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Everything posted by Barf_Ii

  1. Gladz fought for longer than 15 hours :oops: ? There used to be week+ long wars on RSC ;)
  2. I really wasn't expecting those ops, well done everyone, wish I could have been there, rl strikes again :(
  3. Thanks for the fight it was fun and extremely close. You got the start, we shared the middle and we managed to come through in the end, I wouldn't have been upset if you had won since it was an enjoyable fight, glad we did win though. :P Hope we can have more fights like this. :)
  4. Well done guys, get a fight during the week and I'll probably be able to come to it.
  5. gg Corr, unlucky Eh. Hi Enzock@@@ :D
  6. If Mod Mark is telling the truth, Summoning will be members only. So I'd say that free clans are going to be hit pretty hard. Unless Jagex changes their mind (which I know they won't), free players will probably either subscribe, or quit clans. Runecrafting was also referred to as a members skill.. There's been lots of pics saying p2p only and lots saying f2p too. Why will f2p clans be hit hard? If it is p2p only then you won't be able to use it in f2p, if your combat levels show in p2p (I've seen a pic saying you'll revert to normal level without smn) it still won't make a difference. If clans are smart then they'll just use the old way of calculating combat level excluding smn too set reqs. At least for the first few months while they figure out how it wil leffect clans.
  7. Find it funny how you say fight like a man to someone that probably had about 4 lobbies and loads of bones/hides since they don't look like an autoer to me.. meh w/e grats I guess.
  8. I like it when the oranges pop up and oh no I'm getting more post count I think I'll go cry.
  9. Hardly, The Sabres have closed and reopened so many times they can't even be classed as the longest running clan, the first clan on Runescape it's likely but longest running is 'The' The Sabres rule wasn't really as strict as you might think because they came over from another game so making an account or starting a new account with sabre in it wouldn't be a big loss since you wouldn't have been a very high cmb.
  10. Ye I agree you should still be able to left click stuff to withdraw it everything else is great though. Good job. :thumbsup:
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