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Everything posted by faisalhype

  1. 1. how much are they worth each? 500gp-1.5k 2. how easily do they sell? very easy in herblore forum on runescape 3. where do they sell? official runescape websites' herblore forum 4. what are they used for? range potions 5. would you like to buy 500 zamorak wines? 31 herblore :( thats a no.
  2. im just wondering, what bout part 2 after you both die, the pker wants to meet (or ambush :uhh: ) up for revenge? and whats the story called? ''i still remember what you did last.. time we were in the wilderness and somehow you lured me into a demon and we both died but we met in lumbridge''. the sequel is.. 'i still remember what you did last.. time we were in the wilderness and somehow you lured me into a demon and we both died but we met in lumbridge... 2''. My god thats a long title for a story. but would it make a good flim? doubt it would be horror :XD:
  3. well, it will be beneficial in my opinion but, a clan war goes on, teams decided by team capes but.. what happens when one opposing team member puts on the wrong cape and spies/ambushes your clan? :uhh: id say if there will be an update for team capes, there should be another open up section (from the side of the map) to show in the same map area who has the same cape as you, so if you somehow suddenly see someone joining the teamcape list, you will know. but on the other hand, if you attack this 'traitor'/'spy' it would look like team member attacking team member, :-k
  4. but im wondering, would WOM be seeking assistance from all the towers he is aiming for, or is he going to demolish themall so he thinks that he conquered all magic and using it for bad deeds... :-k anyways, after the robbery, its been months (maybe years) and that banker is still up on the tree, when is he going to get down? :-s
  5. well, jagex should updated after you leave, you are cured of poison and full health and be still left in the house, so you have a chance re-attaining your stuff and your still can be in, and whats funnier, a lvl 98 comes to my POH house says u got a dungeon carrying his dds, i only had a combat ring, he fought me, i obviously got killed, but then he was moaning, ''wheres your stuff???''. i started to laugh, he demnded my stuff, started to swear, reported him and kicked him out. it is weird, even high lvls can steep so low (and dumb) :wink:
  6. take the cape, and besides, would people be commenting on your santa or a the cape? aswell, the cape shows you achieved something with added bonus but santa, its a hat showing that you have money. and, if you went to f2p lumbridge, how many n00bs will follow you saying ''z0mg, nice skillcap3'' or ''Ha><, y0u Hav a Santa!!!!1!''. Hey i should try that :twisted:
  7. get/use a house lectern, then, get the needed runes for the tele-tab you want to make, then, craft them from the lectern using soft clay. or soft clay + tele runes + lectern = tele-tablet. :thumbsup:
  8. yes i do, but make sure the n00bs are on maintenance, besides, who would want n00bs to spread?
  9. i like this idea a little but im worried, HAM area and al-kharid will be infested by these continuously dying people then complaining, ''Z0mg, Ha>< stole my acc, give m3 phr33 st00f pl0x!''. lumbridge front world 1 is enough, but dont let them spread!
  10. I never knew this! :shock: 10/10 doing it now and got about 2 lvl 1 clue scrolls at a time with this in 1 day! :thumbsup:
  11. But how far back u go =) lol i dont mind recycling my Phat into a cracker, what it was originally created from. not excatly what u got before that but.. like iron sword back into iron bar or rune plate body back to rune bars but.. this will give away smith exp thats why if u put recycled on front of the recycled object, it should shouldnt be allowed to be 're-salvaged' exept primary sources like bars etc.. or.. make a fee to re-smith the bars to recycleable armour or u have to use special anvils which u have 2 pay to use which can be used to smith recyclable armour.
  12. the master sword on runescape? they better get permission from nintendo first :wink:
  13. i support this.. but wouldnt it be unfair if jagex make a consturction guild before a flecthing guild that so many people asked for, they want it so bad that they made their own 'unofficial' flecthing guild but cutting your own planks, make new armour and free tele to home? aswell a minigame, i like :D
  14. many MMORPG's do this like guild wars, they call it ''salvaging'' where you can destroy the item for the material it was created from, if runescape would have this idea, next to the item/item details it should say if it can be recyled or not, besides who would be mad enough to recycle a party hat??
  15. instead of you killing the dragon? why not let it kill for you :twisted: and besides if this skill was avalible, cw will be a lot easier : or summoning is not allowed in minigames
  16. atleast jagex should have the decency to put next to their names (perm muted) so when someone is about to folo/trade or walk/talk to you, its should say walk here -----> (insert name and lvl) perm muted it would seperate the macroers to the muted.
  17. i support this aswell, my mate has been perm muted and he helped me since in lvl 3 lumbridge front to the lvl 70 i am now, he has been falsely accused got perm muted and just to talk to me, he HAD to make another acc, and im just saying.. if you cant live a life of slience, if you had a valuable account for a very long time and you are muted.. how would you feel? if i can send a letter to jagex, id say ''Read the chat bar ASWELL instead of the screen'' never jugde a book by its cover, read whats in the text bar and inside about what happen. and to make it worse, mining while muted may make others think that ur macroing, i seen it happen... in these time its actions, not words that can get your situation the nastiest, so next time you press 's' on runescape and post it in the chat bar, remember what it can lead to.. :ohnoes: and i would be overjoyed if my mates main could talk again, accursed 's' key! :x
  18. i have an idea, if p2p, show a map from the craters' guild to the faldor west bank by going through the crumbled wall and near the dark wizards' tower or if they have 1 slot of free space, carry a falador tele tablet, tele after mining to falador square, go to falador west bank, use agilty shortcut and go southwards from the dark wizards' tower till your there (and dont forget to withdraw a tele tablet) after that, contiue the process till you have enough ore then you start smelting from falador west bank with a tiara in one slot, smelt the silver then turn em into tiaras, easy. did i just make a guide :-s
  19. heh, i remeber someone tryed to lure me, but luckly, there was another high lvl merchant/pker who is friends with me, i knew it was a trap because, standing in a widerness area, seen a glimpse of a ancient mage. then i purposly went into the wilderness, i traded on purpose, and by that time, the mage shouldve froze me, but instead, my merchant/pker mate froze him and took his stuff and killed the lurer who tried to scam me. Its funny when a lurer/scammer's plan backfires at them :XD:
  20. whoever said that was trying to make a joke but instead made a fool out of himself.. anyways i was walking through world one till someone said ''win 40k, folo me'' i knew this was a scam so instead i told him 2 folo me.. i seen a mod in a certain area so i took the scammer there, the scammer starts playing 'trust trades' and the mod was taking notes for it.. i reported him and the mod.. dunno what consequences he left for that scammer.. :XD: p.s: it was a SLIVER crown mod
  21. have u got one saying merchanting, i used to, now i get it by working hard but if there was.. that would be the most.
  22. Never knew farming was easy instead hard.. 10/10
  23. You don't even make much sense in this post its was a buying scam and the scammer chose to flee when it blantantly looked that they were scamming, and besides, if they were smart enough they couldve traded each other so next time.. space out a lil :XD: p.s: how much times did i say scam? :-s
  24. how much do these cost gnome googles and gnome scarf because i got both of them but i dont know which one is more valuable..
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