
  3. Hey Man TO bad your quitting we had fun times with the no pants gang. (You made me wear short skirt with Veracs and you told me it was the new episode of Veracs gone Wild... :lol: I Will always remember you adn the time when u got your 1st barrows run I remember you screamign at me Omg Barrows! drop!@!21@!@!@!@!@!@!!@@!@!@! And I was Like No Wai!:P + I gave you St00f to own the dude with dlong. To bad you got koed in like 15 secs. But it was good memories. I will remember you as a good runescaper. And As a Good Friend. Long Live BBQ! :D
  4. Well.. My Goal since i was a lvl 14 was to get 100 combat. I was not gonna go easy on myself either... but finnaly after all the hard work.. :) W00000000000000000000000000000000000000000t And to all those that came to my party know that i had a nice old old drop party (750k+) Well thankyou for looking!
  5. Heya! Ever Since I was level 14 and I saw a lvl 100 i said. Hey... I want that. So I started a goal to get 100 Combat!!! Here is the Party Info! And The Drop Info Time: 7:00 P.M. Eastern March 10th This Saturday Place:Ah Kharid Duel arena World: 99 Info on drop:500k+ I Will Get the Combat Level and then we will form a big Congo Line and walk to the Secret Drop party place!(Not In Or even Near Wildy) Then I will start dropping the stuff in my invy! (500k+) I Will Drop an assortment of Rune and all that. I will be getting 85 strenth for it. So Be There and make my party all the better!
  6. Aww It sucks you leaving..:( THanks for the memories though.:P Like the time we went to the steel war and we got koed 1st few seconds.:P ANd Kbd and St00f I WONT EVER FORGET YOU! If i had Msn I would try to talk to ya everyday but I dont. It's been nice knowing you. Long live Zoid! :) P.S. You are still Mah Inspiration<3. :)
  7. You forgot about me on your friends nub! Jking but why are you running out of members.. :cry: I will miss you saying I Got another Barrows dropz0rz Its a Guthans warspear !@!21!@ :) Well Ill be sure to go on a f2p world so we can hang out sometime bro. :) Edit Nmv I found my name im stupid.. :x
  8. Well I havent seen any of these so i will make a Barbarrian Assault world for everyone To come and enjoy! And meet new friends and stuff. Also You can get tons of points. Well Im going to start With the details!. Helpful Bumps would be appreciated btw. Official world: 132 Time: Anytime you want to Do Barbarrian Assault.. And As people have been doing people say i dont like this team it has low levels and stuff dont worry. If they send a Recruit Scroll to you just decline and see if they fit your level. If they don't Just decline as simple as that! ~To Start~ To start Barbarrian assault: Well you must go to the Barbarrian Agility Outpost which is North of the Waterfall Of Baxtorian. Then you will see the Agility place just keep going until you see a Little Red Emblem that looks a little like this * But bigger and filled in. Then you will have to talk to the Captain and he will explain the Basics And Wellah! You can now play! ~Rewards~ To Be able to be Eligable for a reward you must complete a few rounds Of Barbarrian Assault. Which When you get 200 points you can get Level 2 in whatever role you have the points in. Or you can Gamble for Rewards. But You must talk to the Person in the northwest Corner of the room and you must trade him and there is a Wide Variety of Stuff open. Well, I hope you come and have fun At Barbarrian Assault!
  9. oo i Enjoyed reading more about u irl zoid im just curious of my friends in rs.. well c ya in game and congrats and gl on your goals
  10. Rs Name: Red Dog 47 Points Spent: 500 Item(s) received:Dragon Platelegs. I was aiming for a dchain i clicked gamble and he said lemme see what i can fish out of here then all the sudden i see dlegs appear in my invy. You can bet what i did irl! :)
  11. Well I just got a clue and i looked up where the place was at (cordinates) thing is when i saw it i didnt know how to get up there.. Here are the cordiantates!:) 16 Dgrees 03 minutes North, 14 Degrees 07 minutes East If you guys could help me any way i would gladly appreciate it! :)
  12. 13...lol i want to try to get my rcing up but its just to much of a pain.. Oh well Pking is for me :
  13. Well seeing by how u made this i think you are going to be one of the Vultures Dont critisize me if im wrong lolz
  14. GL to both of you both of you are on my friends lists so i dont know who to rute for... So ill rute for both of your go candy and morph!!1 :)
  15. Oh well.. At Least people can still see when I didnt know My bad!
  16. 80 attack party and drop party dont miss out! Thats right guys! 80 att and drop party in 1 more hour!!!! world 99 at ah kharid duel arena! Dont miss out ill be dropping around 500k of stuff including 2 berserker helms glory ammies 100k cash str ammies ddses and more! We will meet at edgeville 10 minutes before party and walk to duel arena! Thanks and i hope to see you there! :D
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