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UA (Unor & Allies) vs. Silent Doom


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UA vs. Silent Doom




UA Leader - Bookgeek lvl 76




Silent Doom Leader - N1te4 and Mr Squirlz (he cheated by bringing 2 accounts to battle)




Victor: UA




When: March 9th, 8:00pm eastern




Where: Chaos Dwarves Camp




What happened: The UA (Unor & Allies) grouped at Unor's Central HQ and prepared for war. A few of our Allies we're running very late and we couldn't be late to the battle field. So we headed on in and was forced to change worlds to find enemy. We then found the enemy and charged in. A small group of us piled on N1te4 and he ran, like a noob, south and tried to escape wildy - he died \' . Then his second account that was placed at the battle grounds logged on. We ran north and piled on him (mr squirlz). Squirlz immediately ran south and either died or teleported (Might i add it was N1/squirlz own rule that no running or teleporting was aloud). After the Silent Doom Troops scattered they regrouped and returned to my dancing army at th battl grounds. and yet again we destroyed them and made them run....pure ownage.








Thank you to: Milto Deci, Heretic Revolution, Rs Jedi, and all our Friends for helping us in this war!!! They were all apart of the UA.


























Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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and a good battle it was. Im pretty sure I got their leaders armour and rune scimitar... how I the second lowest level person their besides Book Geek got that Kill I have no idea. at any rate it was a good fight over all... except the way the enemy leader ran that was disgracefull. it probaly hastend there defeat as well.








Book Geek you said something about posting the battle on u tube and I think you took a few screenshots. I look forwards to seing them. im the one saying Militos Deci if you got me in the picture. we (unorclan and Allies) pulled around 40 opts I think. as to whearther or not we where in the wild at the time I have forgotten so I cant give you a reliable count of how many of us where their. but it was a fair ammount. I only regret the enemy had returned when I was heading to falladore to give the armour to my fallen Page. had I been there when they returned I would of given them a rather warm welcome.








but it seems Unor clan and allies did a fine job dispite the confusion from the retreet and counter attack.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Yes, we will most likely be having a re-match. I also have some pics but they are not very good, so I'll get the video up and running ASAP








EDIT- Pictures....as you can see they are NOT very good. The one with us owning n1te4 was WAY far south out of the battle grounds. Also the pictures of us walking to war everyone was follow 1 person so thats why it looks like theres not many of us. as bufo said, we had about 25-35 come but not all were in 1 unit.


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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I'd like to ask, why it was around 4 clans on one? And then you blame them for cheating. Not to turn this into a flame fest, but I know that you guys only have 9 members. Instead of having 4 allies helping you in a war, have it be a 9 vs. 9 war or something of the sort.

Remember, you came into this world with nothing, what makes you think you're going to leave it with anything?



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I'd also like to point out this little tid bit:
















The fact that they need allies to depend on in a war is well to say the very least pathetic. I hate nooby clans such as these. Don't brag about a rigged war. it's horrible sportsmanship.








Read towards the bottom and you'll see it.

Remember, you came into this world with nothing, what makes you think you're going to leave it with anything?



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I'd also like to point out this little tid bit:
















The fact that they need allies to depend on in a war is well to say the very least pathetic. I hate nooby clans such as these. Don't brag about a rigged war. it's horrible sportsmanship.








Read towards the bottom and you'll see it.








Maybe they just wanted a war with allies..


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first of all, it was the enemy clan who said bring allies and they acted like they had all these huge strong allies so I said we'd bring ours. It was, in the beginning, a 10vs.10 (we had about 13 members at that time) then they declared all-out war.




so get your facts straight before you start talking cuz it'll make you look stupid later on. and stay off my forums. =;


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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Good battle. One suggestion, though. You might want to crop the pictures so they don't take up so much space and they look better overall. I don't know about you but the whole computer screen really isn't necessary.








Just a suggestion :thumbsup: . On the other hand, Great job!

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You never mentioned ANYWHERE that they used allies in the war. You simply stated that it was UA Vs. silentdoom. If you give me any proof that they stated that you could have allies in that war, i will rest my case.

Remember, you came into this world with nothing, what makes you think you're going to leave it with anything?



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you have a "case"? ok w/e




yeah well unforunately i didn;t think "hey i'll go take of pic of this guy saying he's gonna use allies because theres gonna be one guy on tip.it who claims were a bunch of noobs for bringing allies to the war"




yeah i seriously should of thought of that -.-




He actually now claims (the enemy leader) that his clan would of won if, as he said it, one of my "clan members" told him we decided no allies alloud (which is a bunch of you know what). not to mention the person he called my "clan member" wasn't even in my clan! <.<


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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