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    Paducah, Kentucky
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    Piano, Models, Writing
  1. Fast Food? RuneScape is clearly set in an era equivalent to the 1100's (or previous), and retsaurants didn't exist until the mid 1600's when the first one was founded in Paris. Even then, the restaurant only sold soup ('restoratives,' hence 'restaurant'), so fast food would be an odd thing to see for quite a while. but hese ares upposed to be absurd ideas, so I consider it a smashing success! Here's an absurd idea: back when the giant tsunami hit, they sent a helicopter out to check on this small tribe of natives in the Pacific whom they feared might have been wiped out by the tsunami. Lo and behold, as the helicopter passed over, the natives started throwing spears and shooting arrows at it!!! Hahaha!! I wan to see a minigame where I get to throw spears and shoot arrows at a helicopter. Why? Because THINK OF THE COMBAT EXPERIENCE!!! And the drops? Man! what if you could salvage a chaingun from the wreckage? Rockets wouldn't be of any use (You would need about 250 strength in order to carry and somehow fire an AH-64's rocket pod), but a chaingun?! That would make the fight against the TzTok-Jad last about fifteen seconds and consist mainly of converting it to paste and laughing hysterically. And the gnomes!! You know how the gnomes are, they could possibly salvage the helicopter itself!! I may not ahve billions of GP, but man if I had a personal helicopter, I could rule over RuneScape with a steely fist! "Behold, the emperor approaches in his sky chariot!" "Why's he spinning like that?" "Er.. I don't think yelling at the controls works too well..." "And doesn't that need some sort of feul to stay up?" *CRASH!* "I call dibs on his stuff!"
  2. Regulus

    Rank 1

    If Novalyfe (I don't care about it being spelled with nmbers) wants No. 1, he'll get it. He has chosen, rather than writing, composing, or doing something else worthwhile, he simply *has* to be the 'best' player in RuneScape. I realized not too long ago that 'lyfe' is what 'life' becomes when all of its worth is thrown away in a petty and entirely meaningless race to spend massive amounts of time and effort in achieveing a rank which, despite being unthinkably difficult to obtain, will not really contribute to his life or anybody else's. Here's to a long and glorious lyfe to all who take up the challenge!
  3. Mining is such horrible drudgery. Add me as well, I'm game for a chat.
  4. Get to 85 as fast as you can, we know youc an do it! Here you are/Rock us like a hurricane! Or something. GO MAT!
  5. As to the word Aryan, it's spelled with a 'Y,' not an 'I.' Although 'Aryan' has somehow come to mean the race of people favored by Nazism, the term 'Aryan' actually refers to the peoples from the region of India and Pakistan. True 'nough. It does make sense that they would block Aryan and Arian due to its unfortunate modern meaning. But if you were an ACTUAL Aryan, wouldn't you be rather put off at that? And as for the person who says that Jagex makes RuneScape for us, you apparently don't fully understand how a business works. edit by the author: As it turns out, the forum also blocks this entirely innocent title of an entire Middle-Eastern nationality. But apparently 'Nazism' is okay.
  6. 'Net speak' (or 'leet') was invented so that a small group of people could communicate using the ASCII characters, but not the letters. This was done to present a completely superficial sense of esoteric superiority. However, since it is merely a corruption of the characters and is visually very similar to the original, rather than bing an actual cryptogram (I have seen people communicate in enigma code, that's incredible), the smug, self-righteouss founders of the pseudolanguage saw that the plan had backfired quickly as it was easily figured out by anybody with half a brain and began to propagate using the Internet. the original leet used absolutely no actual Roman letters (A, B, C...) but instead replicated every character with other ASCII character. Since the founders considered themselves the intellectual elite, the language was quickly called 'elite,' rendered '3|_173' in the language itself. however, after the mass propagation, the language became a bit looer, using a mixture of letters and non-letter characters. 'Elite' became, phonetically bastardized, '1337,' or 'l33t,' or another variation. The original elite language is very cumbersome, and is quite confusing since writings with lots of syntax and punctuatiuon are often misconstrued, with the message's recipient often mistaking punctuation for an incomplete letter or vice-versa. Thus, the novelty of any form of elite (modernly called 'super leet') or leet has since passed and both forms have been relegated to in-jokes, mockery, and small usage by those who still think it shows off in some way. That's where 'net speak' came from. Period. And if you ever so boldly state that it is beneficial, superior, or useful in any way, or that its origin arose out of any good intention or as anything at all besides a small-minded and, frankly, unoriginal method of mocking anyone not in a specific clique, I will come to your house, tear your chest cavity open, and feast on your innards as you watch this awful scene unfold imminently before you die and rot in hell for your completely injustifiable crimes against all writers, speakers, actors, or decent human beings. On a different note, have you noticed that many of those who say they support a move towards a more perfect usage of the English language have themselves voiced their support using very poor grammar? I can't help but think if they misunderstood.
  7. Well, whatever you do don't TOUCH it, you have no idea where it's been. God knows that hygiene and health care can't be too great in a fantasy/medieval setting. Knowing you, (and I don't) you'd probably EAT afterwards, without even washing your hands in the Lum River, which might be a bad idea anyway since the river is entirely contaminated with ash and rotting corpses from the southern wilderness, as well as human waste from Varrock, Lumbridge, and Edgeville. The further south you go, the worse the stench is. Perhaps touching the glowy thing isn't so bad after all.
  8. I think we have stumbled onto something much more vast and important than Runescape. ("FOUL! There's no such thing!") Shut up! When someone appreciates their rights only so that they may abuse them, it kills that much more of America. Or wherever the **** you're from. But that's an argument for a later date. As an articulate, verbiose, opinionated and outspoken person I really must say that anyone that purposely butchers a language so grand as to have seen such great works as Shakespeare's plays, Byron's poetry, the oration of Lincoln, the Magna Charta, and our beloved and vaunted Constitution (as well as perhaps Benjamin Franklin's clever justification of his love for prostitutes) written in her sparkling form should be beaten with long metal rods and be forced to listen to a constant barrage of earsplitting J-pop slowed down to 12 beats per minute, just to see what the agony of hearing them speak is like. If you purposely and repeatedly abuse your right to Free Speech so graciously granted to you (It's really less of a right and more of a privilege), you devalue the virtue it stands for and only end up harming yourself because you destroy the likelihood that anything you say will actually be listened to or mean anything, thus obliterating any reason you might have had to require the right in the first place. Then again, I always like to present both sides just for the sake of argument. In response to reading an official document in which sentences were ended with prepositions and dangling participles, Winston Churchill wrote in the margin, "This is the sort of pedantry up with which I will not put." This, most ironically, is the sort of clever and deep wordplay which the English language is meant to produce.
  9. I was once mining and said somehting to the tune of "Pretty funny, eh?" It turns out you can't say ", eh?" I have no clue why comma, space, E, H, question mark would be blocked. I have realized that some word components are not blocked in certain situations. You can say 'barbarians,' but if you say 'blarblarians,' the latter half of the word is blocked despite being the same as it was in 'barbarians,' which is not blocked in any way.
  10. I can't really say that I would have done the same thing. It's not scamming because you're not tricking anybody. Their lack of knowledge is their own liability, not something you maliciously set out to **** them with. he made the offer, after all. That said, I think it took major restraint on your part to not give in to a very understandable temptation. enjoy your profit, and pat yourself on the back.
  11. Well, I'll tell you something about me and Triumvir: Despite knowing full well what our titles mean, I can almost guarantee that there is neither an empire in our control or anyone else fulfiling any sort of leadership in them. Which begs the question once again, what the **** was I thinking at the time?
  12. Crafting without doubt. Curse you, jagex!! I'll give you anything to have a gem rock area in the mining guild or somthing! Well, anyhting except my money or my model ship. :roll:
  13. I have never and most likely never will see another character whose name is a variation of 'Duumvir.' Heck, most anybody I ask has never heard the word before. (It's from ancient Rome, when the empire split into east and west, with one emperor over either side, a government called a duumvirate. Either leader of a duumvirate is a duumvir.)
  14. Two hundred, thirty-two people. They 'can't be wrong?' Simple-minded crowd cohesion like that is why cults form. Jim Jones had a wholelot of people following him, a lot more than 232. just something to ponder. There is a definite discrepancy here. A task being difficult and a task being needlessly inconvenient thorugh poor design are very different things. It sounds to me that a few people who think that a task they find difficult should be changed so that they can get their money for nothing and thir chicks for free. By the same logic they are using, their should be twice as many lessers in Karamja Dungeon so I won't have to deal with mages, rangers, and people with fast weapons getting the kill, or that there should be Greater Demons outside the wilderness so that pkers won't bother me. Pathetic. The server population/ore genesis time relation goes a long way to eliminate too much unfairness form a few high-level players, especially for coal in the mining guild. When I first got in the mining guild, it was like I had died and gone to heaven, except I kept my stuff and there were sweaty teamsters there. Or something. I was greateful for the opportunity and I haven't had a problem with coal ever since. This is just a case of a few people with a false sense of entitlement looking for a handout and raising Cain. There are two hundred, thirty-two people who can kiss my So, that's difficulty. What's inconvenience? If it weren't for that **** tree, I could get seven mithril each cycle rather than five on Crandor. Bugger!
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