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Everything posted by Markup

  1. nice one you did very well.....wish i could do that ohwell about another 2 years and i should have a fire cape lol :wall:
  2. Just one sentence that you should remember in the whole of your life: If at first you don't succeed, then try and try again simple as that whatever the cost
  3. yeah but WoW is just an amazing game though isnt it......thye also alow macros on WoW!
  4. no problems....i help when i have had past experience
  5. non member: green d hide legs, iron pl8 or prayer suited top, anti drag sheild power ammy, iron helm, rune scimmy or rune b axe.
  6. Very good guide...will be thinking of making a clan soon just need higher levels and more clan experience thanxs anyway
  7. have fun....:oops: right good descision on not becoming a pure thats wat i did and i became board very quickly....my pure was 60 attack 60 str 1 def 22 pray i didnt actually decide on training def..... My story: The curse of the bone spear well basically i found one and all of its attacks were controlled and i didnt relsie that... u know wat heppened next ur first stat golas should be 60 attack 60 str 60 def 50 range 60 mage 43 prayer then earn loads of money, to get dragon etc Quests: Preist in peril
  8. lets just say this getting through the game to actually use the wepaons etc. and getting the fire cape will mean u have to train def this is because of: quests, item requirements(quests) plus u would just get nailed....i cant really talk though but its hard for even lvl 70 def+ and combat lvl 100+ to get the fire cape
  9. lvl 80...locked account....so wat do they need for them to unlock the account: proof u own the account etc.. if they need proof u own the account then if u have some send some pictures....if u know the lvls of the skills that dont feature in the highscores then thats a plus....the ip adress of ur comp (if u have paid for members).....the host of the internet connection that logs onto the account the most(it appears when u log in at the top) all little thing slike that can help
  10. maybe its to do with adding milk or not....worth a try
  11. wat is the point if getting planks Good Points: Dont have to pay for construtcion, sell for alot Bad Points: People are already there, u will die then they take ur planks(wildy), slow, boring, u could make more money, etc...... basically buy planks or dont bother at all unless u want to spend like an hour just getting 28 planks
  12. sent mine aswell great idea! cant w8 for it to come out
  13. why is it mean....people travel through the wildy to have fun themselves they except the risk that they might die....its the person whos duying fault they should have thought more carefullybefore acting
  14. I have magical powers.... Drinking tea while on a rocking chair!
  15. shoudlnt saws also be able to cut down trees....we have a saw at home for cutting trees
  16. what a good idea....barrow trips, i wonder if people have had parties in their houses yet :lol:
  17. Yeah i found that while the charecter was fighting i become to absorbed in the forums :lol: so then when i went back i was logged out even though ive gained 8 str lvls and 20k tokkul:!:
  18. its not to get far its to get tokkul anway do u have and easy tips?
  19. whoops did i not make it clear that u were ment to be in the fight caves?
  20. sorry i cant be there but thanxs for telling me how to make a banner thats awesome i never knew how to!
  21. Clan Meetings! Something that jagex proberly didnt think about but is proberly gonna happen.....Have clan meetings using the leaders base how cool is that. Anyway heres a thread about what multi purposes does construction have that jagex proberly didnt realise
  22. Easy tokkul the page where people post the easy way to tokkul..... Heres mine: Put ur charetcer option on auto retaliate, open up the tip.it forums let ur charecter fight the monsters while u look around the forum EASY now lets here urs!
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