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Everything posted by Goldwolflord

  1. So we carry on with this image: Well whoever goes next blend in that sky a bit more? there's a sudden change.
  2. But we don't need it. =S And why is the right half chopped off? Even though there is no sun shining on it, it's still there, you can't see through it. :P Sorry if I've come over offensive. I don't mean to, I just don't see why there's a moon there, really.
  3. You tried to make a sunset with a moon? =P~
  4. And the last time you saw the moon as a pink light source that reverses shading was... when? :P
  5. Rofl. Never ever use spray can in pixels.
  6. I don't like sunrise. :( In the winter when I go to the bus stop, I have to go stand there watching the sun rise as it blinds my just-woken-up eyes.
  7. That's dawn, isn't it? I really don't know, I always get them mixed up. It's sunset anyway.
  8. I don't know/care. they're buddies. XD
  9. Dont we already have enough buddy shops? -_-; These seem pretty similar to Drek's. =\
  10. We're not 'RS artists,' and calling us sad won't get you an avatar.
  11. Try using the correct button next time. Read them. One says postReply, the other says newTopic. You need the post reply one. -_-'
  12. Actually that's a good idea; It'll make it clearer to see a few things, and it won't require the tree to be perfect, since trees are really hard to do that close up.
  13. Gorgeous! Lovely lights, text fits well (Bt subtext isa bit hard to read) Very nice. EDIT:Whoamg I was doing Remote's. :XD: Next poster do Kwimbob's and not mine that doesn't exist because it won't let me. *PMs Kwimbob*
  14. Yes, but it was[/] a google image, and it was obvious. Not a stock render that wasn't subject to copyright.
  15. How wide is your neck compared to your head? Run your hand from the bottom of your neck to your ear. I sure hope it doesn't look like his. I doubt his chin would be showing through anyway, but the neck still needs to be wider. It's a common fault, as we're taught as children to draw like that.
  16. PM Them. It belongs in tech help since it's help about technical things. :P No, this place is for graphics, showing, making, improving them. Tech help is for helping with this about your computer, and I Would say it falls in that category. We really need more media boards; A shop/requests forum, a gift forum (maybe), a tutorials/help forum and a rating board.
  17. The tree really doesn't fit in; it's way too fat and the roots need more work blending in with the grass. Looking good though. ^_^ EDIT: Added more sunset to the water, and brought the shading on th tree round 1 level each since it didn't reflect how it woudl really be. I also tried to put roots in to help it fit in more. EDIT: I also forgot to post the image. =\
  18. I support. But for one thing. Reposition the hands. Those + the ^^ face = Lawlage.
  19. The only reason I haven't got the sig there is since when I put it in the box, it removes it after submitting. I aslo can't see anyone else's signatures. And it's not that the box isn't ticked; I've contacted MXM ABout it. Rate Alex's not mine, whoever posts next.
  20. If you don't know where somethig should go, in the future, contact a moderator before posting.
  21. Haven't seen Godzilla on TIF for years. Gold-zilla (Moi) however, said that he didn't like it. Way to read.
  22. Wow, very nice work, Feragho! This one is absolutely amazing so far... and there are only 7 squares uncovered.
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