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    somewhere deep in the wilderness...
  1. dude your magic and yew sections are way off, edge is the best place for yews as it's not competely full with macros and its 1 click away from the bank. best two places for magics are range gulid(usually full) and thoracs(sp?) place witch has 4 trees right next to each other and a few clicks away from the bank, its deserted there also.
  2. there will be a market, it wont be like the one for nats even though every spell requires a few because of the speed people can craft on world 70. im supprised the market has lived through this and not gone totally crazy.
  3. im not sure what is gonna happen all i know is this update will kill the market again. anytime something huge, such as a new spell list is added everything is effected. jagex might add a new area up north, cant find the thing where they said they would but its somewhere...
  4. i wonder why you put him(not gonna even say it lol) in legends dosent the name belong in noobs?
  5. its junk dont bother buying it more on topic:check the kb it should have it if it dosent i *know* tip it does
  6. lol i wish more people were like that. i got a really horrible story of someone giving away a free whip(my bad story telling and a horrible end) i was playing cw on w2 on zammy. some person needed a whip screaming it near a bunch of 120s+. one of them gives him a free whip immedatly she is attacked by over half of the people in the room, all screaming "phr33 wh1p pl0x!" or something like that. at that time i was in disgust(sp?) just for giving someone a free whip a person gets attacked by 100 noobs all wanting one. almost everyone in the area except me and another person was begging that person. the worse part is it was people lvl30-100 begging her for a free whip.
  7. gl lol, its kinda a one shot thing, if you fail you'll get more hp and doing dt at with 10 hp will be scary hard cause most things will one hit you
  8. lol i see the buying a useless item while someone is selling it for less scam all the time. worse part is that they use autotypers :shame:
  9. change the title lol, i would've kept the stuff because he was a rr pker.
  10. i'll be 1 of those 5% that dosent play dungeons and dragons
  11. lol i usually see him around the chaos alter~lvl 13 wildy when i go on pking trips. and lol the evil tiwn is much worse.
  12. great idea! all i need is some tele grabs then the phat club will fear me!
  13. this guide is good lol, im gonna use it when i do dt. only gonna use tip.it for pyramid cause map helps, alot.
  14. it'll probably be the same way as rsc, except it will be for rs2. everyone will slowly quit and eventually jagex will say they arent making profit and drop the game. edit:POH'S come out in f2p, and the kbd hangs out in w1 varrock killing merchants
  15. walking from cammy to barb agilty course, teleing back to cammy cause i realised i did it wrong(i was doing horror from the deep). walking from cammy to the light house, then from the light house to the barb aglity course. then from there back to the light house, then i got teled by RoL. then from cammy to the light house again. the whole thing took like 2 hours :ohnoes: edit:O ya forgot about 1 small favor that thing took me 4 hours :x
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