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Everything posted by PArocking

  1. LOL dont think it was a very smart move by jagex lol 5000 paying customers gone to an old game with no updates no improvement and hardly any population, rsc will die now. so infact the honest players didnt make rsc run, the autoers did. :?
  2. i agree.. rs would be so boring with out the variety that came out of slayer, barrows, rcing, and others.. thnx jagex
  3. buy evrything i would ever need on rs then sell the rest of ebay, what really are u going to do with 1b.. :?
  4. PArocking


    great site and btw fif rocks my socks off GREAT BAND 8) :D
  5. lmao :P mods might delete some though some have mature themes but still they are humorus 8)
  6. red ripple... :? anyway best work of yours ive seen so far great job :)
  7. " me and u die" or somthing like that in rs1 so when u whould like say stuff it would be trade me and u die att. me and u die follow me and u die :P also like devil dante that just sounds bad [wagon] :)
  8. :roll: pah.. i quite like it... as for the quote.. well during his era Jezus was a idol right? he became so populair the roman empire had to bring him down (just to cut it short) so they killed the peoples idol.. and the people helped.. so they killed there idol. if you find it offensive please grow up.(i do respect other peoples believe but i find it a bit childish). if u find it childish are u sure u respect other's beliefs? any way i like the sig simple and nice :)
  9. okay 3 hit lacky and yes its a fake and not a good fake k? :?
  10. lol, i dont get it but funny : :lol:
  11. go take some lessons from noxide on fake pics.. :o
  12. colors: black, blue, and another coler that fits if u want text: [CV]Owned pictures: its a halo sig animations: i want the text to fade in and out if u can or somthing with the text size: (in pixels and kbs) the same as mr moos but a bit bigger length wise w/e looks good :P thnx a bunch!
  13. your cool now? 8) well anyway pretty good fake i guess the first 9 in 99 range is screwed up and the 1 comb. kinda threw me off so ill give it a 5/10 for a fake -_-
  14. thats one of the hotest pixels i have eva seen :) great job m8
  15. hmm i guess that whould be kinda hard :) i guess u could make the grunts eyes go all big and him looking at the nade lol
  16. if u still want ideas ill have a grunt (the little halo aliens) trying to take a flag and then i want master cheif in the backround with a smile and then the grunt sees he has a plasma on his back. so, thats my idea :lol:
  17. i like it, i think u captured the theme well with the red backround, and war and evrything :P good job
  18. well at least someone thought it was funny :roll: PS. i doubt u did 8)
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