I use to be a pure.....untill one day i found a bone spear and thought hmm...intresting attacked a monster and got lvl 2 def (i dont regret it pures are so boring!!). So i decided to train defence....got board carried on doing other things. I was combat lvl 67 when i did the quest lol how easy it was....i went in with green dragon hide legs and ruen chainmail and dragon longsword with power ammy and one way teleport to varrock. I had 8 lobbies with me which i have to admit i never used. When u enter the cage of the dragon go strait to the left in that gap and hey uve bascialy killed the dragon without attacking it! now when ur ready jsut side step the barrier attack then go back in. in no time its dead.....it wasnt much of a challenge when i had my dragon long so i never used the cover after about 3 attacks. my stats when fighting the dragon were...attack: 60, strength: 62, defence: 40, prayer: 26, hitpoints: 59 now that was a long but easy quest