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    ps2, sport rs, freinds. reading.
  1. Awesome i know i didn't mention it but could you try a version with perhaps a night render in it?
  2. Must suit this skin http://www.blessed-knights.co.nr I'd also like it to have the Clan name on it (blessed-Knights) and 75+CMB Join Today. Much Appreciated. ~Auron.
  3. I doubt this would work as high levels and well known people arent always mature and rule following.
  4. Great Guide! only thing i can say is maybe include the guthans method.
  5. Al-kharid is okay rest have been mentioned why not rouges den?
  6. I know prankster_king :P i agree though runescape will always have immature people the world will always have immature people just have to live with it.
  7. At first it seemed great but I've realised half the people on there act like immature 5year olds. The only conversations involve people arguing and flaming each other or spamming. I think you guys should start listening to the rules before the chat is taken from us.
  8. Whoa Soa!! you have a weird way of making things turn out exactly how i want them could you do something about the text though-make it look a bit darky Thanks alot dude! 4be i don't realy like the style but good attempt.
  9. If you want it fast Pest control. For profit slayer or ankous. You could try rockcrabs or if you have done the quest kill yacks same xp and they don't hit and arent crowded.
  10. Blessed d'hide set (zamorak): 1.4m-1.6m. Blessed d'hide set (saradomin): 1.1m-1.3m. Blessed d'hide set (guthix): 800k-1m. Average Prices.
  11. Ernest the chicken romeo and Juliet witches potion Rune mysteries the bead one check the tipit quest guide section on the homepage for more info.
  12. Sure do just don't feed it milk. And i think he ment hell kitten.
  13. ^ Also there would be alot of power abusing and for instance if someone decided to quit theyd go and temp bann everyone they could if they were stupid. Don't think i can see this working but good suggestion. For the green drag autoers just get a massive pk squad to clear out the worlds.
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