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Everything posted by Archangelx

  1. Fascinating! Really excited to see what that would look like!
  2. For this particular thread? Well, you're on the right track by "Following this topic." So if that doesn't work, you might have to tweak your settings as well: Click on your profile name on the top of the page ---> My Settings ---> Notification Options
  3. Awesome progress! So for shedding body fat, that's purely cardio. Apologizes if thats an obvious statement and you already do a lot of it, but I only noticed one day of cardio in your plan - hence why I'm mentioning it. At the least, I would recommend up to three days (if not more), where you include at least 30 minutes of cardio. It doesn't have to be in the same session: you could cardio in the morning and then weights sometimes later, if possible. However, whatever you're doing at the moment seems to be working for you too! As for toning up, general rule will be more reps at less weight (but not light enough to provide zero challenge). It will help burn any fat around the targeted area as well, and create a tighter, lean look. I don't have much time at the moment to go into more detail, but let me know what you already know / want more information on (aside from additional workouts). Also a disclaimer before someone starts flaming me, haha: my knowledge is derived from a couple of weight training classes and my own experiences. I KNOW everyone's body is different and I in no way claim to be an expert. So if I'm wrong about something, please say so constructively and help everyone! P.S: kudos on the pull up bar! Highly under rated exercise and often avoided, but it works wonders and is one of the best full body workouts there are! As well as quite diverse. Keep doing them, and switching up routines on them as well!
  4. Is that the part where it asks you check what style the weapon has? Have you tried equipping the weapon and then opening up the Equipment screen? (That shows your character and everything equipped). (If that is not the section, could you take a screenie of the situation?)
  5. May I ask what your goal is? Ie: are you looking to trim down; bulk up; get toned or somewhere in between? Depending on your answer, it all changes :)
  6. I can't wait for the day when tattoos become acceptable in all forms of work -_-
  7. What part are you stuck in?
  8. Ok, this has gone far enough. Let's get back onto the OT, shall we? Awesome! Would that be the sparrow or the ChiRho? I think your idea would look really good, personally. I imagine it would sting quite a bit though, so be prepared for that, haha! Be sure to have a lot of food and water before hand, and some juice!
  9. Thanks for the heads up; didn't realize that since it loaded for me. Should be fixed now.
  10. This was posted on their Facebook page a short while ago; pretty interesting stuff! 208 Monsters killed per minute :o Source
  11. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe "to each their own." The previous post by me was just my opinion on what I like in a tattoo, but I respect all tattoos. But let's get back to OT. You mean the Aperture Science logo? I've seen several on the internet; they look pretty cool. As for prices, as Skull said, a lot of factors go into it: size, detail, location being the main ones. The shop and artists are also factors, even the quality of the ink the store uses. The above image, was what one of my tattoos was built upon. I included my own modifications, but the basic style was the same. That was on my bicep. Additionally, on the inside of my elbow, along the curve of the arm, I got several brush stroke, caligraphy style lettering and symbols. All that, is a lot of line work, that had to be carefully faded and detailed. All in all, it cost $240. I think my piece, along with your friends collar bone area, cost what it did, because they are delicate locations: I would imagine the collar bone would hurt quite a bit and thus needs very careful tatto'ing. The bicep didn't hurt much at all, but inner elbow is a bit more sensitive. Something like the above, I wouldn't imagine would cost you more than a $100. Also, many artists charge by the hour as well, and would quote a flat rate which they build upon.
  12. I meant no offense with that statement - it's just personally, I much prefer ones that have a story behind them. I've had friends who've gotten tattoos, simply based on seeing an image and getting it within a week, because it looked awesome. And it does, but sometimes they regret it too. I'm mostly talking about the "tramp stamp" stuff and the drunken tattoos. It may look good, and I'll appreciate it, but I just won't find them interesting. Just personal opinion, is all.
  13. So placement to me, is just as important as the tattoo itself - meaning, would the placement have a significance at all to you? For instance, something like the ChiRho: if it's a value you place close to your heart, then on your pec would be a good spot. But of course, that's up to you. A symbol like that, would look good pretty much anywhere on the body. Doing a quick Google Image search of "chirho tatttoos" showed quite a few options and designs. As for the sparrow, by hand - where did you mean exactly? Inside of your wrist, outside palm, forearm etc. And I doubt any artist would refuse to tattoo any area. Your hand will sting quite a bit more than most other body parts, so they'll be cautious, but I doubt they wouldn't do it. You could also combine the chirho and the sparrow! ------ And just for the general topic: no tattoo is "weak," as long as it has a specific meaning to that person. I don't care if you get a stereotypical butterfly, as long as it means something and was not just "it looks cool" or "I just wanted a tattoo" decision. So unless Nine Naked Men is your friend, I'd ignore what he says :D
  14. When you do get some sketch ideas, I'd also recommend drawing it on yourself with a pen / sharpie (or have a friend do it, if you can't reach the area), and recolor it when it fades overtime. If you still like it and actually want to keep redrawing it, I'd say you'd be ready to get it done for real :) I started drawing mine at least two years and after about six months or so, I knew I had hit upon the right idea (I just didn't have enough disposable income to get it at the time). But yea, good luck! And again, if you'd like our help coming up with the idea, don't hesitate to ask! I'm not a good sketch, but I work with photoshop somewhat and that's how I came up with my design - even allowing me to superimpose it on a picture of the skin area, to see what it would like as an actual tattoo.
  15. +1 - It also becomes much easier for them to do the actual tattoo, since it's also their creation at that point. Don't let all this intimidate you though; 98% of all tattoo artists you meet are amongst the friendliest of folk (as long as you are to them), and are more than happy to work with you on all aspects of the process - especially if it's your first =)
  16. I just hope the icon isn't obscured in the final version, by the trim =/ Other than that, looks awesome!
  17. What were you wearing? Was it specifically the equip tab or the tab that holds that and the backpack? I ask, because maybe it's because the runes in your backpack are being used and that sets off a "signal?"
  18. +1: I was surprised that there really is no option to be neutral in this pariticular battle. I get that Saradomin and Zamorak are the two "primary" Gods in this affair (with maybe Zaros), and its a general light / dark side choosing here, but like you said, there is so much more to the Gods than a pure good or evil - particularly with Saradomin. I'm hoping down the line, as the other Gods show up, that there's more of a decision to be made, with great story to go along with it. For instance, I'm an Armadylean - so when he shows up, I'm kinda hoping he'll have this conversation of sorts with Saradomin and be all like: "WTF bro? This ain't how we discussed this would go down!" (Though I seriously doubt he would talk like that! xD ) And then pull out all the stops, call in the remnants of the Aviansie and the other species he discovered in his travel, and take over :D
  19. Depending on where you go / your luck, you might have to pay for the Art Consult though. This usually covers part of the tattoo charge though, if you change your mind and decide to get it sooner than you think. But if you find an artist who has a bit of downtime, they're pretty good about working with people to come up with designs. Getting a tattoo was one of the most unique experiences I've had (my first, and so far only, was just about 10 days ago :D ). Also, perhaps people here can help you come up with designs too. Just post a general idea of what you were thinking and maybe someone can come up with something!
  20. Aside from the emotes (and even that is not much), none of the rewards really seem worth it for the time (unless you need the armor) :( At least for now anyways. Who knows; those battlefield boosts may be useful at some point. (Also, why are the helm and cape Tier 3, and not the greaves / cuirass? xD )
  21. I just remembered someone who hasn't been mentioned in a while and was wondering if anyone had any notion about it: Nomad. Whatever happened to him after he got up and peaced out after our battle with him? Would be cool to see him fighting again, as he is one of the coolest characters there is ^_^
  22. The DragonKin are mostly a defense mechanism for the Stone of Jas - so, with the Gods coming back, who would most likely be looking for it for its power, you can be certain the DragonKin will be ready to prevent misuse :D And with that, hopefuly we learn more about Robert the Strong as well!
  23. That's awesome that they're tying in the novels directly with the game, with Kara-Meir! Except she's supposed to have an adamant long sword...
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