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Everything posted by Lacarnaya

  1. IT WORKS! For me atleast. My first freaky forester! Yay! Thanks! \ \
  2. IT WORKS! For me atleast. My first freaky forester! Yay! Thanks! \ \
  3. It is the ULTIMATE merchanting challenge. An egg into a partyhat set. Are you game enough? :-$
  4. ( | | ) (^.^) Bunny (")(") Rabbit (0)(0) Rocks
  5. It sounds simple and easy, but something about it doesn't seem right....
  6. How completely off topic.
  7. Nothing like making magic that much easier... We already have up to 2 elements (for members) in an infinite amount, shouldn't that satisfy your thirst for colored rocks?
  8. Yeah... Go to lumbridge and tell the story of the three little pigs. I have.
  9. Maybe a price range? Hat, top, and bottom seperately?
  10. A harmless ball of yarn?? OR A DEADLY STRANGLING CORD?! On topic: Yeah I gotta agree... its a slightly extreme idea for autoers. Nice try though.
  11. "phr33 st00f pl0x 0r i h4x0rz u nubzorz lawl i pwnzorz u irl" Duuuuuuuh \
  12. For number 1: The other man drank it slower, so the ice melted releasing the poison and he died. The survivor drank quicker.
  13. The rules are simple. The one who first answers correctly gets to ask the next riddle. Please, I want real riddles. What can go up the chimney when its down, but not down the chimney when its up?
  14. I like pig intestines, they are very chewey... then again I'm not caucasian. So we want friend rice? Tempura? Pot stickers? Apparently you want to add some Japanese sage to teach you how to cook. Sounds insane, and JaGeX won't buy.
  15. It's only the MAJORITY of the 9 year olds... Not all of them. And Jagex has that age limit because of the law I think, not for actual gaming reasons.
  16. 0/10 Never EVER EVER seen you or your other account before.
  17. Wow, were you like intoxicated when that was written? Cause if you read the whole thread, you're wrong... srry i wont be able to maake it . also u seem to act less mature the longer this thread lives. "were u intoxicated when you wrote that?" grow up. just because you have a b day doesnt mean every1 will drop everything theyre doing and come. most ppl could care less actually. (shocking, i know, but the world actually doesnt revolve around u.) What? I was merely retaliating by showing that people did care. Did I ever point out EVERYBODY will just IMMEDIATELY come no matter what? You are the one who seems less mature, unable to spell you, sorry, everyone, etc and capitalize correctly :roll: Wow, you sound intoxicated too, cause I'm not implying in any way the world revolves around me ;) Yeah man. Hazard wasn't trying to imply that everyone should come to his super hap-hap-happy party. He was simply stating that some people did care, which can be seen by the vast amount of "Happy birthday" posts. I hope you aren't steryotyping his age... Because 13 and under are still as good as anyone else. It's like saying that a seed is completely inferior to the plant, they both hold the same value in the end.
  18. My rsn is Arthistis. What's the first thing that comes to mind?
  19. The only thing that I do not suffer from that you have spoken of, is giving myself headaches, which may be caused by other things... :)
  20. Dude, it's ok to MAGE Elvarg, I dunno about range since you can't have the shield. The point of maging Elvarg is probably if you dont have very good strength or attack. I fire bolted Elvarg and he went dooooooown. Bring alot of food though... I'm sure you can do it fine.
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